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The next Financial Hurricane

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1 The next Financial Hurricane
What can complex networks teach us about financial fragility and systemic risk? Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Society Bath, 08/03/17 Antonio Cabrales University College London

2 Structure of presentation
Introduction Causes of financial crises The financial system as a complex network How to manage risk sharing versus contagion Concluding comments

3 I. Introduction Financial crises arise when some financial institutions or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value. There are a number of different types of crises: Banking crises (runs or related difficulties). Speculative bubbles and crashes (stock markets, real estate) Currency crises; isolated crises and contagion. Systemic crises: a large number of institutions or assets behave in a non-sustainable way.

4 Consequences of systemic crises
Peak to trough measures (Reinhard and Rogoff 2009) Real house prices: average fall 35.5 percent, average duration 6 years. Real equity prices: average fall 55.9 percent, average duration 3.4 years. Real per capita GDP: average fall 9.3 percent, average duration 1.9. Unemployment: average rise 7 percent, average duration 4.8 years. Increase in public debt (3 years after a banking crisis) : average rise 86 percent.

5 II. Why do financial crises occur. II
II. Why do financial crises occur? II.1 Financial markets are naturally fragile Intermediation of funds creates asset-liability mismatches Banks provide liquidity to depositors as the timing of use of funds is uncertain Banks earn by lending to illiquid long-term investments Asset-liability mismatch can lead to bank runs These can be a self-fulling prophecy: depositors/lenders withdraw in response to (expected) withdrawals by others. Investors choices are strategic complements: incentives to coordinate decisions => strategic complementarity

6 Imperfect knowledge and limitations in human reasoning:
II.2 Amplifying factors Imperfect knowledge and limitations in human reasoning: Overestimated assets values. Learning and herding lead to more volatility. High leverage contributes to financial crises. If funds are borrowed to invest more, then potential gains increased but also potential losses. Moreover, bankcruptcy risk arises => contagion and increased systemic risk. Regulatory failures Movement of liabilities off balance sheets via securization. CDS and other OTC markets non-transparent. Basel II led to procyclicality. Outright fraud (Madoff case).

7 II.3 Trade-offs: risk sharing versus contagion
Financial systems have important trade-offs: Deeper intermediation and markets improve allocation of resources and of risks. Imperfect information creates liquidity problems when confidence is lost. Asymmetric information creates incentives that contribute to adverse outcomes (moral hazard, adverse selection). Possibility of bad outcomes from asset-liability mismatches that become sour.

8 III. The financial sector as a complex network
A complex network is a set of relationships (links) between entities (nodes). It can be represented graphically, or analytically, aij = the strength of exposure of entity i to j. In our case, entities are firms, relationships are financial exposures to one another.

9 III. The financial sector as a complex network
A bank fails if liabilities exceed her capital plus net revenues, typically because net revenues become very small or negative as investments do not pay or have losses. Alexei Karas, Gleb Lanine, Koen Schoors

10 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Analytical results Numerical extension Empirical context

11 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
$ $+2% XX $ $+4%

12 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Diversification 7 6 8 $ $+2% XX XX $ $+1%

13 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Contagion 7 6 8 $ $+2% XX XX $ $-98%

14 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Link density Modularity Size and distribution heterogeneity Degree heterogeneity

15 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Size distribution Target Small tailed, α >1 Biggest firm Most connected Random Fat tailed, α <1 log10(shock size)

16 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Analytical results Cabrales A, Gottardi P & Vega-Redondo F (2017) Risk-sharing and contagion in networks.

17 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Analytical results (Cabrales et al. 2017) Modularity < > + Intermediate Group Size

18 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Analytical results (Cabrales et al. 2017) Density > = + <

19 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Analytical results (Cabrales et al. 2017) Distribution-Heterogeneity With With Never Intermediate – separate investment-commercial banks

20 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Take home message from analytics The standard approach of stress test is flawed. Looks at one big shock, whole distribution matters. Some general results on exactly what matters. Historical shocks to know what Works. Regulation can sometimes distort the optimal choice. E.g. protection to commercial Banks makes Investment want to join. Banks become too “embroiled” because “too connected to fail.

21 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Link density Modularity Capital requirements Size heterogeneity Degree heterogeneity

22 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Numerical extension Loepfe, L., Cabrales, A., & Sánchez, A. (2013). Towards a proper assignment of systemic risk: the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics. PloS one, 8(10), e77526.

23 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Modularity Random Mean defaults Degree Size

24 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Connectivity Random Mean defaults Degree Size

25 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Modularity Connectivity

26 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Degree heterogeneity Random Mean defaults Degree Size

27 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Size heterogeneity Random Mean defaults Degree Size

28 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Capital requirements Random Mean defaults Degree Size

29 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Capital requierments

30 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Capital requirerments Monte Carlo Simulations

31 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics

32 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Standarized Regression Coefficients

33 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics

34 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Pure small tailed 4% fat tailed

35 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics

36 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Empirical context We thank Stefania Vitali and Stefano Battiston for sharing the Orbis data on corporate ownership.

37 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
global banking network Hale 2012 Connectivity

38 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
corporate ownership network (core) random Highest betweenness

39 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Conclusions trade-off between diversification and contagion, need to know whole distribution. transition from safe to risky regimes can be very sharp small fraction of large shocks enough to change optimal configuration. policies should target not only the firms, but also the links between them and whole structure/system. the tools we surveyed can be used systematically.

40 the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
Thank you for your attention

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