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Washington Crossing Council Mandatory Training Policy

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1 Washington Crossing Council Mandatory Training Policy
May 2016 Program Summit Chris Finnegan

2 Training is now Mandatory
Direct Contact Leaders Packs: Tiger Cub Den Leaders, Cub Scout Den Leaders, Webelos Den Leaders, Cubmasters, and Assistant Cubmasters. Troops: Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters Crews: Venturing Crew Advisors and Associate Crew Advisors District & Council: Merit Badge Counsellors

3 Phased-in Implementation – Phase I
Now (effective April 1, 2016) ALL new leaders (Never had a BSA ID before) MUST take the training for their prospective registered position IMMEDIATELY to be listed on the Unit charter. ALL New Units (Never Chartered Before) MUST have 100% of their registered leaders trained for their positions in order to Charter. District Training Committees monitor.

4 Phase II June 1, 2016 Existing Units must have 100% of Leaders who are new to their position trained within 6 months of assuming the new position, to be carried on the charter. Example: A Registered Webelos Leader crosses to a troop with his son. He/She MUST be Trained for his/her new position within 6 months to be placed on the Troop Charter. District Training Committees Monitor.

5 Phase III January 1, 2018 100% of All Direct contact leaders shall be trained for their positon by January 1, 2018. Adults Leaders MUST complete the required basic leader training for their position by December 31, 2017.

6 Consequences? Failure to become trained will result in being dropped* from the unit charter. “Dropped” is defined as being removed from the unit charter and a new Adult application will need to be submitted, to reinstate your BSA registration.

7 Pack Training Requirements
CUBMASTERS, ASST. CUBMASTERS, TIGER LEADERS, DEN LEADERS, WEBELOS LEADERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS “Youth Protection” AND “Cub Scout Leader Position-Specific Training” (For your position) All available online or in person

8 Troop Training Requirements
SCOUTMASTERS and ASSISTANTS “Youth Protection” AND “Scoutmaster and Asst. Scoutmaster Leader-Specific Training” AND “Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills” Note – Assistant Scoutmasters who are only have to have the YP Training requirement met to continue as a leader, until they turn 21. TROOP COMMITTEE MEMBERS “Youth Protection” AND “Troop Committee Challenge”

9 Crew Training Requirements
CREW ADVISORS, ASSOCIATES, AND COMMITTEE CHAIRS “Venturing Youth Protection” AND “Venturing Leader Specific Training” All Available Online **If the Crew does overnight outdoor program, Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) is also a Requirement.

10 Merit Badge Counselor Training Requirements
“Youth Protection” AND Merit Badge Counselor Orientation

11 The Future? After January 1, 2018:
ALL Registered Leaders to be required to be fully trained for their registered positions. Not just Direct Contact leaders. Cub Scout and Venturing training is now online Scoutmaster Specific to be available online soon.

12 The Future? – Cont’d Merit Badge counselor training to be rolled out online soon. New Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) Syllabus JUST rolled out. Test outs strictly prohibited. Council Training Committee will meet the challenge.

13 Questions?

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