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Acne Control and Skin Care OCM-Oil Cleansing Method

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1 Acne Control and Skin Care OCM-Oil Cleansing Method
Pamela Gafford University of Phoenix EDTC 560 Janet Wright October 27, 2008 Start Lesson

2 How To Have Flawless Skin?
The first step to flawless skin, is never touch your face. Only touch when moisturizing your skin Never wear your hair in your face. The chemicals and products you wear on your hair may cause irritation. Buy a separate set of face towels to use only for drying your face. Never use the towel you bathe with to clean or dry your face. These towels should be switched out every 2-3 days. Change your pillow cases twice a week. Previous Next

3 Daily Cleansing Routine
Wash your hands and then use Ponds Clean sweep makeup remover wipes(Target, CVS, Walgreen). These wipes are not to be to cleanse the face totally, but to prepare the face to be cleansed before going to work or bed. Exfoliate: Acne free purifying cleanser and mix with Neutrogena extra gentle cleanser. Use two pumps of the Neutrogena extra gentle cleanser and a dime size drop of the acne free purifying cleanser. Rinse with warm water Tone: Witch Hazel or Neutrogena Toner Moisturize Previous Next

4 Why do you need to deep clean your skin?
Clear, glowing, dewy-looking skin, free of blackheads, pimples, cysts, and other imperfections seems to be an elusive goal. The booming skin care industry would have you believe the same with their claims of the need to rid your skin of oil completely and apply burning chemicals in order to avoid these imperfections. Previous Next

5 OCM-Oil Cleansing Method
The basic concept of this skin care and cleansing method is that the oil used to massage your skin will dissolve the oil that has hardened with impurities and found itself stuck in your pores. The steam will open your pores, allowing the oil to be easily removed. Should you need it, the smallest drop of the same oil formula patted over damp skin will provide the necessary lubrication to keep your skin from over-compensating in oil production. Previous Next

6 What Is Needed to OCM A small plastic empty squeeze container or jar [you can find this in the travel/miniatures section at your local drugstore or discount store.] Castor Oil [can be found at your local drugstore or grocery store.] A Cutting Oil [I use Olive Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil, you can also use Safflower Oil or something similar.] A funnel [if the lip of your empty container is small.] A measuring spoon or cup [if you feel you cannot eyeball your measurements.] A clean wash cloth. HOT water. Time. Previous Next

7 Instruction on how to OCM
Turn on the hot water to allow it to warm up for the steam cleaning. Wash your hands. On a dry, unclean face, generously apply a half dollar sized amount of the castor oil recipe. [OCM Recipe for oily/combination skin: One part castor oil to two parts cutting oil; in this case, olive oil. Use more castor oil if your skin is drier--up to ] Gently massage the oil into your face. I concentrate on my t-zone and my eyes [to get that stubborn waterproof mascara and eyeliner off.] Sometimes I let it sit on my face for 5-10 minutes before the next step. Soak the towel in the hot water, then quickly apply it to your face. Hold it on your face until it starts to cool. Do not rub, just allow the steam to penetrate your skin and pores. Repeat until you feel that your face is clean. I often do this up to 6 or 7 times. **NOTE: The water is hot, not scalding.** You do not need to cleanse your face after the steaming. Next Previous

8 My Routine Next Previous
OCM Twice a week: Apply a clay mask with Benzyl Peroxide for minutes and rinse. Tone. [I use witch hazel.] Medicate. [I used Neutrogena's On The Spot Acne Ointment all over my face every evening.] Moisturize. [I use 50% Oil of Olay all day moisturizer and 50% Emu Oil.] Previous Next

9 If you have 30 mins. You can do your own
facials at home. Previous Next

10 How to do a home facial Boil 4-6 cups of water in a large pot [Dutch oven will work.] or if you have a facial steamer use that. Boil the water for several minutes, then reduce the heat and let it sit a few minutes. [No longer than 10 minutes.] You can add a few tea bags [2-6] or essential oils to the water as it heats. Try different herbs or combinations of herbs and oils for the most benefit depending on your skin type. [NOTE: do not add oils directly to the water in your home steamer as this may cause clogs and break your machine. You can add the oil to a towel or cotton pad and hold it near your face.] Previous Next

11 Oils to use for the home facial
For combination to oily skin: lavender oil, rosemary leaves, basil leaves and witch hazel bark can be used to clear the skin of harmful bacteria and impurities. For dry skin: rosewater, chamomile tea and jasmine will help sooth and not irritate the skin. For sensitive skin: distilled water, rose petals or rosewater will not irritate the skin usually. Previous Next

12 Facial Instructions Wash your face as usual.
Exfoliate your skin using an exfoliating pad, an electric toothbrush, a cleansers with microbeads, or a face towel or sponge. Move the pot [or turn your steamer off] to the location where you want to do the steaming. Lean over the pot with a towel over your head to preserve the steam. [If it hurts or stings, it's too hot, wait 2 more minutes and try again.] Steam for about 15 minutes, no longer. Previous Next

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