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Welcome to Business At the end of the Induction you should have some idea about the GCE A Level in Business Studies. What the content of the course includes.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Business At the end of the Induction you should have some idea about the GCE A Level in Business Studies. What the content of the course includes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Business At the end of the Induction you should have some idea about the GCE A Level in Business Studies. What the content of the course includes. How you will be assessed. What you need to do to be successful.

2 Why opt for a Business course?
None of our courses train you for any specific job, but which ever one you choose it will give you very good knowledge and understanding about how businesses operate and all courses will help you to develop relevant employment skills. You will all work in a business one day or even run your own business so it’s a relevant to your future choices.

3 Progression Routes The GCE A Level provides you with the skills , knowledge and understanding to progress into: Higher Education, such as university where you can study a Business related course such as Business Management, Marketing , Business and Finance /Accounting andHuman Resource management. An Apprenticeship in any business where your knowledge and skills will put you at an advantage. A Job in an office, shop, reception; Administration; Accounts, Sales, Customer service, Marketing or Human Resources.

4 Course Structure GCE Business Studies
There are 4 themes for Level 3 Advanced GCE, equivalent to 1 A Level, Graded A*-E Theme 1 Marketing and People Theme 2 Managing business activities. Theme 3 Business decisions and strategy Theme 4 Global Business here are 3 external examinations taken in your final year of study.

5 Overview of Business content
Theme 1 Theme 2 Meeting customer needs The market Marketing mix and strategy. Managing people Entrepreneurs and leaders Raising Finance Financial Planning Managing Finance People Resource management External influences

6 Overview of Business content
Theme 3 Theme 4 Business objectives and strategy. Business growth Decision making techniques. Influences on business decisions Assessing competiveness Managing change Globalisation Global markets and business expansion Global Marketing Multinationals

7 Assessment of GCE Assessment is all examination
In Yr 12 you will take two exams to enable you to gain an AS if you preferred. Theme 1 & Theme 2 will be studied. In Yr 13 You will take three exams to enable you to achieve the full A level, some of the content would have been studied in Yr 12 and tested in Yr 13.

8 What do you need to be successful?
Attend lessons Attitude –the right one. Co-operation and participation, determination to do your best Good organisation, effective use of independent study time. Effective listening skills Research and independent learning skills Complete work to deadlines

9 But specifically take responsibility for your own learning
Know your target grades Know what you have to do to achieve these or better. In all courses you will be assessed on quality of written communication so writing should be legible, spelling, grammar and punctuation accurate. You should select an appropriate format to organise information and use business language.

10 Organisation We suggest that all your work and class notes are filed in a ring binder. One for each Unit or alternatively card dividers for each Unit. For examination units we will give you an A4 book as it this helps to keep everything in order. Lesson notes and hand outs can be temporarily put in an envelope folder but should be filed each week or you may prefer a note pad or A4 book. Home work activities are given to help you develop your knowledge and understanding and should be completed on time and thoroughly. They prepare you for assessment.

11 Independent learning Skills
Always check that you know what you are learning and why you are learning it. Learn techniques to help you develop your thinking skills such as learning the meaning of KEY WORDS such as describe; identify; analyse; justify; evaluate. Wider reading or taking notice of issues affecting the economy and businesses will help you to develop your knowledge and understanding of Business studies and see the relevance of what we are teaching you.

12 Taster into Economics

13 The economy The economy is the business environment in which consumer spending affects success and failures of business, which in turn affect wages which in turn again affects consumer spending. The economy is almost the worth of the business environment and of the country.

14 The economic climate This is greatly affected by confidence.
Also negatively affected by the opposite. Gloom can spread doom. The economic climate is affected by a few key areas: The business cycle Changes in inflation Changes in interest rates Changes in exchange rates Changes in government spending an taxation.

15 Lets go outside!

16 The business cycle

17 Copy and fill in the following table
Part of the cycle Characteristics Boom Wages: Consumer spending: Businesses are doing: Recession A recession only occurs when an economy is in negative for two quarters in a row.

18 The economy is measured through GDP. Gross domestic product
The economy is measured through GDP. Gross domestic product. Ie the amount the country makes and sells.

19 Task Pick a product form the list below and produce a presentation on the affect a Boom and Recession would have on the sales of this product. You should also include some research into a company that has failed due to the recession, why did it fail? What attempts were made to save it?

20 You are going on holiday to the following places:
India China Australia US Singapore Investigate the exchange rates, and calculate the amount of that currency you will receive for £100

21 How much would you have got in each currency pre Brexit?
What is the impact of Brexit so far? What does this men for consumers? What does it mean for businesses?

22 Plenary What affects would a recession in the economy have on a business such as Sainsbury’s? (10) Definition Application Analysis Evaluation

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