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The Power of Capacity Building in Water Resources

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1 The Power of Capacity Building in Water Resources
Pierre Y. Julien Colorado State University KIWW, Daegu, South Korea Oct. 20, 2016

2 The Power of Capacity Building in Water Resources
The Need for Capacity Building Many national and local institutions, responsible for water management and water delivery do not work efficiently or effectively. Contributing factors include: Inappropriate policies for water management and unclear definition of institutional mandates Lack of resources (inadequate funding and human resources) Working in an environment that inhibits job satisfaction Inadequate education and training facilities Lack of participation and commitment from communities and customers Need to adapt policies to new circumstances and challenges. Need to build capacity in the water sector.

3 Sustainable water sector
The Power of Capacity Building in Water Resources Basic Elements Definition (UNDP, 2009 / UNESCO, 2005) “The process through which individuals, organizations and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time” Basic elements (Delft Declaration, 1991) Human Resources Development (HRD) and strengthening of managerial systems Institutional development including community participation Creating an enabling environment with appropriate policy and legal framework 텍스트를 입력해 주세요★★★★★★★★ 내용을 입력해 주세요★★★★★★ 텍스트를 입력해 주세요★★★★★ 텍스트를 입력해 주세요★★★★★★★★★★ Emphasis on “vertical” capacity building within an individual water sector and “horizontal” between sectors. It recognizes capacity building as a long term and continuing process involving all stake-holders UNDP’s program for Sustainable water sector

4 Water Resources Management
Levels of Capacity Action Problems and Issues Flood Control and Dam Safety Navigation and Transportation Water Supply Irrigation and Drainage Water Quality Aquatic Habitat International Major Stakeholders Federal Agencies State Agencies Counties and Districts Cities and Towns Private Sector/Companies Public Laws and Regulations International Treaties Water Delivery Compacts Water Rights Clean Water Act Endangered Species Act National Institutional Legal

5 Water Resources Management
Urban drainage Disaster Prevention Climate change Irrigation Industrial water use Dam & Reservoir Desalination Navigation Waterfront property Tourism Recreation Boating ③Recreation Aquatic habitat Mine Recla-mation Environmental flows Ecosystems Endangered species Smart Water Low Impact Development River Restoration Resilience Sustainability Water issues ⑤Emerging Hydrology Flood Control ①Natural Hazards Water supply Hydropower ②Water uses & services quality ④Natural environment Water Resources

6 The Power of Capacity Building in Water Resources
Reaching out Institutional visibility Recognition Contribute to society Impact on society Train students for job market Hire smart people Would need skilled workforce Time to develop new technologies Bottom Up Need to reach out Need to reach out to private sector Need to keep learning Attract top students Too many meetings Too busy teaching No time to waste Only need fundamental research Wait until tomorrow No money to get started Too many problems right now Top Down Institution Academia

7 Director, ABC Institute Professor, DEF University
The Power of Capacity Building in Water Resources Collaboration Joint press conference Serve on review boards Prepare joint reports/publications Serve on review panel Serve on joint committee Dr. Juliet Director, ABC Institute Hire a student Dr. Romeo Professor, DEF University Speaker at workshop/conference Invite for Seminar / Shortcourse Send Student Visit University Visit Institution

8 The Power of Capacity Building in Water Resources


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