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Masters of English.

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Presentation on theme: "Masters of English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Masters of English

2 The interesting fact Every sixth person on this planet speaks English.
Hey, man! What’s up?

3 Tongue twisters She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.
The shells she sells are sea-shells, I'm sure.

4 Tongue twisters Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

5 The most difficult tongue twister
Sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick. Больна шестая овца больного шестого шейха.

6 The interesting fact Balalaika, bistro, bliny, taiga, tsar, ruble, samovar, sputnik, troika, duma, dacha are Russian worlds in English.

7 White words which sound in English same as in Russian
For example: Method – метод Sketch – скетч (набросок) Shopping – шоппинг Tour - тур

8 Complete the words bition erpiece mmodation inicum lligent onette
rtisment aordinary tification strian Extr

9 Complete the words mmodation lligent onette rtisment erpiece aordinary
tification strian bition inicum Acco

10 Complete the words erpiece tification aordinary strian bition Inicum
mmodation lligent onette rtisment Adve

11 Complete the words erpiece strian lligent onette tification bition
Inicum aordinary mmodation rtisment Iden

12 Complete the words bition erpiece mmodation inicum lligent onette
rtisment aordinary tification strian Pede

13 Complete the words mmodation lligent onette rtisment erpiece aordinary
tification strian bition inicum Exhi

14 Complete the words Inicum tification onette lligent rtisment strian
bition erpiece mmodation aordinary Mari

15 Complete the words bition erpiece mmodation inicum onette rtisment
aordinary lligent tification strian Inte

16 The interesting fact There are no rhymes to words orange, month, purple in English.

17 “The most important part is, how you pronounce the word you want to rhyme” - Eminem

18 Orange Courage - бесстрашие College - колледж Porridge - каша
Core age - ударный возраст Storage - кладовка Four-inch - четыре дюйма Door hinge - дверная петля

19 Month Suns - солнца Dance - танцевать Chance - шанс He runs - он бежит
France - Франция

20 Purple Burble – бормотать Gerbille – песчанка (грызун) Verbal – устный
Herbal – травяной

21 Find as many rhymes as you can

22 Make up a poem

23 The interesting fact Indivisibility неделимость единство

24 Don’t just look, also listen
B – be, bee
 C –  see, sea O –  owe, oh Y – why 2 (two) – to 
 4 (four) – for

25 Don’t just look, also listen
I love U 4-rever! Y R U so sad? Come 2 my T-party. T 4 2. Can U do S me? C U L8R! I love you forever! Why are you so sad? Came to my tea-party. Tea for two. Can you do as me? See you later!

26 The interesting fact The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

27 Quiz

28 Which is the most common letter in English?

29 What country are ‘kimono’, ‘karate’ from?
China Portugal Japan Spain

30 What country are ‘opera’, ‘concerto’, ‘piano’ from?
Spain Portugal French Italy

31 Where do many computer terms come from?
USA Canada Great Britain Australia

32 What should you say in English if someone sneezes?
How is it going? Can I help you? You’re welcome Bless you!

33 The abbreviation BC stands for…
Before Christmas Before Christ Between Centuries Between Centres

34 The interesting fact God be with ye (you)!
Да пребудет с тобой Господь!

35 This presentation goes as a present to Margaret from student Denis.
Thank you! This presentation goes as a present to Margaret from student Denis.

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