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How many candies are there in my box?

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Presentation on theme: "How many candies are there in my box?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How many candies are there in my box?

2 Chapter 4 The world of numbers
Listening and Speaking

3 The oil costs ninety-eight point eight yuan.
Where can we see numbers in everyday life? 98.8 point The oil costs ninety-eight point eight yuan.

4 Your temperature is thirty-seven centigrade(摄氏) degree(度).
37℃ centigrade degree Your temperature is thirty-seven centigrade(摄氏) degree(度).

5 My home number is two five six one six eight nine seven.
My home number is two five six one six eight nine seven.

6 It’s nine past ten now.

7 The discount(折扣) is fifty percent.
50% a half The discount(折扣) is fifty percent.

8 Word Competition单词竞猜 度数 odd 奇数的 even 百分数 fraction 小数的 percentage 分数 decimal 偶数的 degree

9 a number showing degree
Which one of these is...? 1. 70 % 2. an even number a percentage 60° 3. 4. a number showing degree an odd number - 6. 0.7 5. a decimal number a fraction

10 A Now try a quiz about numbers
A Now try a quiz about numbers. Listen and draw a circle round the right answer. A B C.17 A B. 26% C.2/6 A.$ B. 75% C.75° A. 1/ B C. 33 A B C. 66 A. 90° B.90% C. 1/9 A B C A.1.8% B. 80% C.18% A. $5, B.$50, C. $15,000 A.30.5° B.13.5° C. 35°

11 Calculations Could you help him?
One of Mr. Li’s friends in Shanghai will have a birthday party. Mr. Li wants to buy a present and goes to meet him by plane. But he comes across(遇到) four mathematical difficulties(数学难题) on the way to his friends’ house. Could you help him?

12 In the Shopping Mall Formulas(算式): A. 100-(58+30)=12 B =188 C =72 Mr. Li wants to buy a book and a pen. The book costs 58 yuan, and the pen costs 30 yuan. He gives the seller 100 yuan. What is the change(找零)?

13 Going to the airport Formulas(算式): A. 7:58-30’=7:28 B. 7:58+30’=8:28 C. 7:58+30’=7:88 The flight(航班) for shanghai will leave in 30 minutes, and it’s 7:58(two to eight) now. When will the plane leave?

14 On the plane There is a girl sitting next to Mr. Li on the plane. Mr. Li is 178 cm tall. And the girl tells Mr. Li that he is 40 cm taller than her. Then how tall is the girl? A =218 B =138 Formulas(算式):

15 In friend’s house There are 12 pieces of cakes in Mr. Li’s house. They should be divided among 2 kids(小孩) and 4 other people. Then how many pieces of cakes each person can get? 12÷2+4=10 B. 12×(2+4)=2 C. 12÷(2+4)=2 Formulas(算式):

16 B listen to the conversations(对话) and write down the formulas(算式) and answers below the pictures.
1. 0.5×3+2=3.5 3. 8×4=32 4. 163+12=175 2. 50-23=27 5. 6:58+30’=7:28 6. 12÷4=3 Go to ppt 23

17 1. 0.5×3+2=3.5 1 GIRL I’d like to buy three pencils and one ballpoint pen(圆珠笔). How much are they? WOMAN yuan for one pencil and yuan for one ballpoint pen. QUESTION How much should the girl pay? Back

18 Back 2. 50-23=27 2 WOMAN Here is 50 yuan.
MAN That’s twenty three yuan for the book, and here is your change(找零). QUESTION What is the change? Back

19 3. 8×4=32 GIRL How many pieces of chocolate are there in the box? WOMAN Eight. GIRL I’d like to take four boxes. QUESTION How many pieces of chocolate does the girl want to buy? Back

20 Back 4. 163+12=175 4 BOY How tall are you? GIRL I am 163 cm tall.
BOY Well, I am 12 cm taller than you. QUESTION How tall is the boy? Back

21 5. 6:58+30’=7:28 5 WOMAN The flight(航班) for Beijing will leave in 30 minutes. MAN What’s the time now? WOMAN It’s two to seven(6:58). QUESTION When will the plane leave? Back

22 Back 6. 12÷4=3 6 MUM I bought twelve apples.
DAD Well, divide them among the four kids(小孩). QUESTION How many apples does each kid get? Back

23 Pair work There is a new grocery(杂货店) opened near our school. You want to have a look and buy something. Please work in pairs and make a dialogue. For example: A: Can I help you? B: Yes, I’d like to buy 2 notebooks. A: 1.5 yuan for one. B: So they cost 3 yuan. Here is 5 yuan. A: Thank you, and here is 2 yuan for the change.

24 a candy: ¥2 a notebook: ¥1.5 a pen: ¥10.5 a birthday card: ¥3 a ballpoint pen: ¥8 a rubber: ¥1.5 For example: A: Can I help you? B: Yes, I’d like to buy 2 notebooks. A: 1.5 yuan for one. B: So they cost 3 yuan. Here is 5 yuan. A: Thank you, and here is 2 yuan for the change.

25 Proverbs about numbers
Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration ——Thomas Edison 天才等于1%的智慧和99%的汗水。——爱迪生 A man is like a fraction whose numerator(分子) is what he is and whose denominator(分母) is what he thinks of himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction ——Leo Tolstoy 一个人就像一个分数,他的实际才能好比分子,而他对自己的估计好比分母,分母越大,分数值越小。——列夫·托尔斯泰

26 homework 1.Learn the following new words by heart: odd, even, decimal, fraction,degree, percentage, change, flight, kid. 2.Exercise book P43-44.

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