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Tuesday, May 24th RIGHT NOW bring me any homework that hasn’t been checked If you want to turn in your purple sheet now, put it in the basket under the.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, May 24th RIGHT NOW bring me any homework that hasn’t been checked If you want to turn in your purple sheet now, put it in the basket under the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, May 24th RIGHT NOW bring me any homework that hasn’t been checked If you want to turn in your purple sheet now, put it in the basket under the projector. You may also turn it in tomorrow. Double check that your name is on it!

2 Before we begin… With the other people at your table, discuss…
The part of this unit you feel MOST comfortable about The part of this unit you feel LEAST comfortable about One thing you hope to get out of today’s review

3 High/Low There’s no advantage to being first – talk to your team, make sure everyone understands You must rotate answer-writer Your team’s goal is to either create the LARGEST or the SMALLEST possible 9 digit number For each question your team gets correct, you get to pull a card With your team, decide which place value to make that card’s number You cannot play an ace (1) or 9 as the first spot in your number unless it’s your last or second to last card If you fill all 9 spaces, you can use the rest of your turns to replace any digits already in your number (no replacing until all 9 spots are filled)

4 List two units used for energy
Cal, joules, kCal

5 Name one endothermic phase change
Melting, boiling

6 Name one exothermic phase change
freezing, condensing

7 What is specific heat capacity?
Amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance 1 degree celsius

8 What are the units on specific heat capacity?
Cal/(g*degree Celsius)

9 A metal has a specific heat capacity of 0. 215
A metal has a specific heat capacity of If 455 calories are added 35 grams of this metal, how much will the temperature change? 60. Degrees celsius

10 A 50. gram cup of water at 35˚C releases 652 calories
A 50. gram cup of water at 35˚C releases 652 calories. What is the new temperature? 22 degrees celsius

11 A 15 gram potato chip is burned. As it burns, 150
A 15 gram potato chip is burned. As it burns, 150. grams of water increase from 22˚C to 35˚C. How many calories per gram are there in the potato chip? 130 cal/gram

12 A chemical reaction occurs in a beaker
A chemical reaction occurs in a beaker. The beaker feels warm to the touch. Is this endothermic or exothermic?

13 A 65 gram sample of water at 25˚C is mixed with a 35 gram sample of water at 55˚C. What is the final temperature? 36 degrees c

14 A 15 gram sample of metal at 150. ˚C is placed into 100
A 15 gram sample of metal at 150.˚C is placed into 100. grams of water at 22˚C. The final temperature is 31˚C. What is the specific heat capacity of the metal? 0.50 cal/g deg cel

15 When 14 grams of fuel is burned, 130. grams of water raises from 20
When 14 grams of fuel is burned, 130. grams of water raises from 20.˚C to 45˚C. How many calories per gram does the fuel provide? 230 cal/gram

16 How much energy is required to melt 15 grams of ice at 0˚C?
1200 cal

17 How much energy is required to melt 15 grams of water at 100.˚C?

18 30. grams of ice sits at -10.˚C. It is heated until it is steam at 120.˚C. How many calories were added?

19 A 45 gram sample of metal (specific heat capacity = 0. 113) at 120
A 45 gram sample of metal (specific heat capacity = 0.113) at 120.˚C is placed into 250. grams of water at 25˚C. What is the final temperature?

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