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National Conference on Agriculture Rabi Campaign - 2013
Group – IV Interventions to increase Oilseeds, Pulses production in different ecologies Group presentation of Andra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Tripura, Uttarakhand 25th Sept. 2013 Presented by Dr. N.D.R.K. Sarma, State Consultant (NFSM) Government of Andhra Pradesh
Productivity Enhancement and Increase of Production in pulses and Oilseeds
1.Cropping system approach. 2.Replacement of Varieties. 3.Weed management 4.Nutrition Management. 5.Pest and Disease Management 6.Farm Mechanization 7.Post harvest technology and 8. Capacity building
Strategy for increasing area under Pulses & Oilseeds
Fallow area to be covered under pulse crops Introduction of moong and urd bean before and after mustard & chickpea in irrigated condition. Intercropping of chickpea with sugarcane & mustard. Introduction of chickpea after cotton. Promotion of chickpea, urd and pea as utera in rice. Preparation of district wise micro level action plan at the field level for expanding the area of pulse and oilseed. 3
Increase of Area in Oilseeds
Introduction of Oilseeds in non traditional areas. Encouraging Intercropping Groundnut with Red gram Sunflower as catch crop in situations where water is available for shorter duration in rabi/summer season.
Critical Interventions to increase Oilseed & pulses Productivity and Production
Seed Replacement Ratio (SRR) be planned for different oil seed crops . Varietal Replacement Ratio (VRR): Replacement of old varieties with recently released varieties of less than 10 years Seed Rolling Plan for 12th Plan to be worked out and required quantities of breeder seed of different varieties be indented Strengthening of seed chain i.e, seed production programme from Purchase of Breeder seed to Foundation and Certified seed. Supply of quality certified seed of recommended potential genotypes (cultivar) for different farming situations. 5 Contd…
MP Success story : State Scenario of Total Pulses
Area Lakh ha. ,Production Lakh MT, Yield – Kg/ha Year Area % increase over 07-08 Production Productivity 43.98 - 26.74 - 608 * 46.37 5.43 37.1 38.74 800 31.58 47.95 9.03 41.34 54.60 862 41.78 * * 52.09 18.44 30.29 13.28 581 -4.44 47.59 8.21 37.18 39.04 781 28.45 53.23 21.03 50.41 88.52 947 55.76 (T) 57.95 31.76 65.63 145.44 1133 86.35 * Shortfall observed due to drought in 41 districts. * * Shortfall in yield during Rabi found due to frost in 37 districts. 6
Strategies for Seed Production
Strengthening of establishing Cooperative seed production societies to facilitate Beej Sangh. Linking farmers to the seed production channel by providing the breeder, foundation & certified seed at subsidized rate. Capacity building of the farmers by providing training. Strengthening of seed certification agency by developing infrastructure, recruitment of additional staff and 4 Seed Testing Laboratories. Developing storage, Transportation and Post harvest facilities. Bonus for seed producer farmers.
Critical Interventions to increase Oilseed & pulses Productivity and Production
Contd… Popularization of short duration varieties in water scarcity areas. Popularization Botrytis & Drought resistant varieties in Castor and wilt resistant varieties in Sunflower. Sowing through Multi crop planter for maintaining plant optimum population . Popularization of pre emergence weedicides for effective control of weeds. Effective use of water through sprinkler sets and water carrying pipes in low water availability areas. Capacity building : On farm training through FFS 8
Critical Interventions to increase Oilseed & pulses Productivity and Production
Contd… Adopting Dry Land Technology like Water Harvesting structures (Farm Ponds) for protective irrigation and effective utilization of water resources. Enhancing the Extension Reach NGOS’ by utilizing Press and Electronic media. Planning with Research back up by working in co-ordination with scientists, KVKs to extend timely guidance. Special emphasis on Information Technology by providing information online through AGRISNET.
Bidar Technology in Red Gram
Seedling Preparation : 3 to 4 weeks prior to monsoon Spacing : Heavy soils: 6 X 2 or 6 X 3 ft. Medium soils: 5X2 or 5X3 ft. Nipping : days after transplanting Escape mechanism for pest and moisture stress Early planting and Early harvest 40 % increase over normal yield.
Farm ponds for protective irrigations
Per farm pond area irrigated :- -Flood irrigation: ha. - Sprinklers : 2 – 2.25 ha. Rise in ground water level by Meter. Useful to irrigate at critical crop stage under dry spell Useful in saline tract of vidhrbha region of Maharashtra.
Farm Mechanization in Pulse village
Deep Ploughing Sangoshthi Raised-Bed Planter Spiral Grader Rotavator Raised-Bed Planting
Enhancement of Productivity Through INM and IPM
Seed treatment with fungicides and Bio agents. Popularization of Rhizobium culture application. Popularization of Phosphorus Soluble Bacteria. Adopt soil test based fertilizer recommendations and application of gypsum in irrigated groundnut crop for Ca ,and Sulphur requirement . Rectification of Micronutrient deficiency through application of ZnSO4,Boron. Maintenance of optimum plant population is a key factor to achieve higher yield. Pest monitoring and control through pheromone traps, Trichoderma cards. Training on identification of Pest/Disease and effective control through appropriate chemical and dosage. Parthenium eradication campaign may be taken up at appropriate time. 13
MP Success story
VILLAGE ACTION PLAN To take steps to prepare Village Action Plan with a view to converge Departmental Schemes by Identifying the Existing gaps at Village level. 1/3rd Villages to be identified for Convergence of the various extension programmes and other Departmental schemes. The major gaps identified in the last 2-3 seasons and appropriate interventions like: - Organisation of SVP where problems related to seed were noticed - Organizing Demonstrations under Organic farming where problematic soils have been noticed - ICM practices to be taken up where major Pests, Diseases outbreaks and indiscriminate use of pesticides were observed -
Enhancement of Productivity Through INM
Popularization of Rhizobium Culture Application Popularization of Phosphorus Soluble Bacteria Rectification of Micronutrient deficiency through application of ZnSo4,Boron and gypsum Enhancement of Productivity Through IPM Seed treatment fungicides and Bio agents Pest monitoring and control through pheromone traps, Trichograma cards for stem borer management. Training on identification of Pest/Disease and effective control through appropriate chemical and dosage.
Transfer of Technology (TOT)
Innovative system for transfer of technology to farmers every year by covering farmers in each district in cluster approach through joint mobilization of scientists of KVK & ATMA. Formation of Farmer's interest group to develop Farmers producer's organization for dissemination of technology, Seed production, Input arrangement and Marketing to increase production and productivity. To promote Pulses through Public Private Partnership in selected districts to achieve the production as well as value addition. Reform of Extension technologies through farm field school, training, demonstration, exchange programme through study tour, transfer of technology through Mobile SMS Developing every block office as Kisan Gyan Kendras to disseminate information to farmers free of cost through internet. Other activities: Field day, Kisan Sangosthi, Farmer's Scientist ineraction, Kisan Mela. Comunity Radio Station.
Proposed Interventions under Pulses production programme
Inclusion of Seed subsidy component : For Production and distribution of breeder and foundation seed. Seed Minikits : For promotion of new varieties. Water storage structures for protective irrigation – Farm ponds. Moisture conservation technology tools - BBF Planter, Ridge - Furrow planter Inclusion of ToF component. Creation of storage infrastructure. Value addition through post harvest technology. Market led extension.
In-situ Moisture Conservation through BBF
Cluster demonstrations on 8200 ha in Wardha district
Strategies for enhancing Pulse and Oilseed Production
Agronomic Practices Emphasis on 100% seed treatment with fungicide & Ammonium Molybdate (1g/kg in chickpea) . Production & distribution of quality seeds to increase SRR & VRR. Promoting the Resources Conservation Technologies (RCT) such as use of Zero Tillage Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill, Rotavator, Laser Land Leveler and furrow irrigated raised bed (FIRB) planting. Developing irrigation facilities to cover more area. Promotion of large scale Ridge Furrow in Soyberan and pulses. Promoting use of Sprinklers. Use of post emergence weedicides as per recommendation. Emphasis given on control measures for diseases, termites and rats. Encouraging line sowing in place of Broadcasting. Use of short duration varieties under Late sown condition Emphasis on water conservation, watershed management & sprinkler irrigation. Survey and surveillance for disease and insect pest. Diagnostic Team- Comprised of officials of State Department of Agriculture and Scientists.
Best Practices adopted by the States
Timely sowing with Seed Treatment. Increasing Seed Replacement Rate . Use of New varieties. Balanced & integrated use of fertilizer. Use of Zinc Sulphate in Zinc deficient soils. Application of Gypsum to meet out Sulphur deficiency. Promoting INM and IPM technology. Promoting application of FYM / Green manuring for improving soil health. Distribution of Soil Health Card to track soil health. Campaign for IIIrd crop (Moong) in command area.
Best Practices adopted by the States
Water management and augmentation of Ground Water. Promoting judicious use of irrigation through sprinkler . Farm ponds for life Saving irrigation. Frequent irrigation in case of abrupt rise in temperature. Establishment Farm Field School on large Scale. Conducting cluster demonstration on Production Technology. Emphasis on use of improved farm machinery. Resource conservation Technologies . Transfer of technology through Kisan Mitra . Cont..
Outcome of Surveillance and Monitoring of pest and disease CROPSAP Project
Through this project, pest incidence on Rice, Soybean, Cotton, Tur and Gram crops is scientifically and rigorously monitored on-line. Experts send advice on-line to Field Officers and advisory SMS are sent to farmers.
Agro advisory through SMS
Objectives: Timely, precise and location specific advisory to the farmers on crop management, crop health, Agro- metrology etc. Information to the farmers on important events and schemes. Advisory delivered in Marathi and English
e-Governance -2012 Gold Award winner project
Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project (CROPSAP)
Issues for Research Development of resistant variety for Helicoverpa in pulses Development of multiple disease resistant varieties in pulses Development of drought tolerance varieties in pulses Development of low/high temperature tolerant varieties of pigeonpea, chickpea, Lentil & pea. Development of water-logging to tolerant & extra early maturing Pigeonpea (varieties & hybrids) Development of short duration (60-65 days) YVM resistant varieties of mung/urd bean Development of bold seeded lentil varieties for export purpose Development of vascular wilt and sterility mosaic resistant Pigeon pea. Development of extra large seeded Kabuli Varieties of chickpea for export.
Specific Issues & Suggestions
Assistance on purchase of Breeder seed and production of foundation and certified seed should be provided. Shortage of disease resistant varieties of Gram & Lentil. Special programme on Kabuli gram production & procurement for export purpose. Assistance on the fertigation system for Gram crops Raising the subsidy on irrigation water saving devices up to 75%. 75% financial assistance should be provided to SC/ST & small Marginal farmers in GOI schemes. The minimum support price of chickpea and lentil fixed by the Government is less than the market price. The cultivation of these crops are very risky, thus provision of bonus on MSP by the Government may be initiated.
Specific issues and suggestions – NFSM Pulses
1) Subsidy component of breeder and certified seed production is deleted from This crucial component needs to be continued. 2) Subsidy norm for certified seed required to be revised as per prevailing seed cost Crop Cost of seed/kg Present norms Effective Subsidy on actual basis Pigeon pea 75 50% of the cost or Rs.1200 / Qtl (Old varieties) Rs.2200 / Qtl (New varieties) 16% 30 % Green gram 87 14% 25 % Black Gram 14 % Gram 90 15% Seed distribution subsidy 50% of the cost or Rs. 4000/Qtl whichever is less may be considered.
Issues - ISOPOM Phospo Gypsum contains heavy metals and traces of radioactive elements, which are unhealthy for soil, crops and human being . SSP & Bentonite Sulphate can be the alternative for gypsum 80 % WDG Sulphur was permitted only for trial purpose and it is also not included in FCO Subsidy norms need to be revised
Procurement of Pulses & Oilseeds
Poor procurement of Pulses and Oilseed. Effort for procurement of pulses & oilseed to be undertaken NAFED (Central Govt. Agency) to tie-up for procurement. District wise target for procurement of Pulses / Oilseed finalized on the basis of production. Dy. Commissioner of concerned district designated to oversees the procurement process. ATMA & other agencies to be involved for awareness programme for procurement. To discuss with DS
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