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Rice Data Interoperability Working Group Updates

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1 Rice Data Interoperability Working Group Updates
Pierre Larmande, IRD Shaik Meera, IIRR Ramil Mauleon, IRRI RDA9 Plenary 5 April 2017 In collaboration with GODAN

2 Rice Discussion Group (IGAD) 29th February 2016, Tokyo, Japan
12 people CGIAR (IRRI/Bioversity) Ramil P. Mauleon Elizabeth Arnaud India Devika Madalli Shaik N Meera Japan Emi Kameoka Takuji Kiura Akane takezaki Kento Nishibori Seishi Ninomiya Thailand Rathachai Chawuthai Suchada Ujjin Asanee Kawtrakul

3 Case statement accepted…

4 Rice Data Interoperability
Working Group Deliverables: A survey/report on the existing resources (vocabularies, ontologies, data formats, metadata standards). update : we have a draft survey Update: we have additional institute members (IRIC, Africarice, PhilRice) A cookbook intended for the Rice data managers community: guidelines on metadata, vocabularies and ontologies plus a decision tree based on data and metadata description recommendations and file format recommendations. Repository of controlled vocabularies and ontologies compliant with the Linked Data standards Update: we are linked to the CGIAR Big Data Platform ontology working group A prototype of Rice-specific data registry Update: we have a prototype data analysis workflow (Galaxy) publishing method using RDA Data Type Registry and RDA Persistent Identifier WG outputs Good practices/method(s) for digitization of rice legacy data

5 The methodology Surveys
Landscape of Rice related standards and their use by the community Comprehensive overview of Rice related ontologies and vocabularies Workshops Recommendations Mappings between different data formats Actions to conduct in order to improve the current level of Rice related data interoperability Define Interoperability use cases Implementation Interactive cookbook: recommendations + guidelines A repository of Rice related linked vocabularies Implement Interoperability use cases Prototype on Rice-specific data registry

6 Phenotype Data Experiments : RBD, Split, Factorial , Screening Genotypes for pests/diseases, POS, FLDs Disciplines: Plant Breeding, Agronomy, Soil Science, Physiology, Pathology, Entomology, FLDs Locations: Funded, Public, Private + Voluntary centers Parameters- Grain Yield, Plant Height, No. of Panicles, pest /disease intensity etc (Parameter list) Many parameters – tested across locations

7 Update - Vocabulary Which of the following vocabularies are you familiar with? AGROVOC Biorefinery CAB Thesaurus (CABT) Cell Ontology (CL) Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) Crop Ontology (CO) Crop Research Ontology – part of Crop Ontology (CO_715) Environment Ontology (ENVO) Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology (FALDO) NAL Thesaurus (NALT) Phenotype And Trait Ontology (PATO) Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology (Plant Environment Ontology, EO, may be changing to PECO) Plant Ontology (PO) Plant Trait Ontology (TO) Population and Community Ontology (PCO) Protein Ontology (PRO) Sequence Ontology (SO) Variation Ontology (VariO) Agronomy Ontology (CGIAR) – OBO Foundry

8 Update – Repositories Which of the following repository are you familiar with? RicePedia (CGIAR) : Wide range of Tools & Databases (IRRI): International Rice Informatics Consortium (IRIC): RiceVarMap (China) : Rice Genome & Genetics at South Green (France) : (Tropgene, OrygenesDB, Oryzatagline, Greenphyl, Rice Knowledge Management Portal (India): _ Rice databases at Japan: Oryzabase- ; QTARO - RiceGeneTresher (Thailand): Rice Diversity Project (USA) - Gramene (USA) -

9 Update - membership Join us ! INSTITUTIONS (10)
IRRI (CGIAR Center - CC) IRD (France) Bioversity (CC) NARO (Japan) IIRR (India) CIRAD (France) CIAT (CC) FAO of the UN INRA (France) PHILRICE (Philippines) IRIC – approved by Advisory Committee during PAGXXV CAAS (China) PEOPLE (18) Alexandre Guitton Devika Madalli Imma Subirats Coll N Meera Shaik Pierre Larmande Ramil Mauleon Sridhar Gutam Manuel Ruiz Laurel Cooper Elizabeth Arnaud Vessela Ensberg Giovanna Zappa Jeffrey Detras Muhammad Naveed Tahir Terry Lee Vassilis Protonotarios Xavier Greg I. Caguiat Ibnou Dieng Xuefu Zhang Join us !

10 IGAD 2017 pre-meeting updates on RDI activities / deliverables
Improve/expand membership remind everyone to register to RDI website (listed members) introduction letter to be sent to prospective members Set up a survey finish draft survey (D1) end of May (all in WG), we need to pattern our survey questions based on the outline of the proposed cookbook include AfricaRice and IRRI -- list of respondents: design of online survey form (web-based, on-line editing - ask Esther's help - May ) Open survey from June - Aug Work on the cookbook (D2) look at the template of cookbook from Wheat WG Use cases, FAQ contain other output deliverables (D3, D4, )

11 RDI activities / deliverables
Evaluation of a prototype on Rice specific data registry (D3) - End September (data – survey existing, eg. Dryad, CKAN/DKAN , Dataverse, institutional repositories; analysis method publication - Galaxy, RDA DTR ,PID) ... Recommendations for ontologies appropriate for managing rice data (D4) - structured list of which ontologies appropriate to rice are categorized by different fields of study (concept map to -> appropriate ontologies) -- post shared list in RDI portal Good practices/method(s) for digitization of rice legacy data Digitization: -- few cases in India, Thailand, Japan, need to present the best cases and write up these best practices -- people / services (manual transcription/encoding): guidelines how to properly do this (QC..)

12 Thank you! Questions ?

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