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Columbian Exchange.

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1 Columbian Exchange

2 Write down all the ingredients you see in the picture below.
OLD WORLD Bread Beef Cheese Lettuce NEW WORLD Corn Potato Tomato Burstein, S & Shek, Richart; World History: Ancient Civilizations Through the Renaissance; Houghton Mifflin, pg. 599

3 Today, we can find many of these ingredients in our local grocery stores. Our lives our impacted by the Columbian Exchange on a daily basis!


5 The Columbian Exchange
What is it? The Columbian Exchange the exchange of plants, animals and ideas between the New World (Americas) and the Old World.


7 New World Potatoes Corn Chocolate Tobacco
List of goods brought TO the Europe….. Potatoes Corn Chocolate Tobacco

8 Positive(s)… Foods brought over to the Old World helped improve health, nutrition and caused a major spike in the population. Tomatoes & Chocolate became widely popular. Tobacco became a HUGE money maker for many Europeans!

9 Positive(s)… How to Farm Gods, stories
The Native Americans also shared many of their beliefs with the Europeans. How to Farm Gods, stories

10 Negative(s) Potatoes became heavily relied upon in some areas of Europe. This eventually led to a great famine which forced a great migration to the US colonies during the 19th century. Tobacco is known to have and still cause major health issues among people.

11 Livestock (pigs, sheep, cattle & chicken)
Old World List of goods brought TO the New World….. Grains Tropical Fruit Coffee Livestock (pigs, sheep, cattle & chicken) Horses Firearms/Gunpowder Slavery Diseases

12 Positive(s)… Foods brought over to the New World helped the Native American diets. Horses helped to improve life for Native Americans living on the Great Plans. Firearms helped to improve hunting skills Can you think of a reason why this could be a negative impact?

13 Positive(s)… Christianity Language
Europeans also shared many of their beliefs with the Native Americans…. Christianity Language

14 Negative(s) Diseases were also exchanged Europeans brought over diseases such as smallpox, measles, and flu. The Native Americans had never encountered these diseases before, had no immunity, and died…

15 Negative(s) Many of the goods brought over TO the New World required “extensive labor!” As a result, the Europeans attempted to force Native Americans into working the fields. However, this plan back fired (many Natives were dying due do diseases) and Europeans were forced to look for an alternative method.

16 The Slave Trade Europeans began to bring Africans over to the Americas to assist with the heavy work load. Overtime, this became the largest forced migration in history! To replace the Natives, Europeans began to import African slaves (around 12 million). Conditions Africans faced on their journey to America were unimaginable.

17 More bad news… The slave trade created a disaster for Africa. European slavers lured Africans into wars. Even captured women and children were forced into slavery. Africa lost its youngest and healthiest workers that supported the economy. Even after the slave trade ended in the 1800’s, Africa continued to feel the effects.

18 What’s for Dinner? Pineapple Turkey Potato Avocado Pumpkin Beans
Cattle Chicken Goat Horse Pigs/Sheep Bananas Black pepper Beans/Beets Broccoli Cabbage Carrots Coffee Cotton Citrus Eggplant Garlic Lettuce Onion Okra Peach Pear Peas Radish Rice Sugarcane Wheat Yams Pineapple Potato Pumpkin Strawberry Squash Sunflower Sweet Potato Tobacco Tomato Vanilla Turkey Avocado Beans Cashew Chili pepper Cocoa Cotton Corn/maize Peanut Pecan

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