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Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.

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1 Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

2 Don Quixote Author: Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616)
Nationality: Spanish Published: 1605 (Part 1)-1615 (Part 2) Format: Novel Genre: Parody/Satire Literary Significance: Considered to be the first modern novel & most important Spanish piece of literature, First piece of literature to satirize Chivalry/Historical events

3 Don Quixote Background Knights: The Age of Chivalry
500 – 1400 CE

4 Chivalry Invincible strength Brave and Just Modest
Loyalty to superiors, courtesy to equals, and compassion to weakness Devotion to church An ideal! Although difficult to accomplish, chivalry was the model for all knights

5 The Ideal Knight Rich and influential family Years of training
Kept the peace and fought in war Competed in tournaments, entertainment Kept their people/lands in order Also knew how to: dance, play instruments, hunt, fish, wrestle, ride Encouraged to choose a lady to pledge their service

6 What Was the Spanish Inquisition?
• 1478 – 1834 Spain Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand Launched to purify Spanish society, especially from Jews and Moors (Muslims) Successful – by the 1500’s, Spain was almost completely Catholic

7 The Spanish Inquisition The accused were: •Questioned/ Given a Trial
•Tortured to illicit a confession •Pardoned or killed

8 Inquisition Torture

9 Parody and Satire Parody
An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect. Don Quixote is a parody: Pokes fun at knights and chivalry. Satire The use of humor to make social or political commentary. Don Quixote is a satire: Political commentary on the Spanish Inquisition.

10 Parody and Satire Monty Python Black Knight

11 Parody and Satire Monty Python Spanish Inquisition

12 Purpose of Satire • Cervantes showed the inherent silliness of chivalric romances by making his main character, Don Quixote, an ordinary, crazy old man who believes he is an actual knight.

What is it? Character with an opposite personality to the main character Why is it used? To highlight/emphasize the main character’s personality The contrast reveals the personality of each better What is an example? Batman/Robin Ralph/Felix Will/Jack Sully/Mike Anna/Elsa

14 CHARACTERIZATION: Foil Sancho Panza:
Don Quixote’s loyal servant who follows him on his adventures knowing that it is all a farce Sancho contrasts Quixote’s brash, unrealistic view of life with a more measured, safe approach (the voice of reason) Although he is loyal, Sancho is also out to get something from Quixote – wealth and power

15 Don Quixote: Modern Connections

16 Honoré Daumier (1868)

17 Pablo Picasso Don Quixote

18 Don Quixote Honore Daumier 19th c.

19 Diego Rivera Calavera of Don Quixote by José Guadalupe Posada ( )

20 Don Quixote Intaglio Etching 1971
Salvador Dali Don Quixote Intaglio Etching 1971

21 Don Quixote Scott Schomburg Minneapolis College of Art Digital Image, 2001

22 Man o[La Mancha {19721

23 Hallmark Hall of Fame Production

24 major motion picture by Terry Gilliam
Terry Gilliam’s film Lost in La Mancha (2003): the unmaking of a major motion picture by Terry Gilliam

25 Let’s read…


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