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Proposal IHE World Summit 2014 Version 1

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1 Proposal IHE World Summit 2014 Version 1
Jürgen Brandstätter

2 IHE World Summit 2014 - Proposal
Lessons learned of 2013

3 Lessons learned: Event
Event character Keep it! Achieved the goal! Program Keep the two tracks (Panel, Developer) Panel track works until about 120 participants Proved at WHO event Hot topic: Success Stories shall be published in advance Perhaps “pro-active survey” Filming of the sessions important -> Supports discipline Packages Keep Hotel option Keep SINGLE+SPOUSE package Skip DOUBLE package (not used at all) Keep options (2 days before/after sufficient) Skip Sightseeing option Pay Sightseeing onsite in cash Be aware of specialities of any kind Longer stay, better rooms, etc.

4 Lessons learned: Participants
Get IHE participants IHE folks have to be motivated for attendance equally as „normal“ participants Usa all channels to reach them Get participants via Deployment Committees Deployment Committees must be enchoraged to recruit participants of trheir countries Austrian concept was very successful (over 20 Austrians at the event!) Concept: Organize a tour group and attend the event as group Concept and Template already sent out, but was not used Get participants of Liaison organizations Activate their representatives Activate high-ranked persons Try to use their communication channels to do marketing Get other participants Do proper marketing

5 Lessons learned: Organization
Recommended Team Overall coordination (efforts too high for volunteers) Needs assistant Marketing partner Needs proper Communication channels Current ones have to be improved and under control of organization team Need proper mailing lists, new media like LinkedIn/Facebook/etc. Shall be able to issue press releases (internationally) Finance operations partner Choose carefully! Must be clear that it is subject to management by the organizing team Layouting/Material/Website partner CentoCento good for Layout and Conference material Website could be improved Onsite partner for organizing hotel and event Utmost important to have a good one

6 How to proceed (Urgent!)
IHE World Summit Proposal How to proceed (Urgent!)

7 Step 1: Choose next date (1) Decide about next date of occurance
Annually -> next year about same time Use the momentum we gained Alternative: Every second year More time to prepare Might give the event a bit of an extraordinary flavour My recommendation

8 Step 2: Choose continent
(2) Choose location continent North America North America and Europe are the fittest IHE continents Since it was in Europe now, it should be in North America next Europe Asia My recommendation

9 Step 3: Choose location/exact date
Choose location (if in North America) Standalone Advantages Event can unfold its „special“ atmosphere Group attending the event is not distracted by other activities Taking place in a great city makes a good feeling at the people (in direction of a city-holiday rather than WG meeting) Disadvantages No synergy in travel (could be an advantage too) Possible locations San Francisco (easier for Asians) Boston (easier for Europeans) New York (Big Apple!, easier for Europeans) Chicago (in summer!) My recommendation

10 Step 3: Choose location/exact date
Choose location (if in North America) Aligned to other events CAT in Chicago Chicago in January is not the place you want to go to  HIMSS in Orlando If we do it in parallel: Our event has to less glamour If we do it before or afterwards: People don‘t want to stay IHE WG meetings IHE people are bound to their event Affiliates WG meetings (HL7, etc.) What‘s the benefit, pleople are bound to that event Others?

11 Step 3: Choose location/exact date
Choose location (if in Europe) Aligned to CAT EU 2014 in Vienna April 7-11 Very large congress center, lot of space Professional organizing partner at hand At the same time ITI/PCC/QRPH/PHARM JWG IHE Pharmacy/HL7 Pharmacy/ISO TC 215 WG6 JWG Not yet confirmed Disadvantage Many IHE Champions onsite but unavailable, because busy in other IHE activities

12 Organization Overall Coordination Graphics, Layouts, Website
Jürgen Brandstätter? Principally yes, but just when he get‘s a team at his side Graphics, Layouts, Website CentoCento? Yes: for Graphics, Layouts No: for Website Eventsite and room reservations, onsite logistics ? (depends on the event site) Video production Peter Vancura? Evaluation after reviewing this post-production T-Shirt manufactoring IT-Shirt? Yes: Good partner in terms of shipping Finance operations ? Sponsors IHE-Europe? HIMSS/RSNA? Tiani-Spirit? University of Applied Sciences Vienna? Mohawk College?

13 Thank you Jürgen Brandstätter
IHE Austria Mitgliederversammlung 2008 IHE Austria Thank you Jürgen Brandstätter IHE Pharmacy co-chair / IHE International Board CodeWerk Software Services and Development GmbH IHE Austria, Schiffamtsgasse 15, 1020 Wien IHE Austria, Schiffamtsgasse 15, 1020 Wien 13 13

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