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From Rendsburg to Jurmala: Background and goals for Jurmala workshop

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1 From Rendsburg to Jurmala: Background and goals for Jurmala workshop
Olaf Gerlach-Hansen Consultant, Culturability BSR Senior Advisor, Danish Cultural Institute

2 Culturability BSR I: 2014-15 Culturability BSR II: 2016-17
Background Culturability BSR I: Culturability BSR II:

3 Culturability BSR II Success criteria
Knowledge building: Culture and Sustainable Development and focal areas Success criteria: At least 90% of participants in the planned two seminars and 5-6 workshops must build knowledge relevant to their professional context and the purpose of the project. Focused BSR actions: (a) culture/sustainability in urban development and social inclusion; (b) culture/sustainability through social innovation in cultural tourism and cultural and creative industries (CCI); and (c) culture/sustainability in gaming and digital tools for learning, connecting and engaging. Success criteria: Cooperation between multiple cultural and non-cultural stakeholders on at least three cross BSR projects – one in each area – should emerge. Further cooperation: to build synergies/Scaling Success criteria: (a) Synergies for scaling between three projects/respective areas are described; and (b) at least one application for Interreg BSR funding has been submitted as a result and (b) other partnerships developed

4 Culturability BSR II Activity framework
Meeting 1: Rendsburg April 2016 Urban Social Inclusion/ Cultural planning Cultural Tourism/ CCI innovation Gaming, digital tools/ Minecraft June 1: Interreg BSR Deadline 2nd call Workshop 1 (Jurmala) Workshop 3 (Vilnius) Workshop 5 (Jurmala) Fall 16 - Spring 17 Workshop 2 (tbc) Workshop 4 (tbc) Workshop 6 (tbc) Mid 2017 Meeting 2: Skåne Fall: Tentative deadline 3rd call Interreg BSR concept notes

5 Culturability BSR II Organisation & Finance
Participants Meetings and workshops have Culturability core participants/partners and further local participants Organisation NMR leader and manager DCI consultant and partner Advisory Group Finance NMR and partner core co-financing (workshops and seminars) Finance of joint BSR actions rely on new partner contributions and fundraising

6 Jurmala Workshop Agenda
What distinguishes and what connects the themes Digital tools/gamification and Minecraft as a tool for co-creating collaboration and addressing culture and sustainable development of BSR cities/regions and the Baltic Sea, Lissa Holloway-Attaway, Associate Professor Media Arts, Aesthetics and Narration, University of Skövde What to do in practice/case Nynne Sole Dalå, CEO and Founding Partner, Geoboxers Cultural planning as tool for co-creating collaboration and to enhance urban social inclusion and sustainable development Trevor Davies, Director of Copenhagen International Theatre, Metropolis Project (10 year - global) What to do in practice/case: Iza Rutkowska, Creator of Forms and Shapes Foundation in Poland Pawel Jaworski, urban planner, member of The Foundation Board of Fix the City DIY Foundation

7 Why co-creating collaboration ?
Culture and sustainable development (due to the magnitude of cultural, social, environment, economic challenges) Acute needs: For economic reasons To address issues, tensions, ”identity politics” and conflicts

8 Jurmala Workshop Agenda
Working session split up in two workshops: Time Cultural planning/Urban Social Inclusion Minecraft/Digital tools and gamification Relevant experience within the field Proposal developed at Rendsburg Meeting adapted to realistic model for Presented by TD. New proposal on Urban Social Inclusion. Minecraft project adapted to realistic model for 2017 (follow up to Rendsburg Meeting) Presented by OGH, LH-A, NSD. New proposal on Digital Tools/Gamification. 17.50 Round up in plenary 9.00 Plenary – quick feedback Elaboration and concretization of two proposals identified (purpose, activity, scope of budget/funding) 11-13 Break + Presentations and joint conclusions

9 Jurmala Workshop Outputs
Main output: At least two proposals for joint BSR actions in each focal area: which can be realized in 2017 (preferably initiated in the spring/summer) with realistic funding (in-kind + cash) identified at the meeting, and confirmed prior to next workshop. Other outputs: Knowledge building (presentations and peer-to-peer) Building synergy for further cooperation (potential following joint actions in 2017 for scaling e.g. Interreg or others)

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