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Network Facility aims to

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2 Network Facility aims to
Exchange & Synergise (Output 4.1) Support visibility of SwitchMed subcomponents Facilitate regular exchange among all SwitchMed partners and connect with key external stakeholders Scale-up & Impact (Output 4.2) Harvest lessons learned for replicating demos, contributing to long-term sustainability of SwitchMed activities Make programme impact visible by disseminating results and outcomes Engage Business Networks and Investment Networks (Output 4.3) Reinforce internalisation of SMEs and start-ups through closer cooperation between businesses and investment networks in Europe and four countries

3 Network Facility aims to
Exchange & Synergise (Output 4.1) Support visibility of SwitchMed subcomponents Facilitate regular exchange among all SwitchMed partners and connect with key external stakeholders Scale-up & Impact (Output 4.2) Harvest lessons learned for replicating demos, contributing to long-term sustainability of SwitchMed activities Make programme impact visible by disseminating results and outcomes Engage Business Networks and Investment Networks (Output 4.3) Reinforce internalisation of SMEs and start-ups through closer cooperation between businesses and investment networks in Europe and four countries

4 Activities funded by DG Grow
Geographical Coverage: Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia Executing agency UNIDO Activity 4.3.1 Building on the EU’s eco-innovation initiative and LIFE programme Activity 4.3.2 Facilitating access of ENPI South companies to the EU’s single market for green products initiative Executing agency SCPRAC Activity 4.3.3 Engaging investment networks and creating platforms with local financiers (access to finance for Green and Young Entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean)

5 Green Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Financing

6 Portfolio of Green Entrepreneurs
The Switchers (100 entrepreneurs and start-ups as of today, 400 in 2018) Businesses coming out of the Green Entrepreneurship Programme (45)

7 Investigating the Space for Innovative Financing for Green Entrepreneurs

8 Impact Investments: Focusing on measurable high-impact solutions
Source: OECD (2015) Social Impact Investment

9 Process for the development of a Green Impact Investing Network
Aim: Engage investment networks and creating platforms with local financiers for enhancing access to finance for Green and Young Entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean. In partnership with the Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks. Business Case Building Collection of evidence Background Brief Slides Pack for Missions Seminars with International Investment Networks Mail campaign Telecalls Missions in Europe (2015, 2016) SWOT for the European market SwitchMed Connect sessions on A2F Seminars with National Financial Sector Egypt (2015) Morocco, Tunisia and Lebanon (2016) SWOTs for national markets A2F sessions at the national synergy workshops organized by GE demo component Innovative Financial Instruments Business report: Actions for the development of innovative financial instruments for Green Young Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean (2017) GIIN Med Breakdown of activities: Activity management (preparing the Terms of References and work-plan); Partnering with FEBEA in the identification of, peer-to-peer seminars for International Investment Networks; Organising peer-to-peer seminars on SCP/RE opportunities for the national financial sector(s); Support the development of innovative financial instruments for investing in Green Young Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean (including expansion of existing one such as COOPMED). Indicators and means of verification: At least 8 International Investment Networks attend peer-to-peer seminars and corresponding SWOT analysis; At least 12 national financial sector investors participate in peer-to-peer seminars and corresponding SWOT analysis; Business report of the support actions taken for the development of innovative financial instruments for investing in Green Young Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean.

10 Activities towards the Green Impact Investing Network
Supply of Financing Partnered with FEBEA Mapping of interest and instruments Develop services & instruments Demand for Financing Switchers/GEs financial needs assessment How participative finance i.e. crowdfinancing boosts the development of the green economy (9 countries analysed) Develop new services National meet-ups between financing institutions and entrepreneurs Regional matchmaking events Seed financing Egypt August 2015 Morocco May 2016 Tunisia June 2016 Lebanon November 2016 Europe November 2015 – Dec 2016

11 Findings from Egypt A small ecosystem to support, develop and finance start-ups is developing in Egypt: Sawaris Foundation, Sawari Ventures, Egypt Innovate, 138 Pyramids, National Bank of Egypt, Banque Misr, CairoInvest, AIC Finance, Egypt SEFF, INJAZ, Shekra, Flat6Labs, CleanTech Arabia, Social Fund for Development. Funds are locally raised and investors tend to be either existing Egyptian Entrepreneurs who want to help develop new young Egyptian startups. It is a system based on "cherry picking” and designed to foster the emergence of innovative and hopefully very successful startups. Public policy in Egypt could be oriented towards fostering eco-innovation among potential green entrepreneurs, rather than on the promotion of tried and tested concepts. International technical assistance and public funding can be used to establish a high-performing guarantee scheme for start-ups. The Government could also provide banks with technical assistance in order to better assess the potential of green enterprises. Reports are available in the ‘impact investors’ corner.

12 Mapping Instruments in Egypt
Early phase Expansion phase Stock market Public-to-private Seed Start-up First stage 2nd stage 3rd stage 4th stage Concept Launch Production Scaling Standardization Profit zone Loan Finance Loss zone Incubators Business Angels Family & friends Venture capital

13 Résultats en Maroc Un petit écosysteme pour financer les startups est en place au Maroc FNAM, AFD, Al Baraka, INMAA, CGEM, Afric Invest, OCP Fondation, Drosos Fondation, Attijari Wafa Invest, Endeavor, Cluster Solaire, MITC Capital (Numeric Fund), BMCE L’offer financière existante n’est pas adaptée pour les “entrepreneurs verts”. Mais de nouveaux instruments sont dans la pipeline soit sur le prêt soit pour le capital de risque. Produits en capital de risque sont en gestation. Les banques surveillent les tendances et envisagent de nouveaux produits mais elles restent encore très conservatrices. L’entrepreneuriat jeune est politiquement un problème et les entrepreneurs verts peuvent certainement bénéficier de cette agenda. Malheureusement, il y a trop l’accent sur les gagnants et les individus à fort potentiel de croissance. Les résultats seront disponibles dans le coin « investisseurs d’impact » du site web de SwitchMed.

14 Mapping Instruments in Morocco
Early phase Expansion phase Stock market Public-to-private Seed Start-up First stage 2nd stage 3rd stage 4th stage Concept Launch Production Scaling Standardization Venture capital Loan Finance Profit zone Micro Finance Business Angels Incubators Loss zone Foundations & Prizes Family & friends

15 Findings in Europe More than 15 financing institutions, development agencies and networks interviewed and to be interviewed: Banca Etica, Alterfin, CoopMed, Crédir Cooperatif, AfD, Comptoir de I’Innovation, FEFISOL, ResponsAbility, Etimos Foundation, ANIMA, Global Alliance – For Banking on Values (GABV), Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), KfW, Hivos, Oiko Credit, Triodos Investment Management. There is in principle interest to invest but the focus is on enterprises with a track record and potential for growth. The size of investments are often above the €1 million mark. Attending events targeting financing institutions to promote green entrepreneurs, identify existing instruments and advocate engineering of new funds. ALFI Impact Investing Conference – European Microfinance Platform, GIIN, LuxFlag FEBEA General Assembly – in Croatia on 6th June SANABEL Network Event – The Microfinance Network of Arab Countries, in Morocco on 1st-2nd November

16 CoopMed Fund Legal Status: Limited liability company established under Belgian law Target size: EUR 20 M in 2 steps: launch: EUR10,5 M (operational since 09/2015) Q2 2016: closing of the second part to reach a total of EUR 20 M A committed partner for local financial intermediaries: To provide quasi-equity and long-term debt: CoopMed offers subordinated and senior loans To finance the development of local activities through the financing of social economy, micro and small enterprises To support our clients’ operations and growth (thematic credit line to develop targeted project/product, support to the implementation and the improvement of social performance management …) Area of intervention: Beneficiaries located in countries of the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean: Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine as the first zone of investments

17 CoopMed Fund

18 Some top level findings
Weakness: Funding of very small sized start-ups like the Switchers is a huge challenge. Almost no instruments are available in the countries of focus. Typical sources of financing are micro-finance, some angel investing and crowdfunding platforms. Opportunity: New financing pipelines from Europe to North Africa can be established (e.g. CoopMed). However, this needs intense facilitation.

19 Services for business networking

20 Breakdown of activities:
Activity management (preparing the Terms of References and work-plan); Partnering with FEBEA in the identification of, peer-to-peer seminars for International Investment Networks; Organising peer-to-peer seminars on SCP/RE opportunities for the national financial sector(s); Support the development of innovative financial instruments for investing in Green Young Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean (including expansion of existing one such as COOPMED). Indicators and means of verification: At least 8 International Investment Networks attend peer-to-peer seminars and corresponding SWOT analysis; At least 12 national financial sector investors participate in peer-to-peer seminars and corresponding SWOT analysis; Business report of the support actions taken for the development of innovative financial instruments for investing in Green Young Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean.

21 Service 1 Business networking Share opportunities and experiences with Financial Institutions dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of impact investment. Participation in targeted networking sessions at the EU, regional and local level Facilitating talks on impact investment trends in MENA Sessions with national and European financing institutions at the SwitchMed Connect

22 Service 2 Knowledge Center
To understand the trends, the challenges and the opportunities in MENA’s growing green economic system. Assess the green economy in MENA, understand innovative opportunities and highlight financial needs How innovative business models are changing the market and market trends analysis Specific surveys How participative finance boosts the development of the green economy (9 countries analysed) Switchers/GEs financial needs assessment

23 Service 3 Training for members Members improve their understanding of the green market to successfully target relevant initiatives. Webinars and training on Best practices in impact investing Comprehensive dataset of impact investment funds across MENA region Financial needs Innovative Collaborative Business Models in the Mediterranean Region To understand crowdfunding in MENA countries Faciltate the development of innovative financial instruments (e.g. Tunisia)

24 Access to a pool of Green Projects
Service 4 Access to a pool of Green Projects Access to a green projects porfolio (Switchers + Green Entrepreneurs), most of them already suitable for financing. Online database with more than 3800 green ideas >1400 GE trained 400 Switchers avalable on an online platform 8 national synergy workshops and > than 400 expected participants 8 local entrepreneur-meet-investor events April 2017: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Lebanon 270 specific coach sessions to improve business canvases 2.000 hours of trainig for the best selected initiatives 8 months of incubation phase for GE selected by a regional “High Level Jury” >100 Executive Summaries dully cheked >100 Financial needs assessment 2018 Regional Matchmaking event

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