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TWO TALKS ON MUSLIM-CHRISTIAN RELATIONS TODAY 14 November, 4:45 pm, CAS B 33 Speaker: Geoffrey Fox Title: Thunderbolt and Cross: Christian-Ottoman Relations.

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Presentation on theme: "TWO TALKS ON MUSLIM-CHRISTIAN RELATIONS TODAY 14 November, 4:45 pm, CAS B 33 Speaker: Geoffrey Fox Title: Thunderbolt and Cross: Christian-Ottoman Relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 TWO TALKS ON MUSLIM-CHRISTIAN RELATIONS TODAY 14 November, 4:45 pm, CAS B 33 Speaker: Geoffrey Fox Title: Thunderbolt and Cross: Christian-Ottoman Relations in the Last Days of Byzantium November 16, 4:45 pm, CAS B 33 Speaker: Buket Bayrı Title: Identity Formation in Late Medieval Anatolia and the Balkans

2 Merchants, Artisans and Workers of Istanbul At the Imperial Festival of Hammams and hammam attendants

3 Silk and Spice Routes


5 Portuguese and Ottomans in the Red Sea, the Gulf, and the Indian Ocean
Goa in 1509 Hormuz 1515 Failed to take Aden, but penetrated as deep into the Red Sea (raid of Suez in 1541) Ottomans Egypt 1517 Aden 1538 Basra 1546

6 Traders in the Ottoman Empire
Muslim Traders from India Especially in Hijaz, Egypt and Yemen Indian textiles and spices Armenian Traders from Iran New Culfa, Isfahan Silk Tatars and Armenian Traders from Russia Furs Venetians and other Italian traders Dalmatian coast, islands in Agean and Mediterrenean Venetian fabrics, wine, cheese, glassware English, French and Dutch Iranian Silk, mohair from Ankara and woolen textiles

7 Kervansaray, from an album from 1650-60

8 from Surname-i Hümayun 1587 festivities for the circumcission of prince Mehmed

















25 Surname (Book of Festivities), dating from 1582.




29 The Royal Bath, Hunername II, TSM H.1524, f.148a - 147b, ca.1589

30 Royal Bath, Album of Ahmed I, TSM B.408, f.18, ca.1610

31 Interior of a Bath, Receuil d’Estampes de Roy de Pologne, Warshaw University Library, T.171, f.208, 18th century

32 Fuzuli, Divan, 16th Century

33 Women Going to Bath, Album Nicolas de Nicolay16th Century Women Going To Bath,Wyts Album, Österreicheische Nationalbibliothek, Cod.3325, f.82,1574

34 Women and Children Going to Bath, Album, Dresden, Sachsische Landesbibliothek, J.21, 1582, 16th Century

35 Women and Children Going to Bath, Album, Bremen, Kassel Landesbibliothek, Hist 31,end of 16th Century

36 Women at Bath, Zenanname, IÜK T. 5502, f.145a, 1793

37 Three examples from Names, physical traits and place of origin of Çemberlitaş attendants in 1752, From Nina Ergin article, among your readings Yakub Ahmed, black beard, Görice İbrahim Mehmed, slight facial hair, İstarova İsmail Halil, whitish mustache, İstarova Bath Attendant, Album, Receuil d’Estampes de Roy de Pologne,Warshaw University Library, T.171, f.184,18th century

38 Bath Attendant, (tellak)
Album of Ahmed I, ca.1610

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