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Introductory workshop for New RCA Government Parties on RCA Programme and its Policy Kingdom of Cambodia CHAN SODAVATH Deputy Director General of Energy,

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Presentation on theme: "Introductory workshop for New RCA Government Parties on RCA Programme and its Policy Kingdom of Cambodia CHAN SODAVATH Deputy Director General of Energy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductory workshop for New RCA Government Parties on RCA Programme and its Policy Kingdom of Cambodia CHAN SODAVATH Deputy Director General of Energy, RCA NR Nadi, Fiji, November 2016

2 Country Profile Cambodia is located in Southeastern Asia.
Borders to Laos, Viet Nam, and Thailand. Population: 14.7 Million in 2013. Cambodia was a member of the IAEA from , and has reinstated the membership in 2009. Source: IAEA-CPF-Chapter2- Country Profile

3 2009 Inventory Of Radioactive sources (to be updated)
No Radioactive Material Application Quantity 1 Co-60 Nuclear Physicist 1 Unit 2 Cs-137 3 Am-241 Industrial 4 Construction and Ministry of Transport 5

4 Current status of the main Laws
Drafting Nuclear of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2009, Law on Prohibition of Chemical Nuclear Biological and Radiological Weapons. 2007, Law on Counter Terrorism 2007, Custom Law 2007, Sub-Decree 209: Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods.

5 National Activities Workshops achieved between 2015-2016:
The National Workshop on Logical Framework Appro- ach, August, 2015. The National Workshop on Establishment of the Natio- nal Inventory, November 2015, Sihanoukville, Cambodia. The Workshop on Electron Bean Applications for Valu- e Addition to Food and Industrial Products and Degra- dation of Environmental Pollutions in the Asia-Pacific Region, October 2015, Siam Reap, Cambodia

6 National Activities (Con’t)
The Training on Guidance and Use on Radiation Survey and Ra dioactivity Measurement, January 2016, Phnom Penh. The Workshop on Nuclear Safeguards and The Additional Proto col with IAEA and USDOE, April 2015 and April 2016, Phnom Penh. The National Workshop on the Nuclear Law and Nuclear Appli cations, 04 May 2016, Phnom Penh. The Training on Use of the LTDs and TLD Reader, July 2 016, Phnom Penh. The Project Design Training and Workshop with Technical Cooperation Section of The IAEA, July 2016, Phnom Penh.

7 IAEA PROJECTS 2016-2017 Supporting Sustainable Livestock Production
Supporting the Launching of a Nuclear Regul- atory Authority Improving the Quality of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine

8 Cooperation Between MME and Other Agencies
Besides IAEA, Ministry of Mines and Energy(MME) has been working closely and actively with: ASEANTOM, European Union Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (Ansto), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)

9 National Assistance Cambodia needs assistance on:
Legal and legislative framework and International instruments, Radiation safety, security and safeguards; Human health; Agriculture and livestock production and Foods Irradiation; Water resource management; Comprehensive energy planning and implementation program;

10 National Assistance (con’t)
Environment protection and monitoring and Radioactive waste management; Industry applications; Cultural heritage preservations; Human capacity development and education in nuclear science and technology

11 National Priorities Plans
There are 6 national priorities plans which is estimsted approx. about US$23M as listed below: Establishment of the National Radiation Safety Infrastructure Improving Access to Radiotherapy and planning for nuclear medicine service in Cambodia Integrated soil fertility and crop management for improved and sustainable productivity of diversified rice-based farming system.

12 National Priorities Plans(con’t)
Development the national capability in Energy Planning and Economics Use of Nuclear and Molecular Techniques for improving Animal Productivity and control of Trans-boundary Animal Diseases Development Assessment and Management of water resources

13 Thank you!

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