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Potential Changes to Access’ Key Performance Indicators

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1 Potential Changes to Access’ Key Performance Indicators
CAC Meeting August 8, 2017 Potential Changes to Access’ Key Performance Indicators

2 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the service Analyze how Access stacks up against past performance Review how Access stacks up against the industry Monitor how each contractor is doing versus standards in the contract

3 Existing KPIs On-time performance – target = 91% or better
Late 4s (excessively late trips) – target = 0.10% or less Average initial hold time (reservations) – target = 120 seconds or less Calls on hold over five minutes (reservations) – target = 5% or less

4 Semi-official KPIs Trip Denials – target = 1% or less
Complaint rate – target = 4 per 1,000 trips or less Preventable collision rate – target = 0.5 per 100,000 miles or less

5 Recommended KPIs (NEW)
Calls on hold over five minutes – ETA and cancellation calls Missed trips Preventable incident rate Miles between roadcalls Excessive travel time

KPI Summary KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR CURRENT STANDARD ACTUAL PERFORMANCE JUNE 2017 PROPOSED STANDARD On-time performance 91.0% 91.8% Late 4 trips (excessively late trips) 0.10% 0.05% Missed trips NA 0.56% 0.50% Complaint rate (per 1,000 trips) 4.0 4.3 3.0 Calls on hold > 5 minutes – reservations 5.0% 4.4% Calls on hold > 5 minutes – ETAs 16.7% Calls on hold > 5 minutes – cancellations 5.4% Average initial hold time – reservations – in seconds 120 79 Excessive travel time 3.8%  Denials - reservations 1.00%  0.23% 0.00% Miles between roadcalls 32,465 25,000 Preventable collision rate (per 100,000 miles) 0.50 0.76 Preventable incident rate (per 100,000 miles) 0.22 0.25

7 Impact to Contractors Three KPIs and corresponding liquidated damages (LDs) are included in the current contracts: OTP, Late 4’s and Preventable Collision Rate New West/Central contract includes nine KPIs Remaining KPIs will be added to contracts over next few years LDs calculated quarterly and fall into three tiers based on contractor’s performance versus standard

8 Next Steps TPAC in September 2017
Board of Directors in September/October 2017 Include in board box, internal reports, and regular updates at CAC and TPAC meetings Add requirements & associated liquidated damages to contracts as they are amended or issued

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