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1 CollegePath

2 Accessing the CollegePath Environment
Logon Information User Name : <Your office address> Password : Path2016 *If you forget your password click the Forgot password? link.

3 Home Page

4 Home Page The home page is your landing page once you login and shows quick, useful information

5 Upcoming Events The left side of the home page will show the upcoming events to which you have been assigned. Event Detail Information You can click on the event title to view the detailed information for the specific event Click “+See More Events” to be taken to the Event Management Screen in lieu of clicking the “Events” header tab.

6 Announcements The right center of the home page will show your announcements section. This read only section is a place for your leadership team to post key information in an effort to keep everyone informed. The most recent messages will always be at the top. When you proxy as another user there will be a red header across your page to make sure you are aware you are entering information on behalf of another user.

7 Recent Activities The right bottom section of the home page will display your personal recent activities within the CollegePath System. The last (4) students you have entered a participation for or signed up for events will display in this area. These arrows will allow you to scroll further back in your activity history Click on a student’s name to be taken to their student detail screen

8 Menu Area

9 Navigation The navigation area includes your main navigation menu and sub navigation menu. To access the sub navigation options click on a tab in the main navigation menu to show all available sub sections. Clicking on a navigation or sub navigation tab will allow you to move through the application.

10 Welcome <user> The upper right corner has your name. This is the person who is currently logged in. If you click the arrow by the name you have 2 features for the application. Reset Password If you click Reset Password you’ll be taken to another screen to change your password. *You can click the “Home” link to return if you click this by accident. Log Out This is how you exit the system. Note that if you remained logged in someone else can use your computer for awhile before the system will time out your login. Please make sure you log out to assure application privacy.

11 Proxy As The application allows users to enter information on behalf of other users. Click the dropdown and select another user. All work will be tracked and captured as the proxied user. *Note- The system does know who did the proxying on behalf of another person. When you proxy as another user there will be a red header across your page to make sure you are aware you are entering information on behalf of another user.

12 Search The Student Search Feature is a quick way to find a student. As you enter their name (first or last) the field will search your student list for matches and automatically fill in OR If you cannot find the student you are searching for, the search button will take you to the Student Search Screen (below).

13 Quick Track This feature can be accessed at any point from the Menu Area and will allow you to enter a participation without losing your place in the system. All required fields are denoted by an asterisk and the students name will autofill as you type (based on current enrollment). Service Category, Service Delivery Method and Service – These fields are what categorize the participation and will be used for reporting purposes. It’s critical these fields are filled out correctly based on the direction of the leadership team. A participation can be categorized with multiple services and service categories. There is only one service delivery method. Title – This is a way to reference the participation and is a free form field. Location – This field allows the user to note the location where the participation occurred. Start Time & End Time are not required however if these times are filled in it will automatically calculate the duration. Duration is required and can be entered in hours, minutes or both. Participation Status –Makes sure to note the participation is either In progress or Complete. Change from Unknown.

14 Student Search Any combination of information can be used to find a student when typed into these fields This box allows you to search for all enrollment records for a particular year. If left unchecked, search will only pull back max enrollments

15 Student Search These buttons allow you to complete bulk functions.
You can select certain student(s) or check the “select all” option to include all students returned in the search You can sort the results using any of the headers in this row. An up arrow indicates ascending order sort, a down arrow indicates descending order.

16 Bulk Functions Bulk functions will apply to all selected records returned from a search “ ” – will open the default mail client for the user and create a blank “Merge Students” – allows user to merge 2 duplicate student records “+ Participation” – will open a new window to enter participation information to be added to all selected students “Add to Existing Participation” – will open a pop-up to add the selected students to an existing GROUP participation “Print” – will open the system print dialogue for the information in the grid “Export” – creates an Excel file of the information in the grid for the selected students “Export All Matches” – creates an excel file of all the records returned in the search

17 Bulk Functions Bulk functions will apply to all selected records returned from a search “+ Participation” – will open a new window to enter participant information to be added to all selected students

18 Bulk Functions Bulk functions will apply to all selected records returned from a search “Export” – creates an Excel file of the information in the grid for the selected students “Export All Matches” – creates an excel file of all the records returned in the search You can create customized exports using the “Export” and “Export All” buttons. In the dialogue box you will want to either check the specific fields you would like to show on your export or select “Check All”

19 Participation Search You can perform a partial search for “Participation Title” and “Location” using the first few letters of your search criteria You must enter a starting date to search for participations. This makes the search quicker and more manageable

20 Participation Search The participation search grid has the same functionality as the student search.

21 Group Participation Search
You must enter a starting date to search for group participations. This makes the search quicker and more manageable

22 Group Participation Search
The group participation search grid includes the ability to sort and filter. To edit or export information you will need to click on the participation title.

23 Group Participation Screen
Functions: Print, Copy, Edit, Create New Participation Participation Information: Same as all participations except can only select group service delivery method types. Students: A list of students attached to the participation. Students can be added or deleted using the edit functionality

24 Add Student If you cannot find a student in the system even after using the “Include Historical Enrollments” button you will need to add them to CollegePath Click When adding a high school student use the school district as the INSTITUTION and the actual school as the BRANCH

25 Duplicate Prevention If the system believes the student you are trying to add is already in the system it will generate a list of possible existing students If the student is truly new and not one of the possible existing students click the “Save as New Student” Button If you see that the system is showing the student as already in the system click on the “Match” button After you select to save as a new student or match the system will take you to the Student Detail Screen

26 Student Record The (6) sections of the Profile Screen are:
The Student Record Screen is a selected student’s profile with the application The (6) sections of the Profile Screen are: The Student Information Header Navigation for Student Information Student’s District Information Student’s Personal Information Graduation Information Student Identifiers

27 The Student Information Header
Student Info Header The Student Information Header This header shows a summary of student contact information (primary) along with the student’s current enrollment and status

28 Navigation for Student Information
Student Record Navigation for Student Information The tabs on the navigation bar contain information specifically related to the student Profile – demographic & student contact information, contacts associated with the student Contacts – Parent/Relation Contact Information Academics – academic and testing information Participation – a comprehensive list of the student’s participations. You can also add participations here Registrations– milestones such as applications submitted, ACT/SAT, site scholarship recommendations, potential major(s), and waivers & payments for college readiness milestones Enrollment – list of past, present, and future enrollments College Funding – information about funding opportunities by the site Files– files uploaded in other application areas or this tab. Files can be tagged and titled. Security– account information for the student portal

29 Profile Student’s District Contact Information This area is updated from a data feed or upload ONLY it cannot be changed by any user

30 Student’s Personal Information
Profile Student’s Personal Information The Personal Information area displays the students’ personal and demographic information Use the edit button to update anything in this section of the screen

31 Graduation Information
Profile Graduation Information You can record all graduation information in this section. The HS diploma information entered here is what populates the HS Grad Year in the student profile header.

32 Profile Student Identifiers VIEW ONLY section of all student identifiers attached to a student’s record

33 Contact (active and inactive) Records for the Student
Contacts Contact (active and inactive) Records for the Student Click Each contact record will show a subset of contact information, click ‘See More’ to expand the contact. Click “Add Contact” to update information for additional contacts or to make a contact inactive. You can note the type of information for address, phone, and through the drop down menus immediately under each heading Select the Star next to the information to designate the primary entries.

34 Academics Academics: Quick view of enrollment and GPA information.
Quick view of enrollment information and all test scores. Academics: Quick view of enrollment and GPA information. ACT and SAT: Scores for national tests. Other Assessments: Site configured assessment scores (i.e., state tests).

35 Participation The Participation Tab displays all participations for the student. Participations can be added, copied, edited, or deleted from this screen. You can also the student if they have a primary address on file.

36 Participation When you click “+ Participation” a blank record will appear at the top of the list for you to fill in. The counselor field will default to the user that is currently logged in. It is multi-select so you can add additional counselors if necessary. Once you have finished filling in your information, click ‘Add’

37 Registrations Pieces of the college search process
College Entrance Exam Registrations College Application Information Intended Major(s) Site Scholarship Recommendation

38 Registrations Pieces of the college search process
College Entrance Exam Registrations Track exam registrations including if a waiver was used or the site paid for the exam fee. Click To edit or delete an entry click the appropriate icon, pencil (edit) or x (delete).

39 Registrations Pieces of the college search process
College Application Information Track college applications submitted by the student. Click To edit or delete an entry click the appropriate icon, pencil (edit) or x (delete).

40 Registrations Pieces of the college search process Intended Major(s)
Major(s) that a student is interested in pursuing. To add selections, click in the box and begin typing. To remove any existing selection click the ‘x’ to the right of the major name.

41 Registrations Pieces of the college search process
Site Scholarship Recommendation Static recommendation form for site awarded scholarships.

42 Enrollments All enrollment information for a student. To edit an existing enrollment click on the Institution name. The edit screen will also allow you to delete. To add a new enrollment record click the ‘+’ symbol in the upper right hand corner.

43 The add/edit enrollment pop-up is where you fill in enrollment information. The screen changes depending on the type of enrollment being entered. Enrollments High School Enrollment College Enrollment Institution = school district or main college name Branch = specific building or college campus

44 Enrollments – Enrollment Term
An enrollment term allows users to add defining supplemental information to an enrollment record. To view enrollment term information, click the black arrow to the left of the institution name. Term information includes enrollment dates, term GPA, term credits, Clearinghouse verification, and remedial coursework info. To add a term click the ‘+’ on the term info header, to edit click on the enrollment period dates.

45 Enrollments – Enrollment Term
The add/edit enrollment term pop-up is the same for all types of enrollments. If not using specific dates or tracking each term, we suggest using 8/1/YYYY as the start date for all enrollments and 7/31/YYYY as the end date.

46 Files Files allows you to store attachments for students. File tags are used for easy identification and sorting/filtering. You can download a copy of any uploaded file by clicking on the name of the file. To add a new file click ‘+Add File’. Any files uploaded for a student anywhere in the system will show here. Click

47 Events Allows you to add, search, or modify events. You can use multiple search criteria to find a specific event. Results will display below the search box. You can modify an event by clicking on the event title.

48 Events Select “Add Event” to create a new event in the system. All required fields are starred. The add/edit event screen includes (2) tabs: Profile: The base information for the overall event Sessions: Information for any sessions contained within the overall event

49 Events Once the event information is entered and you click ‘Save’ a new tab “Scheduled Attendees” will appear. This tab will allow you to manage the event list. Bulk Functions: Quick view of enrollment and GPA information. Add Attendee: Scores for national tests. Attendee Listing: Site configured assessment scores (i.e., state tests).

50 Insight Insight is a view only tab that allows users to get real-time information on how their students are progressing towards organizational or site goals. Criteria for insights are created by site administrators through the Administration tab. Early Awareness includes students in grades 2-8. High School includes students in grades College Retention are those students tagged as college. NOTES: An institution must be selected, but a branch is not required. Academic year must be selected in order for the insights to populate. At least one grade must be selected; however, multiple grades can be selected. Enrollment status is not required.

51 Insight A user can view or export a list of students who fall into each criteria set by clicking on a color section of an insight. Users can toggle between colored sections from the detail screen. Clicking on the hyperlinked name under First Name will take the user to the individual student’s profile. Clicking on the export button will bring up the export menu to select fields to export about the student.

52 Insight A user can view or export a list of students who fall into each criteria set by clicking on a color section of an insight. Users can toggle between colored sections from the detail screen. STUDENT INFORMATION PULLS FROM THE PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION OF THE STUDENT PROFILE EDUCATION INFORMATION PULLS FROM THE ENROLLMENT AND ACADEMICS SECTIONS OF THE STUDENT PROFILE CONTACT INFORMATION PULLS FROM THE CONTACTS SECTION OF THE STUDENT PROFILE Exports requested from Insights will be available for pick up on the exports section of the reporting tab

53 Insight Set Up 1) Select ‘Admin’ from the Navigation bar
Site administrators can access the setup section for insights through the Admin tab. 1) Select ‘Admin’ from the Navigation bar 2) Select ‘Insights’ from the sub navigation menu 3) Select the grade level for which you would like to view insight setup 4) Choose to edit an existing Insight by clicking the blue title or Add a new Insight by clicking ‘Add Insight+’

54 Insight Editor The Insight Editor screen appears when you select an Insight to edit or you select the ‘Add Insight+’ option Insight Information – Here you will name your insight, select if you would like for it to be live, & select the grade(s) you would like to setup. If you want to use the same criteria for all grades you will select ‘Yes’ in the Use for Every Grade box. Filter Criteria – These are the options you have for insight filtering. This feature is drag and drop. Color Coded Criteria Areas – These sections are where you will drop your various criteria points to create your insight. As you drag and drop the criteria expand for additional information.

AND – Anything placed within the same box on the insight builder is an ‘And’ statement. The insight will look for and display students that meet all criteria within the box Click to add OR STATEMENTS OR – Other criteria a student can meet to be considered in this color for the insight. The insight will look for students that meet all criteria in either box.

56 Insight Set Up After you save your Insight it will show up on the administration page. Users have a maximum display of (6) insights at a time. If you have more than (6) insights the last one on the list will automatically move to inactive. Please note the administration page is static. All insights will display the same data here, in order to see your actual data you will want to navigate to the Insight tab.

57 Administration Screens
Specific users will be given administrator permissions, which allow those users tagged as administrators, the ability to manage functions such as announcements, domain lists, and users.

58 Configuration Administrators control all domain values in Path through the configuration screen. Use the drop down to select the domain value type you wish to change then from the type screen select to either add a new value or edit an existing one.

59 Users One of the most common tasks an administrator will have to do in CollegePath is to add or edit users. The users screen is found under Security. To add a user, fill in the User Profile and Roles tabs at the bottom of the screen. Once both tabs are filled in go back to the User Profile tab and click ‘Create’. Administrators also have the ability to reset passwords and deactivate users from this screen.

60 Announcements The Announcements section is where your leadership team can post important information to help keep staff aware of key organizational information including important dates and reminders. Required information is starred.

61 Questions?

62 Lauren McBride CollegePath Implementation Specialist Lauren
Lauren McBride CollegePath Implementation Specialist (614)

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