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Economic and Electronic Barriers of the Access to Information and Public Participation in Environmental Matters Prof. JUDr. Milan DAMOHORSKÝ, DrSc. Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic and Electronic Barriers of the Access to Information and Public Participation in Environmental Matters Prof. JUDr. Milan DAMOHORSKÝ, DrSc. Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic and Electronic Barriers of the Access to Information and Public Participation in Environmental Matters Prof. JUDr. Milan DAMOHORSKÝ, DrSc. Environmental Law Department Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague

2 Contents of the Presentation
Introduction Aarhus Convention and the Czech Legal Regulation Economic Barriers Electronic Barriers Recommendations and Conclusions 02/10/2015 Rencontres: 20 ans de coopération entre Université Paris II et l´Université Charles de Prague

3 Introduction Aarhus Convention and it’s enforcement from the theoretical and practical point of view. Problems with the AC enforcement from the legal, economic and electronic point of view. The three pillars of the AC. Role of the NGOs, municipality and state. 02/10/2015 Rencontres: 20 ans de coopération entre Université Paris II et l´Université Charles de Prague

4 SAarhus convention and the Czech legal regulation Aarhus Convention and the Czech Legal Regulation
Czech Republic – access to the Aarhus Convention Main sources of the legal regulation Constitutional Charter of the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Act on Environmental Information Act on Nature and Landscape Protection and some others 02/10/2015 Rencontres: 20 ans de coopération entre Université Paris II et l´Université Charles de Prague

5 Economic Barriers Costs of the Access to information
Costs of the Access to justice Environmental information - only mail, copying and paper costs, no costs of the working time of the staffs. General information access - the same and the costs of the working time of the staffs. 02/10/2015 Rencontres: 20 ans de coopération entre Université Paris II et l´Université Charles de Prague

6 Electronic Barriers Advantages :
- fast and simple access even from home, low costs for the operator and the state, free access for everybody from any place of the Globe Disadvantages : bad (good) timing of the internet placing, technical limits of access and participation, anonymity and invisibility 02/10/2015 Rencontres: 20 ans de coopération entre Université Paris II et l´Université Charles de Prague

7 Recommendations and Conclusions
Fundamental decisions paralely in the mass media and paper form. Diversification of the forms towards according the seriousness of the case (two or three levels). Greater engagement of the profesional (environmetal) lawyers. Evaluation not only environmental, legal and economic consequences, but even sociological and psychological aspects of decision making. Simplification of the procedure. 02/10/2015 Rencontres: 20 ans de coopération entre Université Paris II et l´Université Charles de Prague

8 Thank You for Your Attention.
02/10/2015 Rencontres: 20 ans de coopération entre Université Paris II et l´Université Charles de Prague

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