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Gastrulation and Neurulation (3rd and 4th Week of Human Development)

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Presentation on theme: "Gastrulation and Neurulation (3rd and 4th Week of Human Development)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gastrulation and Neurulation (3rd and 4th Week of Human Development)

2 Gametogenesis of Germ Cells in the Male and Female


4 Summary of the Ovarian Cycle, Fertilization and Human Development during the First Week

5 Cleavage and Implantation

6 Implantation of the Blastocyst (Day 7)

7 By 9 Days, the Embryo is Completely Implanted in the Uterine Endometrium

8 Days 10-13 of Embryonic Development

9 Day 15 of Embryonic Development

10 Implantation: Days 7-14 Days 7-9 Days 12-14 Days 10-12

11 View of the Germ Disc at the End of the Second Week of Development

12 Gastrulation: Formation of Embryonic Mesoderm and Endoderm

13 Paths of Migration of the Ingressing Mesoderm

14 Formation of Notochordal Process

15 Differentiation of Mesoderm
Paraxial mesoderm Intermediate mesoderm Lateral plate mesoderm Axial skeleton Urinary system Parts of the limbs Voluntary muscles Part of the genital system Most of the dermis

16 Formation of Somites from Paraxial Mesoderm
1-7 Somitomeres give rise to the striated muscles of the face, jaw and throat Remaining 30 give rise to axial skeleton and voluntary muscles of the neck, body wall and limbs.

17 Gastrulation

18 Onset of Neurulation

19 Neurulation: Formation of the Neural Tube

20 Closure of the Neural Tube (Day 22)

21 Closure of the Neural Tube proceeds Bilaterally

22 Malformations of Neural Tube Closure (1 in 600 births)

23 Types of Spina Bifida

24 Neurulation: Formation of the Neural Tube

25 Neural Crest Derivatives

26 Review Events of Third Week
Gastrulation, Formation of Trilaminar Disc and Initial Development of the Somites and Neural Tube Events of Fourth Week Differentiation of the Somites and the Nervous System

27 Remnants of the Primitive Streak may Persist and give rise to a Sacrococcygeal Teratoma (1 in 35,000 newborns)

28 Derivatives of the Three Germ Cell Layers
Endoderm Derivatives Epithelium of GI tract and its associated glands as well as glandular cells of the liver and pancreas Epithelium of the urachus and urinary bladder Epithelium of respiratory passages; the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and alveoli. Epithelial parts of the tonsils, thyroid, parathyroids, tympanic cavity, thymus Epithelial parts of anterior pituitary     Mesoderm Derivatives Cardiovascular system Cells of lymphatic system, spleen, adrenal cortex Skeleton, Striated muscles and smooth muscle coats Dermis of skin Connective tissue and vessels associated with organs Urogenital system (gonads, ducts and accessory glands) Ectoderm Derivatives Epidermis of skin, nails, hair, sweat, mammary and, sebaceous glands CNS, PNS Retina and lens of eye Pupillary muscle of the iris (*this is the only muscle of ectodermal origin) Pineal body, anterior and posterior pituitary, adrenal medulla, melanocytes, schwann cells, odontoblasts

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