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Organogenesis During organogenesis, various regions of the germ layers develop into rudimentary organs The frog is used as a model for organogenesis.

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Presentation on theme: "Organogenesis During organogenesis, various regions of the germ layers develop into rudimentary organs The frog is used as a model for organogenesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organogenesis During organogenesis, various regions of the germ layers develop into rudimentary organs The frog is used as a model for organogenesis

2 Early in vertebrate organogenesis, the notochord forms from mesoderm, and the neural plate forms from ectoderm

3 Figure 47.12 Early organogenesis in a frog embryo
Neural folds Eye Somites Tail bud Neural fold Neural plate SEM 1 mm 1 mm Neural tube Neural crest cells Neural fold Neural plate Notochord Neural crest cells Coelom Somite Notochord Ectoderm Figure Early organogenesis in a frog embryo Archenteron (digestive cavity) Mesoderm Outer layer of ectoderm Endoderm Neural crest cells (c) Somites Archenteron (a) Neural plate formation Neural tube (b) Neural tube formation

4 (a) Neural plate formation
Fig a Neural fold Neural plate 1 mm Neural folds Notochord Ectoderm Mesoderm Figure 47.12a Early organogenesis in a frog embryo Endoderm Archenteron (a) Neural plate formation

5 Video: Frog Embryo Development
The neural plate soon curves inward, forming the neural tube The neural tube will become the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) Video: Frog Embryo Development

6 (b) Neural tube formation
Fig b-1 Neural fold Neural plate Figure 47.12b Early organogenesis in a frog embryo (b) Neural tube formation

7 (b) Neural tube formation
Fig b-2 Figure 47.12b Early organogenesis in a frog embryo (b) Neural tube formation

8 (b) Neural tube formation
Fig b-3 Neural crest cells Figure 47.12b Early organogenesis in a frog embryo (b) Neural tube formation

9 Outer layer of ectoderm
Fig b-4 Outer layer of ectoderm Neural crest cells Neural tube Figure 47.12b Early organogenesis in a frog embryo (b) Neural tube formation

10 Neural crest cells develop along the neural tube of vertebrates and form various parts of the embryo (nerves, parts of teeth, skull bones, and so on) Mesoderm lateral to the notochord forms blocks called somites Lateral to the somites, the mesoderm splits to form the coelom

11 Archenteron (digestive cavity)
Fig c Neural tube Neural crest cells Eye Somites Tail bud Notochord Coelom Somite Archenteron (digestive cavity) Figure 47.12c Early organogenesis in a frog embryo SEM 1 mm (c) Somites

12 Organogenesis in the chick is quite similar to that in the frog

13 These layers form extraembryonic membranes
Fig Eye Neural tube Notochord Forebrain Somite Coelom Heart Archenteron Endoderm Lateral fold Mesoderm Blood vessels Ectoderm Somites Yolk stalk Yolk sac These layers form extraembryonic membranes Figure Organogenesis in a chick embryo Neural tube YOLK (a) Early organogenesis (b) Late organogenesis

14 These layers form extraembryonic membranes
Fig a Neural tube Notochord Somite Coelom Archenteron Endoderm Lateral fold Mesoderm Ectoderm Yolk stalk Figure Organogenesis in a chick embryo Yolk sac These layers form extraembryonic membranes YOLK (a) Early organogenesis

15 (b) Late organogenesis
Fig b Eye Forebrain Heart Blood vessels Somites Figure Organogenesis in a chick embryo Neural tube (b) Late organogenesis

16 The mechanisms of organogenesis in invertebrates are similar, but the body plan is very different

17 Reproductive system (except germ cells)
Fig ECTODERM MESODERM ENDODERM Epidermis of skin and its derivatives (including sweat glands, hair follicles) Epithelial lining of mouth and anus Cornea and lens of eye Nervous system Sensory receptors in epidermis Adrenal medulla Tooth enamel Epithelium of pineal and pituitary glands Notochord Skeletal system Muscular system Muscular layer of stomach and intestine Excretory system Circulatory and lymphatic systems Reproductive system (except germ cells) Dermis of skin Lining of body cavity Adrenal cortex Epithelial lining of digestive tract Epithelial lining of respiratory system Lining of urethra, urinary bladder, and reproductive system Liver Pancreas Thymus Thyroid and parathyroid glands Figure Adult derivatives of the three embryonic germ layers in vertebrates

18 Developmental Adaptations of Amniotes
Embryos of birds, other reptiles, and mammals develop in a fluid-filled sac in a shell or the uterus Organisms with these adaptations are called amniotes

19 During amniote development, four extraembryonic membranes form around the embryo:
The chorion functions in gas exchange The amnion encloses the amniotic fluid The yolk sac encloses the yolk The allantois disposes of waste products and contributes to gas exchange

20 Amniotic cavity with amniotic
Fig Amnion Allantois Embryo Amniotic cavity with amniotic fluid Albumen Shell Figure Extraembryonic membranes in birds and other reptiles Yolk (nutrients) Chorion Yolk sac

21 Mammalian Development
The eggs of placental mammals Are small and store few nutrients Exhibit holoblastic cleavage Show no obvious polarity Gastrulation and organogenesis resemble the processes in birds and other reptiles Early cleavage is relatively slow in humans and other mammals

22 At completion of cleavage, the blastocyst forms
A group of cells called the inner cell mass develops into the embryo and forms the extraembryonic membranes The trophoblast, the outer epithelium of the blastocyst, initiates implantation in the uterus, and the inner cell mass of the blastocyst forms a flat disk of cells As implantation is completed, gastrulation begins

23 Endometrial epithelium (uterine lining)
Fig Endometrial epithelium (uterine lining) Uterus Inner cell mass Trophoblast Figure Four stages in early embryonic development of a human Blastocoel

24 Epiblast Expanding region of trophoblast Maternal blood vessel
Fig Expanding region of trophoblast Maternal blood vessel Epiblast Hypoblast Figure Four stages in early embryonic development of a human Trophoblast

25 The epiblast cells invaginate through a primitive streak to form mesoderm and endoderm
The placenta is formed from the trophoblast, mesodermal cells from the epiblast, and adjacent endometrial tissue The placenta allows for the exchange of materials between the mother and embryo By the end of gastrulation, the embryonic germ layers have formed

26 Epiblast Expanding region of trophoblast Amniotic cavity Hypoblast
Fig Expanding region of trophoblast Amniotic cavity Epiblast Hypoblast Yolk sac (from hypoblast) Figure Four stages in early embryonic development of a human Extraembryonic mesoderm cells (from epiblast) Chorion (from trophoblast)

27 Ectoderm Endoderm Amnion Chorion Mesoderm Yolk sac
Fig Amnion Chorion Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm Yolk sac Figure Four stages in early embryonic development of a human Extraembryonic mesoderm Atlantois

28 Figure 47.16 Four stages in early embryonic development of a human
Endometrial epithelium (uterine lining) Expanding region of trophoblast Maternal blood vessel Uterus Inner cell mass Epiblast Trophoblast Hypoblast Blastocoel Trophoblast Expanding region of trophoblast Amnion Amniotic cavity Chorion Ectoderm Epiblast Mesoderm Figure Four stages in early embryonic development of a human Hypoblast Endoderm Yolk sac (from hypoblast) Yolk sac Extraembryonic mesoderm cells (from epiblast) Extraembryonic mesoderm Chorion (from trophoblast) Allantois

29 The extraembryonic membranes in mammals are homologous to those of birds and other reptiles and develop in a similar way

30 Concept 47.2: Morphogenesis in animals involves specific changes in cell shape, position, and adhesion Morphogenesis is a major aspect of development in plants and animals Only in animals does it involve the movement of cells

31 The Cytoskeleton, Cell Motility, and Convergent Extension
Changes in cell shape usually involve reorganization of the cytoskeleton Microtubules and microfilaments affect formation of the neural tube

32 Fig Ectoderm Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis

33 Neural plate Microtubules Fig. 47-17-2
Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis

34 Fig Actin filaments Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis

35 Fig Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis

36 Fig Neural tube Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis

37 Ectoderm Neural plate Microtubules Actin filaments Neural tube
Fig Ectoderm Neural plate Microtubules Actin filaments Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis Neural tube

38 The cytoskeleton also drives cell migration, or cell crawling, the active movement of cells
In gastrulation, tissue invagination is caused by changes in cell shape and migration Cell crawling is involved in convergent extension, a morphogenetic movement in which cells of a tissue become narrower and longer

39 Convergence Extension Fig. 47-18
Figure Convergent extension of a sheet of cells For the Cell Biology Video Lamellipodia in Cell Migration, go to Animation and Video Files.

40 Role of Cell Adhesion Molecules and the Extracellular Matrix
Cell adhesion molecules located on cell surfaces contribute to cell migration and stable tissue structure One class of cell-to-cell adhesion molecule is the cadherins, which are important in formation of the frog blastula

41 Embryo without EP cadherin
Fig RESULTS 0.25 mm 0.25 mm Figure Is cadherin required for development of the blastula? For the Cell Biology Video E-cadherin Expression, go to Animation and Video Files. Control embryo Embryo without EP cadherin

42 Fibers of the extracellular matrix may function as tracks, directing migrating cells along routes
Several kinds of glycoproteins, including fibronectin, promote cell migration by providing molecular anchorage for moving cells

43 RESULTS Experiment 1 Control Matrix blocked Experiment 2 Control
Fig RESULTS Experiment 1 Control Matrix blocked Experiment 2 Figure Is an organized fibronectin matrix required for convergent extension? Control Matrix blocked

44 RESULTS Experiment 1 Control Matrix blocked Fig. 47-20-1
Figure Is an organized fibronectin matrix required for convergent extension? Control Matrix blocked

45 RESULTS Experiment 2 Control Matrix blocked Fig. 47-20-2
Figure Is an organized fibronectin matrix required for convergent extension? Control Matrix blocked

46 Concept 47.3: The developmental fate of cells depends on their history and on inductive signals
Cells in a multicellular organism share the same genome Differences in cell types is the result of differentiation, the expression of different genes

47 Two general principles underlie differentiation:
During early cleavage divisions, embryonic cells must become different from one another If the egg’s cytoplasm is heterogenous, dividing cells vary in the cytoplasmic determinants they contain

48 After cell asymmetries are set up, interactions among embryonic cells influence their fate, usually causing changes in gene expression This mechanism is called induction, and is mediated by diffusible chemicals or cell-cell interactions

49 Fate Mapping Fate maps are general territorial diagrams of embryonic development Classic studies using frogs indicated that cell lineage in germ layers is traceable to blastula cells

50 Blastomeres injected with dye
Fig Epidermis Epidermis Central nervous system 64-cell embryos Notochord Blastomeres injected with dye Mesoderm Endoderm Blastula Neural tube stage (transverse section) Larvae Figure Fate mapping for two chordates (a) Fate map of a frog embryo (b) Cell lineage analysis in a tunicate

51 Central nervous system Epidermis
Fig a Epidermis Central nervous system Epidermis Notochord Mesoderm Endoderm Figure 47.21a Fate mapping for two chordates Blastula Neural tube stage (transverse section) (a) Fate map of a frog embryo

52 Techniques in later studies marked an individual blastomere during cleavage and followed it through development

53 Blastomeres injected with dye
Fig b 64-cell embryos Blastomeres injected with dye Figure 47.21b Fate mapping for two chordates Larvae (b) Cell lineage analysis in a tunicate

54 Time after fertilization (hours)
Fig Zygote First cell division Nervous system, outer skin, muscula- ture Muscula- ture, gonads Outer skin, nervous system Germ line (future gametes) Time after fertilization (hours) Musculature 10 Hatching Intestine Intestine Figure Cell lineage in Caenorhabditis elegans Mouth Anus Eggs Vulva ANTERIOR POSTERIOR 1.2 mm

55 Establishing Cellular Asymmetries
To understand how embryonic cells acquire their fates, think about how basic axes of the embryo are established

56 The Axes of the Basic Body Plan
In nonamniotic vertebrates, basic instructions for establishing the body axes are set down early during oogenesis, or fertilization In amniotes, local environmental differences play the major role in establishing initial differences between cells and the body axes

57 Restriction of the Developmental Potential of Cells
In many species that have cytoplasmic determinants, only the zygote is totipotent That is, only the zygote can develop into all the cell types in the adult

58 Unevenly distributed cytoplasmic determinants in the egg cell help establish the body axes
These determinants set up differences in blastomeres resulting from cleavage

59 Experimental egg (side view)
Fig a EXPERIMENT Control egg (dorsal view) Experimental egg (side view) Gray crescent Gray crescent Thread Figure How does distribution of the gray crescent affect the development potential of the first two daughter cells?

60 Experimental egg (side view)
Fig b EXPERIMENT Control egg (dorsal view) Experimental egg (side view) Gray crescent Gray crescent Thread Figure How does distribution of the gray crescent affect the development potential of the first two daughter cells? RESULTS Normal Belly piece Normal

61 As embryonic development proceeds, potency of cells becomes more limited

62 Cell Fate Determination and Pattern Formation by Inductive Signals
After embryonic cell division creates cells that differ from each other, the cells begin to influence each other’s fates by induction

63 The “Organizer” of Spemann and Mangold
Based on their famous experiment, Hans Spemann and Hilde Mangold concluded that the blastopore’s dorsal lip is an organizer of the embryo The Spemann organizer initiates inductions that result in formation of the notochord, neural tube, and other organs

64 Dorsal lip of blastopore Primary embryo
Fig EXPERIMENT RESULTS Dorsal lip of blastopore Primary embryo Secondary (induced) embryo Pigmented gastrula (donor embryo) Nonpigmented gastrula (recipient embryo) Primary structures: Neural tube Notochord Figure Can the dorsal lip of the blastopore induce cells in another part of the amphibian embryo to change their developmental fate? Secondary structures: Notochord (pigmented cells) Neural tube (mostly nonpigmented cells)

65 Dorsal lip of blastopore
Fig a EXPERIMENT Dorsal lip of blastopore Pigmented gastrula (donor embryo) Figure Can the dorsal lip of the blastopore induce cells in another part of the amphibian embryo to change their developmental fate? Nonpigmented gastrula (recipient embryo)

66 RESULTS Primary embryo Secondary (induced) embryo
Fig b RESULTS Primary embryo Secondary (induced) embryo Primary structures: Neural tube Figure Can the dorsal lip of the blastopore induce cells in another part of the amphibian embryo to change their developmental fate? Notochord Secondary structures: Notochord (pigmented cells) Neural tube (mostly nonpigmented cells)

67 Formation of the Vertebrate Limb
Inductive signals play a major role in pattern formation, development of spatial organization The molecular cues that control pattern formation are called positional information This information tells a cell where it is with respect to the body axes It determines how the cell and its descendents respond to future molecular signals

68 The wings and legs of chicks, like all vertebrate limbs, begin as bumps of tissue called limb buds

69 Figure 47.25 Vertebrate limb development
Anterior Limb bud AER ZPA Limb buds Posterior 50 µm Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) (a) Organizer regions 2 Figure Vertebrate limb development Digits 3 4 Anterior Ventral Proximal Distal Dorsal Posterior (b) Wing of chick embryo

70 Apical ectodermal ridge (AER)
Fig a Anterior Limb bud AER ZPA Limb buds Posterior 50 µm Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) Figure 47.25a Vertebrate limb development (a) Organizer regions

71 The embryonic cells in a limb bud respond to positional information indicating location along three axes Proximal-distal axis Anterior-posterior axis Dorsal-ventral axis

72 (b) Wing of chick embryo
Fig b 2 Digits 3 4 Anterior Ventral Proximal Distal Figure 47.25b Vertebrate limb development Dorsal Posterior (b) Wing of chick embryo

73 One limb-bud organizer region is the apical ectodermal ridge (AER)
The AER is thickened ectoderm at the bud’s tip The second region is the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) The ZPA is mesodermal tissue under the ectoderm where the posterior side of the bud is attached to the body

74 Tissue transplantation experiments support the hypothesis that the ZPA produces an inductive signal that conveys positional information indicating “posterior”

75 EXPERIMENT Anterior New ZPA Donor limb bud Host limb bud ZPA Posterior
Fig EXPERIMENT Anterior New ZPA Donor limb bud Host limb bud ZPA Posterior RESULTS Figure What role does the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) play in limb pattern formation in vertebrates? 4 3 2 2 3 4

76 EXPERIMENT Anterior New ZPA Donor limb bud Host limb bud ZPA Posterior
Fig a EXPERIMENT Anterior New ZPA Donor limb bud Host limb bud Figure What role does the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) play in limb pattern formation in vertebrates? ZPA Posterior

77 Fig b RESULTS 4 3 2 2 Figure What role does the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) play in limb pattern formation in vertebrates? 3 4

78 Signal molecules produced by inducing cells influence gene expression in cells receiving them
Signal molecules lead to differentiation and the development of particular structures Hox genes also play roles during limb pattern formation

79 Fig Figure Human polysyndactyly due to a homozygous mutation in a Hox gene

80 Cortical granule release (cortical reaction)
Fig. 47-UN1 Sperm-egg fusion and depolarization of egg membrane (fast block to polyspermy) Cortical granule release (cortical reaction) Formation of fertilization envelope (slow block to polyspermy)

81 2-cell stage forming Animal pole 8-cell stage Vegetal pole Blastocoel
Fig. 47-UN2 2-cell stage forming Animal pole 8-cell stage Vegetal pole Blastocoel Blastula

82 Fig. 47-UN3

83 Fig. 47-UN4 Neural tube Neural tube Notochord Notochord Coelom Coelom

84 Fig. 47-UN5 Species: Stage:

85 Fig. 47-UN6

86 You should now be able to:
Describe the acrosomal reaction Describe the cortical reaction Distinguish among meroblastic cleavage and holoblastic cleavage Compare the formation of a blastula and gastrulation in a sea urchin, a frog, and a chick List and explain the functions of the extraembryonic membranes

87 Describe the process of convergent extension
Describe the role of the extracellular matrix in embryonic development Describe two general principles that integrate our knowledge of the genetic and cellular mechanisms underlying differentiation Explain the significance of Spemann’s organizer in amphibian development

88 Explain pattern formation in a developing chick limb, including the roles of the apical ectodermal ridge and the zone of polarizing activity

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