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Chapter 29:1-5 Development and Inheritance

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1 Chapter 29:1-5 Development and Inheritance
Dr. Ronald J. Santangelo MSHAPI-ITP Final Project Week 1 December 10, 2016 Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

2 29:1 Development, various stages, continuous process, fertilization-maturity
Learning Outcomes Explain relationship between differentiation & development Specify various stages of development Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

3 Page 1096 Development -gradual modification of anatomical structures & physiological characteristics from conception to maturity. The formation of different types of cells is differentiation. Prenatal development -occurs before birth: postnatal development begins at birth to maturity, when aging begins. Inheritance transfer of genetically determined characteristics from generation to generation. Genetics is the study of mechanisms of inheritance. Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

4 Check Point Define differentiation.
What event marks the onset of development? Define inheritance. Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

5 Review Video

6 29:2 Fertilization-secondary oocyte & spermatozoon forms zygote
Learning Outcomes Describe the process of fertilization. Explain how developmental processes are regulated Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

7 Page 1097 Fertilization/ conception-normally in uterine tubes within day after ovulation. Spermatozoa can’t fertilize secondary oocyte until under going capacitation Acrosomes of spermatozoa release hyaluronidase & acrosin enzymes required for corona radiate & zona pellucida penetration of oocyte. Single spermatozoon contacts oocyte membrane fertilization begins & oocyte activation follows. Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

8 Figure 29-1b Fertilization (Part 1 of 6).
Oocyte at Ovulation Ovulation releases a secondary oocyte and the first polar body; both are surrounded by the corona radiata. The oocyte is suspended in metaphase of meiosis II. Corona radiata First polar body Zona pellucida

9 Fertilization and Oocyte Activation Acrosomal enzymes from multiple
Figure 29-1b Fertilization (Part 2 of 6). 1 Fertilization and Oocyte Activation Acrosomal enzymes from multiple sperm create gaps in the corona radiata. A single sperm then makes contact with the oocyte membrane, and membrane fusion occurs, triggering oocyte activation and the completion of meiosis. Second polar body Fertilizing spermatozoon Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

10 Pronucleus Formation Begins The sperm is absorbed into the
Figure 29-1b Fertilization (Part 3 of 6). 2 Pronucleus Formation Begins The sperm is absorbed into the cytoplasm, and the female pronucleus develops. Nucleus of fertilizing spermatozoon Female pronucleus Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

11 Page 1097 During activation oocyte completes meiosis II becoming functional mature ovum. Polyspermy prevented by membrane depolarization & the cortical reaction. After activation, female pronucleus & male pronucleus fuse in process called amphimixis Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

12 The male pronucleus develops, and spindle fibers appear in preparation
Figure 29-1b Fertilization (Part 4 of 6). 3 Spindle Formation and Cleavage Preparation The male pronucleus develops, and spindle fibers appear in preparation for the first cleavage division. Male pronucleus Female pronucleus Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

13 Cleavage Begins-zygote 46 chromosomes
Figure 29-1b Fertilization (Part 5 of 6). 4 Amphimixis Occurs and Cleavage Begins-zygote 46 chromosomes Metaphase of first cleavage division Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

14 The first cleavage division nears completion about 30 hours after
Figure 29-1b Fertilization (Part 6 of 6). 5 Cleavage Begins The first cleavage division nears completion about 30 hours after fertilization. Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Blastomeres

15 Check Point Name two sperm enzymes important to secondary oocyte penetration. How many chromosomes are contained within a human zygote? Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

16 You Tube
Review Video You Tube

17 29:3 Gestation 3 stages prenatal development
Learning Outcomes List the 3 stages of prenatal development Describe the major events in each stage Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

18 3 stages of prenatal development
1st Trimester -period of embryonic & early fetal development, major organs appear 2nd Trimester –dominated by organs and organ system development, near completion by end of month 6, body shape & proportions change, looks distinctively human 3rd Trimester –rapid fetal growth & adipose deposition early 3rd major organs fully functional, 1 or 2 months premature birth has reasonable survival rate Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

19 Check Point Define gestation.
Characterize key features of each trimester/ stage of fetal development. Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

20 You Tube
Review Video You Tube

21 29:4 Cleavage, implantation & embryogenesis critical events in 1st trimester
Learning Outcomes Explain how 3 germ layers are involved in forming the embryonic membranes. Discuss the importance of the placenta as an endocrine organ. Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

22 1st Trimester Cleavage - zygote becomes pre-embryonic develops into blastocyst (multicellular complex), ends with contact of uterine wall Implantation –begins with blastocyst attachment to endometrium, invade maternal tissue, stages formation of vital embryonic structures Placentation -formation of blood vessels around blastocyst. Placenta organ permitting change between maternal and embryonic blood. Forms, supports & expelled from uterus Embryogenesis –vital embryo formation, establishes foundation for all major organ systems Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

23 Blastomeres form blastocyst a hollow ball w/ inner cavity know as blastocoele
Polar bodies 4-cell stage 2-cell stage DAY 1 DAY 2 Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). First cleavage division DAY 0: Fertilization Figure 29-2 Cleavage and Blastocyst Formation (Part 1 of 2).

24 Inner cell mass Blastocyst
Figure 29-2 Cleavage and Blastocyst Formation (Part 2 of 2). Zona pellucida Early morula DAY 3 Advanced morula DAY 4 Hatching Inner cell mass Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). DAY 6 Days 7–10: Implantation in uterine wall (see Figure 29–3) Blastocoele Blastocyst Trophoblast

Figure 29-3 Stages in Implantation (Part 1 of 2). DAY 6 FUNCTIONAL ZONE OF ENDOMETRIUM UTERINE CAVITY Uterine glands Blastocyst DAY 7 post fertilization Blastocyst adheres to uterine lining Trophoblast Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Blastocoele Inner cell mass

26 Endometrial capillary
DAY 8 plasma membrane separates, trophoblast disappear creates cytoplasm Endometrial capillary Cellular trophoblast Syncytial trophoblast Outer layer hyaluronidase erodes uterine epithelium dissolves proteoglycans DAY 9 Developing villi Amniotic cavity Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Lacuna Figure 29-3 Stages in Implantation (Part 2 of 2).

27 Endometrial capillary
Figure 29-3 Stages in Implantation (Part 2 of 2). Endometrial capillary DAY 8 Syncytial trophoblast Cellular trophoblast DAY 9 Amniotic cavity Developing villi Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Lacuna

28 Syncytial trophoblast Cellular trophoblast
Figure 29-4 The Inner Cell Mass and Gastrulation (Part 1 of 2). Syncytial trophoblast Cellular trophoblast Day 10: Yolk Sac Formation Blastocoele Amniotic cavity Superficial layer Yolk sac Deep layer Lacunae While cells from the superficial layer of the inner cell mass migrate around the amniotic cavity, forming the amnion, cells from the deeper layer migrate around the outer edges of the blastocoele. This is the first step in the formation of the yolk sac, a second extraembryonic membrane. For about the next two weeks, the yolk sac is the primary nutrient source for the inner cell mass;it absorbs and distributes nutrients released into the blastocoele by the trophoblast. Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

29 Day 12, superficial cells of blastodisc
Figure 29-4 The Inner Cell Mass and Gastrulation (Part 2 of 2). Day 12: Gastrulation Yolk sac Germ Layers Ectoderm Amnion Primitive streak Endoderm Mesoderm Embryonic disc Blastodisc Day 12, superficial cells of blastodisc migrate toward a central line(primitive streak). At primitive streak, migrating cells leave surface, move between two existing layers. Creating 3 distinct embryonic layers: (1) the ectoderm, superficial cells that didn’t migrate to interior blastodisc; (2) the endoderm, cells facing yolk sac; (3) the mesoderm, poorly organized layer of migrating cells between ectoderm and endoderm. Gastrulation=migration produces an oval, three-layered sheet known as the embryonic disc. This disc will form the body of the embryo, whereas all other cells of the blastocyst will be part of the extra- embryonic membranes Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

30 Germ layers form 4 Embryonic Membranes
Yolk sac-important blood cell formation site Amnion-encloses fluid surrounding& cushioning developing embryo Allantois-base gives rise to urinary bladder Chorion-circulation w/in vessels provides rapid-transfer system linking embryo to trophoblast Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

31 Mesodermal migration around the endodermal pouch creates the yolk sac.
Figure 29-5 Extraembryonic Membranes and Placenta Formation (Part 3 of 7). 1 Week 2 Migration of mesoderm around the inner surface of the cellular trophoblast forms the chorion. Mesodermal migration around the outside of the amniotic cavity, between the ectodermal cells and the trophoblast, forms the amnion. Mesodermal migration around the endodermal pouch creates the yolk sac. Chorion Cellular trophoblast Mesoderm Amnion Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Blastocoele Syncytial trophoblast Yolk sac

32 Syncytial trophoblast
Figure 29-5 Extraembryonic Membranes and Placenta Formation (Part 4 of 7). 2 Week 3 The embryonic disc bulges into the amniotic cavity at the head fold. The allantois, an endodermal extension surrounded by mesoderm, extends toward the trophoblast. Extraembryonic membranes Amniotic cavity (containing amniotic fluid) Amnion Allantois Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Yolk sac Head fold of embryo Chorion Chorionic villi of placenta Syncytial trophoblast

33 trophoblast narrows the yolkstalk and body stalk.
Figure 29-5 Extraembryonic Membranes and Placenta Formation (Part 5 of 7). 3 Week 4 The embryo now has a head fold and a tail fold. Constriction of the connections between the embryo and the surrounding trophoblast narrows the yolkstalk and body stalk. Body stalk Tail fold Yolksac Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Yolk stalk Embryonic head fold Embryonic gut

34 Figure 29-5 Extraembryonic Membranes and Placenta Formation (Part 6 of 7).
4 Week 5 The developing embryo and extraembryonic membranes bulge into the uterine cavity. The trophoblast pushing out into the uterine cavity remains covered by endometrium but no longer participates in nutrient absorption and embryo support. The embryo moves away from the placenta, and the body stalk and yolk stalk fuse to form an umbilical stalk. Umbilical stalk Decidua basalis Placenta Yolk sac Chorionic villi of placenta Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Myometrium Decidua capsularis Uterus Decidua parietalis Uterine cavity

35 The amnion has expanded greatly, filling the uterine cavity.
Figure 29-5 Extraembryonic Membranes and Placenta Formation (Part 7 of 7). 5 Week 10 The amnion has expanded greatly, filling the uterine cavity. The fetus is connected to the placenta by an elongated umbilical cord that contains a portion of the allantois, blood vessels, and the remnants of the yolk stalk. Decidua basalis Umbilical cord Placenta Decidua parietalis Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Amnion Amniotic cavity Decidua capsularis Chorion

36 Figure 29-6 Chorionic villi-extend outward into maternal tissue, forming branching network, maternal blood flows Umbilical- connects fetus to placenta Syncytial trophoblast- synthesize hCG, estrogen, progesterone, human placental lactogen(hPL), placental prolactin, relaxin Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

37 Umbilical Placenta cord (cut) Amnion Decidua capsularis Chorion
Figure 29-6a Views of Placental Structures (Part 1 of 3). Umbilical cord (cut) Placenta Amnion Decidua capsularis Chorion Yolk sac Decidua basalis Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). A view of the uterus after the fetus has been removed and the umbilical cord cut. Arrows in the enlarged view indicate the direction of blood flow. Blood flows into the placenta through ruptured maternal arteries and then flows around chorionic villi, which contain fetal blood vessels. a

38 Deciduaparietalis Myometrium Uterine cavity Cervical(mucous)
Figure 29-6a Views of Placental Structures (Part 2 of 3). Deciduaparietalis Myometrium Uterine cavity Cervical(mucous) plug incervical canal Cervix Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). External os Vagina a A view of the uterus after the fetus has been removed and the umbilical cord cut. Arrows in the enlarged view indicate the direction of blood flow. Blood flows into the placenta through ruptured maternal arteries and then flows around chorionic villi, which contain fetal blood vessels.

39 Trophoblast (cellular
Figure 29-6a Views of Placental Structures (Part 3 of 3). Chorionic villi Umbilical vein Umbilical arteries Area filled with maternal blood Amnion Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Maternal blood vessels Trophoblast (cellular and syncytial layers) a A view of the uterus after the fetus has been removed and the umbilical cord cut. Arrows in the enlarged view indicate the direction of blood flow. Blood flows into the placenta through ruptured maternal arteries and then flows around chorionic villi, which contain fetal blood vessels.

40 Embryonic Area filled with Syncytial connective tissue maternal blood
Figure 29-6b Views of Placental Structures. Embryonic connective tissue Area filled with maternal blood Syncytial trophoblast Fetal blood vessels Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Chorionic villus LM × 280 b A cross section through a chorionic villus, showing the syncytial trophoblast exposed to the maternal blood space.

41 The First 12 Weeks of Development. Vital for organogenesis
Future head of embryo Thickened neural plate (will form brain) Axis of future spinal cord Somites Neural folds Cut wall of amniotic cavity Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Future tail of embryo a Week 2. An SEM of the superior surface of a monkey embryo at 2 weeks of development. A human embryo at this stage would look essentially the same.

42 Figure 29-7b The First 12 Weeks of Development.
Medulla oblongata Ear Pharyngeal arches Forebrain Eye Heart Somites Body stalk Arm bud Tail Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Leg bud b Week 4. Fiber-optic view of human development at week 4 (about 5 mm in size).

43 Figure 29-7c The First 12 Weeks of Development.
Chorionic villi Amnion Umbilical cord Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Placenta c Week 8. Fiber-optic view of human development at week 8 (about 1.6 cm in size).

44 Figure 29-7d The First 12 Weeks of Development.
Amnion Umbilical cord Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). d Week 12. Fiber-optic view of human development at week 12 (about 5.4 cm in size).

45 Check Point What is the developmental fate of the inner cell mass of blastocyst? Improper development of which of the extraembryonic membranes would affect the cardiovascular system? Sue’s pregnancy test indicates the presence of hCG. Explain whether she is pregnant or not. What are two important functions of the placent? Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

46 You Tube
Review Video You Tube

47 29-5 During 2nd & 3rd trimester maternal organ systems support fetus & uterus undergoes structural & functional changes Learning Outcomes Describe interplay between maternal organ systems & developing fetus. Discus structural & functional changes in the uterus during gestation. Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

48 2nd Trimester organ systems increase in complexity
Figure 29-8a 2nd Trimester organ systems increase in complexity 3rd Trimester many organs fully functional, Largest weight gain, fetus & enlarged uterus displace abdominal organs Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). a A four-month-old fetus, seen through a fiber-optic endoscope (about 13.3 cm in size)

49 Figure 29-8b The Second and
Third Trimesters- dependent on maternal organs for nourishment, respiration, waste removal. Maternal adaptations-increase respiratory rate, tidal volume, blood volume, nutrient/vitamin intake, GFR, changes in uterus & mammary glands Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Head of a six-month- old fetus, revealed through ultrasound (about 30 cm in size) b

50 Figure 29-9a Growth of the Uterus and Fetus.
Placenta Umbilical cord Uterus Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Amniotic fluid Fetus at 16 weeks Cervix Vagina Pregnancy at 16 weeks, showing the positions of the uterus, fetus, and placenta. a

51 Figure 29-9b Growth of the Uterus and Fetus.
9 months 8 months After dropping, in preparation to delivery 7 months 6 months 5 months 4 months 3 months Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). b Pregnancy at three months to nine months (full term), showing the superior-most position of the uterus within the abdomen.

52 Figure 29-9c Growth of the Uterus and Fetus. Diaphragm Liver Stomach
Pancreas Transverse colon Small intestine Uterus Urinary bladder Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Pubic symphysis Vagina Urethra Rectum c A sectional view through the abdominopelvic cavity of a woman who is not pregnant.

53 Figure 29-9d Growth of the Uterus and Fetus. Liver Fundus of uterus
Stomach Pancreas Transverse colon Aorta Small intestine Common iliac vein Umbilical cord Cervical (mucous) plug in cervical canal Placenta Uterus Urinary bladder Pubic symphysis Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). External os Vagina Urethra Rectum d Full term. Note the positions of the uterus and full-term fetus within the abdomen, and the displacement of abdominal organs.

54 Factors Involved in the Initiation of Labor and Delivery.
Placental Factors Fetal Factors Placental estrogens increase the sensitivity of the smooth muscle cells of the myometrium and make contractions more likely. As delivery approaches, the production of estrogens accelerates. Estrogens also increase the sensitivity of smooth muscle fibers to oxytocin. Relaxin produced by the placenta relaxes the pelvic articulations and dilates the cervix. Growth and the increase in fetal weight stretches and distorts the myometrium. Fetal pituitary releases oxytocin in response to estrogens. Distortion of Stretched Myometrium Distortion of the myometrium increases the sensitivity of the smooth muscle layers, promoting spontaneous contractions that get stronger and more frequent as the pregnancy advances. Labor contractions move the fetus and further distort the myometrium. This distortion stimulates additional oxytocin and prostaglandin release. This positive feedback continues until delivery is completed. Maternal Oxytocin Release Prostaglandin Production Maternal oxytocin release is stimulated by high estrogen levels and by distortion of the cervix. Estrogens and oxytocin stimulate the production of prostaglandins in the endometrium. These prostaglandins further stimulate smooth muscle contractions. Figure read and discus Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). Increased Excitability of the Myometrium Oxytocin and prostaglandins both stimulate the myometrium. In addition, the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin increases dramatically. The smooth muscle in a late-term uterus is 100 times more sensitive to oxytocin than the smooth muscle in a nonpregnant uterus. LABOR CONTRACTIONS OCCUR

55 Check Point Why do woman experience breathing difficulty?
Identify 3 major factors opposing calming action of progesterone on the uterus. Why do mother blood volume increase during pregnancy? Differentiate between true and false labor. Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.).

56 Review Video Second trimester.
Third trimester. M

57 References Martini, Nath & Bartholomew (2105), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed.). You Tube

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