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Alice Project 1 Web Design.

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1 Alice Project 1 Web Design

2 Electronic Greeting Card or Music Video
Build an animation for an electronic greeting card (any occasion– birthday, get well, etc.). You can get ideas from the following web sites: Music Video: Make a 2 minute music video Songs must be school appropriate! Show me the lyrics The animation is to be a movie (that is, not interactive)..

3 Features of Your Project
It must include at least 2 methods (not including first animation). At least 1 of the methods must have a parameter. The method with a parameter is to be called at least twice, with different parameter values. Methods must include comments that describe the overall action defined in the method. Your methods must be logical. In other words, do not just take 5 random lines of code, and put them together to form a method. There must be a logical function that the method performs. You are also to create a storyboard for your animation. The storyboard must be done first.

4 Presentation You will present your project to the class.
You will show story board I will scan them in… You will demonstrate your project and answer any questions.

5 Project 1 Rubric Area Points
At least 3 methods (including first method) 10 1 method with a parameter Calling the parameter method twice with different parameters Code commented Theme that matches the assignment (i.e. animated greeting card) Presentation 20 Total 70

6 When is this due? Your storyboard is due by the end of class today.
The program must be completed by the end of class on Monday March 7th Don’t waste time!! This is a project Projects are 60% of your grade! You must do well on the projects.

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