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Stage 1: 3D MODELLING Flashforge 3D Printing

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1 Stage 1: 3D MODELLING Flashforge 3D Printing
Models should be exported from any CAD software into an STL. For example, Solidworks, AutoCAD, Inventor or Google Sketch-up. 3D Printing CAM software cannot recognise wall thicknesses thinner than 0.4mm. However, for best results keep walls at a minimum 1mm thick. Design models to the strengths and limitations of the manufacturing process. This includes principles such as minimising overhangs (to limit support), wherever possible restricting overhangs to 45 degrees, oversizing drill holes to account for shrinkage and attempting to include a flat face to be a strong base for the print. Ensure models are watertight before attempting to print. Flash Print will indicate your model is not water tight by highlighting the model in red and prompting you to repair. Use the in-built flash-print repair and verify visually using the print preview. Otherwise, run the model through the NetFab Basic software repair functionality. If this fails, review your model in CAD software for potential fundamental changes. If models are too large for the build volume use NetFab Basic to split the model into pieces. Keep in mind the same design principles as per Step 3 when deciding how to slice the model. Bigger is not always better. A large one piece print encourages risk and failure so sometimes splitting this large body in small pieces will yield better results. Design Futures Lab. July 2017

2 Stage 1: 3D MODELLING (CONT…) Flashforge 3D Printing
Netfab Basic for file fixing Observe Split Repair Once fixed, export the model which should now be ready to import into Flashprint 3D Modelling golden rules 1mm wall thickness / element thickness Model must be to scale Split larger models for reduced change of print failure Flat base to sit on bed with minimal supports Ensure model is ‘watertight’, a few easy checks are: Surfaces joined No holes or gaps (cap command) Surface normal must face outwards (direction / DIR command) Design Futures Lab. July 2017

3 Stage 2: FLASHPRINT Flashforge 3D Printing
Flash Forge brand printers use a CAM software called FlashPrint. This generates a Flash Forge type g-code file (.g) that contains physical commands for the printer corresponding to an input STL file. Add supports if they are necessary. The recommended settings are: Supports Type: Treelike Overhang Thresh: 30 ◦ Post Diameter: 3 mm Base Diameter: 6 mm Base Height: 3 mm Default Settings are: Material Type: PLA Supports: Enable Raft: Enable Layers Layer Height: 0.18 mm First Layer Height: 0.2 mm Shells Perimeter Shells: 3 Top Solid Layers: 3 Bottom Solid Layers: 3 Design Futures Lab. July 2017

4 Stage 2: FLASHPRINT (CONT..) Flashforge 3D Printing
Infill Fill Density: 20% Default (10% for models, 30-50% for mechanical components. Density is a percentage and should be used proportional to model size. IE Use higher infills for smaller parts and lower infill for larger parts) Fill Pattern: Hexagon Combine Infill: Every 2 Inner Layers Speed Print Speed: 80 mm/s Travel Speed: 120 mm/s Temperature: Extruder: 220◦C Take note of the Machine Type. This should read FlashForge Finder or FlashForge Guider II depending on which machine you are using. To change this, select from toolbar: Print -> Machine Type -> Set Type Design Futures Lab. July 2017

5 Stage 3: BOOKINGS & PAYMENT Flashforge 3D Printing
Prior to exporting file show a staff member the preview (weight & time) Pay and confirm 3D print booking with staff Export file onto USB ready for printing If your booking is for a future time slot ensure that you attend at the given time to start your print IMPORTANT: Due to the nature of 3D printing we cannot guarantee that all prints will be successful first time. Ensure that you leave yourself enough time before your submission date to re-print if required Design Futures Lab. July 2017

6 Stage 4: MACHINE PREPARATION Flashforge 3D Printing
To change the filament: Unload: Navigate to: Tools -> Filament -> Unload Wait for the machine to get up to temperature making sure to not leave the machine. Text and sound indicate heating is complete. Push down the lever located on the left hand side of the extruder assembly. This disengages the filament from the extruder motor. Manually feed some filament through before pulling up to remove the filament. This prevents nozzle clogs and purges the extruder. Return to the previous screen and press Load. Load: Navigate to: Tools -> Filament -> Load Cut the tip of your filament with wire cutters to ensure a clean and fine end. Gently feed the filament into the top of the extruder assembly. Do not apply excessive force as the extruder motor will automatically feed the filament through. Prepare the build plate with a thin layer of glue stick to prevent warping. If the surface already feels tacky, then a re-application is not required. You are encouraged to monitor the health and quality of your print for the duration of the raft. The first few layers generally informs how well the rest of the print will turn out and provides an opportunity to remedy later issues. Design Futures Lab. July 2017

7 Stage 5: Machine Rules Flashforge 3D Printing
Do not attempt to level the build plates (All levelling switches have been removed)! If the level appears out, pause the print and call over a staff member. A glue-stick is provided for each machine. Please return it to the tray after use. External glues are prohibited as they may damage the bed surface. A USB-stick is provided for each machine. Once a file has downloaded to the machine the USB may be removed. Please return it to the tray after use. Only the Dig Fab Lab filament can be used. Quality and settings differ with filament suppliers so external filaments may damage the printers. Payment must be made before a booking can be secured and before your print begins. You are required to scrape down your build plate of excess glue or residue upon removing a print from the build plate. Design Futures Lab. July 2017

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