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CBC Health Sciences Library Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "CBC Health Sciences Library Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 CBC Health Sciences Library Orientation

2 You are here, yay!

3 We are here for you! Ying Yu (Reference librarian)
Wendy Flaherty (Library staff) Library student workers IT support: Jeff and Olive Librarians and staff in Pasco on call Ying is usually not here on Thursdays and some Fridays. If you need help and the student worker doesn’t know how, he/she should refer you to someone who can help, maybe in Pasco.

4 Hours Richland Hours 7:30am-4pm Monday-Friday
(Reduced hours in summer; closed during weekends, Breaks, and holidays) CBC Library Pasco Regular Hours 7:30am-7:30pm Monday-Thursday 7:30am-4:30pm Friday 11:00am-4:00pm Saturday Wendy most of the time will open unofficially around 7:10am in the morning.


6 Get the No’s Out of the Way
Food—Never Cell Phones - No calls, Texting OK Please don't eat or use tobacco in the library.  Drinks must be in a bottle or spill-resistant travel mug; no open pop cans or cardboard cups, please.


8 Reasons to visit us

9 Computer Lab (HS308) Open lab, classes, and occasional after hours use
Check sign Quiet please --The small printer G551 in the back is for occasional class use when the library is closed. --If too warm, use fans, do NOT prop door open The small printer’ print quality is not as good as G864 and it is slower and has no coversheets with student IDs.

10 Printing Login to the computers with
SID & Pin Remember to “Log off” the computer! Netprint 3 cents per page for black & white. (Please pick up promptly and put the green sheet in the basket. Please don’t send multiple jobs at once when other people are waiting.)

11 Default printer randomly assigned, so choose printer before you print

12 Or Choose printer G795-NP-Color.
(Default single sided; may choose double sided.) $12.00 Credit/quarter (400 pages in b & w) If needed, buy $3.00 cards at front desk. Cash only.

13 Avoid Long Wait Don’t send multiple jobs at once when it’s busy
Pick up promptly Print early Always check your settings before printing!

14 Green Tips 1.Defaults are Grayscale and Duplex for the B&W
2. Put coversheets in basket for reuse 3. PowerPoint 6 Slides/pg 4. PDF 6 Slides per sheet #1 Always check your settings before printing! Grayscale: It is faster, saves ink, and more readable. PDF: If PPT slides were saved as PDF, print, then In page sizing & handling section, choose "Multiple", then choose either 6 "pages per sheet" or 4. This setting sometimes stays, so if you don’t know why your prints are coming out so small, the previous computer user had changed the printing setting.

15 Library Open Area 14 computers Firefox  IE  Download files from
Canvas before printing --Install more outlets (Option one: request more poles coming down from the roof. Also considering wireless charging stations when the technology is mature.)

16 Wi-Fi and Printing “MyCBC”-“Student Resources”-Wireless Access and Printing “CBC-Wifi” (Student ID & PIN) Wireless Printing One wireless printer G703 on 1st floor Good for printing directly from your laptop. Good for before the library opens and after it is closed. Prints Word, PDF, and XPS files. Excel and PowerPoint files can be converted to XPS.

17 Scanner Connected to medlib05 or medlib06, check the wire
Instructions posted Ask staff for help Scanner App recommendation for iOS: Scannable by Evernote (as of September 2016); For Android, Google Drive app, press +, then Scan; Works well. Evernote app for Android also includes a scanner function.

18 HS309 HS310 Study Rooms Check in Reserve Two hour blocks
Groups have preference Whiteboard TV and DVD/VHS player Not soundproof No food or drinks HS310 (May reserve up to a week in advance) You may renew after two hours if no one else is waiting.

19 Videos / DVDs Ask at front desk Use study rooms or computer to watch
Library use only Ask staff for exceptions If a large group needs to watch it in a classroom, videos can be checked out to a responsible student. Other videos may be arranged for short loans

20 Other Resources Available at the Front Desk
Current quarter stickers for student ID (bus pass) Laptops Headphones Earmuffs Calculators Thumb drives HIPPA training DVD and test . HIV/AIDS Video Kit also available in Pasco, which has longer hours. If you start a test at one location, you will need to finish it in the same location.


22 Ask for Cables at Front Desk

23 Copy Machine 5¢ / page Takes 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, and $1 Duplexes Autofeed

24 Copy Book Pages Copy one page at a time;Use top left corner of glass.
1st page Turn around for the next page Do not put both pages on the glass if it is a large book.

25 Books and Journals Reference Collection Circulating Collection
Use in the library Circulating Collection Check out for 2 weeks Can bring over materials from Pasco NCLEX study guides, books, flash cards Purchase suggestions welcome Journals Use in the library; Much more available online More hands-on orientations later. Bring in a few books as examples: RT71 K ; RT73 D NCLEX books and Incredibly Easy books purchased through student suggestions. How to survive and even love nursing schools books etc.

26 Students Help students with: Basic PC operations Email WI-FI Canvas
Office 365 Printing and Scanning Viruses and Malware Originally in the bookstore; Now centrally located in the library;

27 Recreational Reading near 2000 titles
Initial $1,500? budget Completed around May 2015 Check out times (by 4/23/16) within less than a year; 1775 titles

28 Ask us! Customer service is our priority. We need your suggestions!
Feel free to recommend books, videos, and other materials for purchase I am here to help, I am glad to answer any questions and I can help with research too. Customer service is always my priority. Please DO ask me when I am on the computer busy typing or when I am on the computer in the back.

29 Library Homepage
Everything available from home Login with SID and PIN Help Research Guide Pages in Canvas (This link may take a few seconds to open up.) Overview Research Guide APA Style Help Mention: 1. How to access HSL homepage 2. Mention ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health database 3. Mention Micromedex and its mobile apps 4. Mention Canvas pages 5. Mention OvidToday for browsing journals to keep up to date.

30 Librarians Can Help Search for references, books, articles, statistics, and reputable websites; Show you how to search our databases and Pubmed; Provide APA style help

31 Librarians Can Help 2 Answer computer/scanner questions
Help with Wi-Fi setups Get additional IT support (Staff can call other librarians in Pasco for research help when Ying is not here.)

32 In Case of Emergency Lockdown Evacuation Routes:
Exit by stairs (Southwest or Northeast) Primary Assembly Area: CBC Richland Campus Building (E) Parking Lot (North) Secondary Assembly Area: City of Richland Parking Lot (East) Primary Assembly Area: HS308, Computer Lab Secondary Assembly Area: In library open area behind shelves Lock doors, cover windows, turn lights off, and mute all devices

33 A Few Useful Apps Google Calendar Google Drive Quizlet Evernote
Wunderlist Scannable

34 Thank You! See you around (here)!

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