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5G in the Railway Domain DB Systemtechnik GmbH | Dirk Schattschneider | I.IVP24(5) | Mainz | 03.11.2016.

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Presentation on theme: "5G in the Railway Domain DB Systemtechnik GmbH | Dirk Schattschneider | I.IVP24(5) | Mainz | 03.11.2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 5G in the Railway Domain DB Systemtechnik GmbH | Dirk Schattschneider | I.IVP24(5) | Mainz |

2 Agenda 1 Todays Communication System & Requirements 1. 2. 2 Requirements for a Future System 3. 3 Current Railway Communication Projects 4. 4 Ideas for 5G applications 5. 6. 7. 8. DB Systemtechnik GmbH | Dirk Schattschneider | I.IVP24(5) |

3 Communication Systems used today & Requirements (examples)
Sensors & Inductive Systems Digital Systems Requirements Radar Scanner for Level Crossings Axle Counters Continuous Automatic Train Running Control Intermittent Automatic Train Running Control SOFIS Analogue radio for shunting Radio Remote Control System of Traction Vehicle for Freight Vehicles Eurobalises DMR TETRAPOL / TETRA Data service for automatic train composition GSM-R CBTC Telepowering of Eurobalises TSI´s EIRENE FRS EIRENE SRS UNISIG MORANE Analogue Radio DB Systemtechnik GmbH | Dirk Schattschneider | I.IVP24(5) |

4 Requirements for a Future System
Reliability System needs to be reliable during its whole life time e.g. today 100% within h (for a cab radio) A Availability Railway networks are operated 24h / 7d Typical life cycle of GSM-R equipment is 15 years M Maintainability Modular design Easy handling Cost efficient Remote access & diagnostics Realtime? Verfügbarkeit und zuverlässigkeit SIL level Mtbf nur HW wie SW fassen 50126/128/129/159 (TSI) S Safety Railway Safety DIRECTIVE 2008/110/EC IT safety Safe Applications (SIL) CSM DB Systemtechnik GmbH | Dirk Schattschneider | I.IVP24(5) |

5 Current Railway Communication Projects
Shift2Rail TD Adaptable Communications TD Smart radio-connected all-in-all wayside objects V2X Hyper connected traffic systems (plane, car, train) Rail2x FRMCS Definition of the GSM-R successor in Functional Architecture Spectrum ETSI TC RT NG2R Standardisation of the GSM-R successor interworking with the PPDR sector Rail Communication Projects Realtime? FRMCS: Future Mobile Communication System NG2R: Next Generation Radio for Railways DB Systemtechnik GmbH | Dirk Schattschneider | I.IVP24(5) |

6 Ideas for 5G applications?
Automatic Train Operation (ATO)/ ATO-Video Platooning (Virtual Train Compositions) Train-2-Train / Train-2-Ground Communication Intelligent Antenna-Systems (MIMO/Beam-Forming) Passenger broadband access on high speed trains Realtime? Intrain Communication 63 GHz) Intelligent Cargo Coaches (NB-IoT?) DB Systemtechnik GmbH | Dirk Schattschneider | I.IVP24(5) |

7 Thank you for your attention

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