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Published byNatalie Wright Modified over 7 years ago
KS3 Design & Technology Year 7 Programme of Study 2017/18
In year 7 all student’s are introduced to all of the areas of Design and Technology. Assessment is focused towards accuracy of making skills and using the correct terminology when completing written tasks. Year 7- Example of the order of rotations. Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Resistant Materials: Making and packaging an eco-puzzle using woods, metal and plastics. Graphics: Designing and making a pop-up greetings card for their target user. CAD (Computer Aided Design): Using the software package SolidWorks to design elements of their eco-puzzle. CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacture): Using the software package 2d design to design elements of their trophy that are manufactured in school using the laser cutter and router. Electronics: Designing and making a sporting trophy. Pupils will build an electronic circuit that enables the trophy to light up. Food: Cooking a variety of tasty dishes. Textiles: Making fabric monsters. In year 7 all students complete the modules of study following a rotational system. Therefore not all students will complete all of the modules in the order above due to rooming and staff availability. However, at the end of year 7 all students will have completed all of the modules. NB The above order is given as a guide. See rotation sheets that follow for further details.
KS3 Design & Technology Year 7 Rotations 2017/18
Year 7 Design & Technology 5 minute Schemes of Work 2017/18
The slides that follow show the simple 5 minute SOW for each module of study in year 7. NB These are a guide to the tasks completed throughout each module of study and the weekly order may change. More detailed SOW are available within the department.
Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF)
Design Task- Manufacture an Eco-Puzzle using woods, metal and plaster and package the product. Lesson Plan Week 1. Theory: Classification of materials, templates, code of conduct within the workshop environment. Practical: Filing Aluminium. Assembly of puzzle base. Week 2. Spelling test. Theory: Types of saws, files. Practical: Cutting and filing aluminium piece. Week 3. Practical: Cutting and filing acrylic and MDF pieces. Disc sander. Week 4. Practical: Finishing puzzle pieces. Vacuum forming and assembly of packaging. Keywords. Aluminium Acrylic Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Coping Saw Vacuum Forming Abrasive Fabrication Manufactured Ferrous Thermoplastic Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn keywords. Complete the homework task sheet. Label the kitchen and add explanations for choices using the consequences chooser sheet. Week 2. Design a card template that goes at the back of your puzzle to hold it in place. Week 3. End of module test. Week 4. None set. 5 Minute SOW Eco-Puzzle and Blister Packaging Literacy: Key word spellings. Classification of information. Numeracy: Accurate use of templates so the puzzle pieces fit securely. Thinking Skills: Tree map completed for classifying materials. SMSC: Making products of worth for a person they know. Health and Safety: Follow the code of conduct in the workshops. Safe use of hand tools- files, coping saw, hacksaw. Vacuum former and sanding machine. Safe use of machines demonstrated by staff to whole class. Close supervision. Marked Objectives. Homework week 1. Consequences chooser chart. Final completed puzzle including the blister packaging. Tools Coping saw, junior hacksaw, file. Machines Vacuum Former, Disc Sander.
5 Minute SOW Trophy Part 1- CAD/CAM
Design Task- Design and manufacture panels for a sporting trophy using CAD/CAM. Lesson Plan Week 1. What is CAD/CAM? Introduction to 2d design. Laser cutter demonstration. Week 2. Spelling test. Product analysis. Tracing and editing in 2d design. Week 3. Templates. Add final design onto the template given. Use of text in 2d design. Demonstrate vinyl cutter/plotter by cutting pupils names for their bookmark. Week 4. Reflection. End of module test. Keywords. Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Manufacture Computer Numerical Control CNC Plotter CNC Router CNC Laser Cutter Two dimensional Engraving Vinyl Application tape. Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn keywords. 4x hand drawn initial design ideas aimed at specific target users. Week 2. Write a specification for your trophy. Week 3. Finish your bookmark if not completed in lesson. Write a list of instructions for making your bookmark. Include technical language. Week 4. None set. 5 Minute SOW Trophy Part 1- CAD/CAM Literacy: Key word spellings. Written specification. Following instructions in 2d design. Technical language use within bookmark instructions task. Numeracy: Measuring accurately using 2d design. Thinking Skills: Use circle map when watching video clip. Double bubble map for product analysis. SMSC: Making products of worth for a person they know. Health and Safety: Follow the code of conduct in the computer room. No water bottles near computers. Laser cutter, plotter and router; safe use of machines demonstrated by staff to whole class. Marked Objectives. Instructions for making their bookmark using the plotter. Trophy panel designs using 2d design. Software 2d design Machines Laser cutter, vinyl cutter/ plotter, router.
Light emitting diodes (LED)
Design Task- Assembly of trophy including completion of the electronic circuit. Keywords. Light emitting diodes (LED) Soldering iron Permanent Temporary Crimp connectors Grommets Strip heater Components Circuit Electronic systems Lesson Plan Week 1. Assembly of trophy base. Temporary and permanent fixings. Manufactured boards. Week 2. Spelling test. Paint acrylic panel, sand and seal bases. Plastics theory. Use of line bender. Week 3. Electronic theory. Starting electronic circuit. Week 4. Complete circuit. End of module test. Homework Tasks Week Learn Keywords for a spelling test next lesson. 2. Product analysis- Identify as many pieces of furniture or fittings at home that are made from manufactured boards as you can. 3. Wood joints: Identify 3 different wood joints found at home. Draw and label them. Week 2. Write a diary of making so far. Week 3. Update diary of making. Week 4. None set. Literacy: Key word spellings. Written set of instructions using technical language Numeracy: Accuracy when assembling base squarely. Thinking Skills: Tree map week 1. Ability to recollect stages of the making process. SMSC: Making products of worth for a person they know. Health and Safety: Follow the code of conduct in the workshop. Wear aprons at all times. Line bender, sanding machine, PVA glue- staff to supervise pupils use. Soldering irons, safe use to be demonstrated to pupils. Tools Soldering Irons Machines Line Bender Marked Objectives. Diary of Making Final trophy assembled including base, panel and circuit. 5 Minute SOW Trophy Part 2- Electronics
5 Minute SOW Solidworks & Mechanisms
Design Tasks- CAD: Producing a virtual eco-puzzle. Understanding how mechanisms work. Lesson Plan Week 1. CAD: What is CAD? Introduction to Solidworks . Complete eco-puzzle frame in Solidworks. Mechanisms: Focus on Mechanisms- pupils to complete quiz using the software. Week 2. CAD: Complete eco-puzzle pieces using Solidworks. Mechanisms: Duck components including mechanisms used. Week 3. CAD: Complete assembly of the puzzle including adding textures and colour. Mechanisms: construction of duck. Week 4. CAD: Assessment task for Solidworks. (45 mins) Mechanisms: evaluating and assessment of duck casing. End of Module Test. Keywords. Cam Follower Computer aided design Extrude Sketch Rectangle Polygon Puzzle Assemble Mechanism Marked Objectives Duck Designs and final casing solution. Solidworks assessment task- Week 4. 5 Minute SOW Solidworks & Mechanisms Literacy: Key word spellings. Understanding the correct vocabulary used within the Solidworks software. Numeracy: Ability to use correct measurements to ensure puzzle pieces fit accurately during assembly. Thinking Skills: Ability to utilise skills learnt within the module into the final assessment task. SMSC: Making products of worth for a person they know. Health and Safety: Breaks when using computers, no water by machines. Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn keywords. Week 2. Design Ideas for duck casing. Week 3. Casing duck. Week 4. None set. Software Solidworks. Focus on Mechanisms.
Design Task- Develop drawing and design skills then apply to a promotional product.
Lesson Plan Week 1. Keywords. Sketching. Applying colour to designs effectively. Colour association. Drawing test. Week 2. Producing drawings in isometric using isometric paper and freehand using drawing boards. Shape construction. Week 3. Tone and texture, Layout and scale. Initial design ideas. Final design solution. Week 4. Making final product. Reflection and evaluation. Marked Objectives. 1. Drawing skills and development 2. Final promotional product made 5 Minute SOW Graphics Keywords. Render Image Colour Sketch Drawing Design Construct Isometric Promotional Shape Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn keyword spellings Week 2.Drawing Skills development.. Week 3. Design 3 promotional products for the WWF. Week 4. End of module Test. Literacy: Key word spellings. Planning, following instructions both written and verbal to complete tasks. Numeracy: Ability to measure and sketch accurately. Proportion of overall product. Thinking Skills: Reflection, choices of design SMSC: Making products of worth for a person they know. Health and Safety: Using drawing boards effectively. Teacher to demonstrate.
5 Minute SOW Textiles- Fabric Monsters
Design Task- Design and make a fabric monster using hand sewing skills. Lesson Plan Week 1. Introduction to Textiles. Health and Safety rules. Introduction to hand sewing. Hand sewing sample. Week 2. Design final monster. Create template and cut out fabric. Week 3. Practical: Cut and sew monsters features on. Spot demonstrations of buttons and sequins. Week 4. Practical: Finish appliqué on monsters, sew together and stuff. End of module test. Keywords. Sew Thread Knot Fabric Needle Scissors Design Sequin Appliqué Embroidery Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn keywords. Draw a range of initial monster design ideas. Week 2. Create a poster or pamphlet to teach somebody how to hand sew. Week 3. Write a diary of the step by step stages of making the monster. Week 4. None set. 5 Minute SOW Textiles- Fabric Monsters Literacy: Key word spellings. Writing a diary to show understanding of the project. Numeracy: Accurate use of template to cut out monster outline and features. Measuring to create hand sewing sample and also drawing out confidence scale in book. Thinking Skills: Ability to combine skills learnt to create a unique product, independently. Circle map to see what pupils know about Textiles prior to module beginning. SMSC: Making products of worth for a person they know. Health and Safety: Follow the code of conduct in the classroom. Safe use of tools- pins, needles and fabric scissors. Close supervision of pupils when doing practical. Marked Objectives. Final completed monster. Final monster design. Tools. Needles. Pins. Fabric scissors. Materials. Felt. Embroidery thread.
Design Task- Introduction to food technology and nutrition.
Keywords. Measure Whisk Weigh Recipe Equipment Saucepans Scramble Design Method Poach Lesson Plan Week 1. Food hygiene / safety and hazards. Hazards of working in the food room.. Introduce the eat well plate, its function and use. Students colour code their food diaries and analyse their food intake explaining which areas they are weak on and need to improve upon. Pupils will understand how to cook eggs in different ways. Teacher demonstrates poaching, boiling, scrambling and frying. Pupils then demonstrate their ability to cook eggs in three different ways . Week 2. Teacher will discuss and show students a variety of different fruits & vegetables, discuss seasonal availability, import export and how cost is affected. Students will make fruit fusion. Produce a pasta salad design using foods from different sections of the eat well plate. Write a list of ingredients that they need to bring next lesson Week 3. Demonstrate how to use the hob safely to successfully produce a pasta salad. Teacher shares pizza design brief with pupils, create a specification for their design and produce a detailed design for their pizza. Teacher demonstrates how to make bread base for pizza Week 4. Students make (and freeze) bread for their pizza base. They will prepare and add the topping to their funny face pizza design to meet their design proposal Literacy: Key word spellings. Check use of sentence structure when identifying hazards and how they can be prevented. Spelling of key terms. Punctuation & capital letters Numeracy: Weighing & measuring activity Thinking Skills: Group work may be necessary when cooking eggs but will depend on time and set SMSC: Making healthy food choices Health and Safety: Teacher to supervise kitchen use. Homework Tasks Week 1. Students to keep a food diary for 1 week recording breakfast, lunch & evening meal. Students complete the basic kitchen equipment worksheet. To bring ingredients for the fruit fusion Week 2. Pupils should wash up 5 times at home – either take photos as evidence or ask parents to sign planners. Find 10 different types of pastas include a picture and label what it is. To bring ingredients for the pasta salad. Week 3. Students to complete the weighing & measuring activity (numeracy). To bring ingredients in for bread base. Find out how yeast makes bread rise. Bring ingredients for pizza topping. List as many other pizza bases as they can find out. Week 4. To complete the star diagram results with their family at home when tasting the pizza and identify how it could be improved. Food Marked Objectives. Drawing the pizza design. Accuracy when making a practical dish. 5 Minute SOW
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