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To Kill a Mockingbird.

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1 To Kill a Mockingbird



4 Texas State Bird: Mockingbird

5 Stock Market Crash of 1929

6 Franklin D. Roosevelt First Inaugural Address Saturday, March 4, 1933
This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.


8 Portable Electric Sewing Machine $23.95 Electric Washing Machine
Then and Now: Prices WOMEN'S CLOTHES THEN  NOW  Winter Coat $28.00 Leather or Suede Bag $2.25 Bathrobe $1.00 Sweater MEN'S CLOTHES THEN NOW Broadcloth Shirt Wool Sweater $4.90 Overcoat $18.50 GAMES AND TOYS Sled that Steers $ $8.95 Ping Pong Table $23.50 to $37.50 Mechanical Toys 3 for$.59 Doll $1.95 ITEMS FOR THE HOME  Table Lamp Portable Electric Sewing Machine $23.95 Electric Washing Machine $33.50 Gas Stove $19.95 Then and Now: Wages WEEKLY WAGES (general averages) THEN  NOW  Manufacturing--Production Worker $16.89 $500 Cook $15.00 $236 Doctor $61.11 $1800 Accountant $45.00 $700




12 A Locust Plague

13 Manufacturing--Production Worker $16.89 $500
Then and Now: Wages WEEKLY WAGES (general averages) THEN  NOW  Manufacturing--Production Worker $16.89 $500 Cook $15.00 $236 Doctor $61.11 $1800 Accountant $45.00 $700

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