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St Charles’ RC Primary School Year 2
School mission St Charles’ is our school with Jesus at the heart, where we share the joy of the Gospel. We work to be the best we can be and live life to the full. We respect and care for each other in a welcoming place. Together we follow in Jesus’ footsteps in our living and learning.
Catholic Life of St Charles’
Come and See’ RE curriculum Daily worship in class Children join in with whole school collective worship, liturgies, assemblies and celebrations Children are encouraged to plan and lead liturgies Charitable giving – Children in Need, Cafod, Macmillan, Daft as a Brush. Mini Vinnies
Footsteps Behaviour system Building positive relationships
Footsteps are followed throughout school We are sensible We are polite and considerate We are the best we can be We include everyone We listen carefully We tell the truth We care for God’s world
Structure of the school day
8.50am Classroom doors open 9.00 am School begins 12:00pm Lunch 1.00pm Afternoon session begins 3.15 pm School ends
Daily Routines Children enter the classroom from their outdoor area. School day starts at 9am and doors open at 8.50am. Snack time Children receive a piece of fruit daily Water Water bottle – clearly labelled Lunchtime Universal Free School Meals Hot or cold meal options – banding system
Daily Routines
Uniform The uniform is white polo shirt/button up shirt, navy or grey trousers, navy pinafore or skirt and a maroon cardigan or jumper. Black flat shoes. Ties optional Jumpers, cardigans and coats can be purchased from school. PE kit is a white t-shirt, navy shorts and black sand shoes. Please provide tracksuit bottoms and jumper for outdoor PE in colder weather. No jewellery - including watches. Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied up.
Cornerstones Curriculum
This year our school have introduced a new way of teaching Topics across the school. Cornerstones is a scheme of work that has been has been developed to ensure that you will have full coverage of the National Curriculum. Each lesson is linked to an essential skill and English is integral to all topics, giving children the opportunity to use their reading, writing and language skills across the curriculum. What are the main principles? Every topic is introduced with a memorable experience as a hook into the learning to engage children. Each topic also has an innovative challenge to work towards as the weeks progress. Every topic across the school is taught alongside the cornerstone's principles: starting with the engage stage, developing the learning, exploring the innovating challenge and then expressing what the children have learned and enjoyed. It uses History, Geography and Science as the main drivers but plans for wide coverage of creative and expressive Art, D.T., Music and Dance. Each topic links directly to History, Geography or Science knowledge, building on existing skills and understanding to ensure that learning is progressive and continuous.
Curriculum Year 2 Towers, Tunnels and Turrets D&T based
Making models of towers, bridges and tunnels Wriggle and Crawl Science Based Living Things and their Habitats; Animals, including Humans; Working Scientifically Land Ahoy! Geography Based Using and making maps; Location knowledge; Using and giving directions The Scented Garden Plants Hail Caesar! History Based Roman Empire and it’s impact on Britain Beachcombers Habitats; Living and Non-living Things; Food Chains; Basic Needs of Animals; Working Scientifically
Maths Fluency, reasoning and problem solving Mental maths tests
Use of apparatus available such as Numicon, bead strings, peg boards, number rods, 100 squares and many more Mental maths tests Board work and KIRFS
Maths – end of year expectations
Some selected standards The pupil can add 2 two-digit numbers within 100 (e.g ) and can demonstrate their method using concrete apparatus or pictorial representations. The pupil can subtract mentally a two-digit number from another two-digit number when there is no regrouping required (e.g. 74 − 33). The pupil can recognise the inverse relationships between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and work out missing number problems(e.g. Δ − 14 = 28). The pupil can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables to solve simple problems, demonstrating an understanding of commutativity as necessary. The pupil can identify 1/3 , 1/4 , 1/2 , 2/4 , 3/4 and knows that all parts must be equal parts of the whole. The pupil can read the time on the clock to the nearest 15 minutes.
English Spellings Punctuation Grammar Talk 4 writing Read Write Inc.
English - end of year expectations
Year 2 – Working at the expected standard The pupil can write a narrative about their own and other’s experiences (real and fictional), after discussion with the teacher: demarcates most sentences with capital letters and full stops. shows some use of question marks exclamation marks using sentences with different forms in their writing: statements questions exclamations commands using some expanded noun phrases to describe and specify using present and past tense mostly correctly and consistently using co-ordination (or / and / but) using some subordination (when / if / that / because) segmenting spoken words into phonemes and representing these by graphemes, spelling many correctly spelling many common exception words spelling some words with contracted forms adding suffixes to spell some words correctly in their writing, eg. –ment, -ness, -ful, -less, -ly using the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters in some of their writing writing capital letters and digits of the correct size, orientation and relationship to one another and to lower-case letters using spacing between words that reflects the size of letters.
Handwriting Nelson handwriting
Assessment Year 2 SATS GPS test Reading test Maths test
Grammar and Punctuation Spelling Reading test Maths test Arithmetic Mathematical reasoning and problem solving Writing: Teacher assessed Scaled scores (100 expected standard)
Sample SATS questions
Sample SATS questions
Sample SATS questions
Sample SATS questions
Homework Weekly reading book - Monday Mental maths homework - Monday
To be returned to school every day Mental maths homework - Monday linked to current maths strand being taught in class. Writing/Grammar homework – Tuesday To be returned the following Tuesday Spellings Weekly spellings sent home at the start of every half term
Raised Expectations Presentation of work and children
Handwriting – Nelson Scheme of Work Productivity and pace Following the Footsteps Always working to be the best they can be Please ensure that the children arrive no later than 9:00 as teaching begins straight after registration
General information Marking Policy Text messaging service
Medical needs ~ any inhalers must come into school Please label all clothing Please inform staff of who will be picking up or dropping off your child if there are any changes Information is available on school website Open door – any concerns speak to the class teacher
Some important dates for the year ahead.
26th September Safeguarding training for volunteers at pm 28th September Brighten up the Harvest Year of Mercy liturgy. All welcome. 30th September MacMillan Coffee Morning – all welcome 9.00 am 12th October School Photographs 18th October NSPCC in school. Assemblies for KS1 and KS2. 19th October Sign up for Parents Evenings/ Consultations 3.15 pm 21st October Last day of this half term. School day ends at 3.15 pm 31st October School re-opens after half term
Any questions?
Please go into the New Hall to see our Curriculum Road-show and have a closer look at the resources and other things that your children will be doing this year. Thank you. Mr Smith
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