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Industry Challenges-Quality Opportunities
Mark Richter Senior Project Manager 2017 Nuclear Oversight Conference July 26, 2017 NEI Overview: Industry Challenges-Quality Opportunities
Agenda NEI Overview Delivering the Nuclear Promise Quality Topics
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Current Status of Nuclear Energy in the U.S.
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Sustained Reliability and Productivity
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Early Plant Shutdowns This is an explanation of the main idea
Drivers of Early Shutdown Decisions
For plants shutting down prior to the turn of the century, early shutdown decisions were less complicated Then the world changed…. This is an explanation of the main idea
An Industry Under Siege: Our Response
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Delivering the Nuclear Promise
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Strategic Focus Areas This is an explanation of the main idea
Building Blocks Building Block 1: Analysis and Monitoring
Objective: Analyze plant cost drivers and identify opportunities to improve efficiency. Building Block 2: Value Recognition Objective: Leverage federal and state policies to ensure greater recognition of nuclear energy’s value. Building Block 3: Process and Program Redesign Objective: Re-design nuclear plant processes to improve efficiency while advancing the fundamentals of safe, reliable operation. Building Block 4: Strategic Communications Objective: Implement a communications strategy to ensure industry engagement. This is an explanation of the main idea
Building Block 3: Process/Program Re-Design to Advance Safety, Reliability and Efficiency
Capture near-term efficiency improvements that can be done under existing guidance Re-design selected processes to improve efficiency while advancing the fundamentals of safe, reliable operation Address any impediments to implementation: existing guidance/procedures, regulatory or technological issues This is an explanation of the main idea
Building Block 3: Process/Program Re-Design to Advance Safety, Reliability and Efficiency
An opportunity to drive efficiency through quality process improvements Item Equivalency Initiative Digital I&C Modernization Program #3 This is an explanation of the main idea
Delivering the Nuclear Promise: Quality Opportunity Examples
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Standard Item Equivalency Initiative
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Item Equivalency Initiative Objectives
Implement a standard item equivalency process that promotes more efficient use of engineering resources Standard qualifications and mentoring guidance Facilitates sharing of item equivalencies between utilities to reduce costs (when practical) This is an explanation of the main idea
Item Equivalency Initiative Objectives
A simplified item equivalency change procedure Common solutions are developed and shared across the industry not included in this I/O Common industry wide training This is an explanation of the main idea
Recommended Structure
Model after SDP DNP Initiative, Red or Blue Bulletin Step 1 – Benchmarking-Assemble SMEs from DOWG, JUTG, and NSCSL Step 2 – Compile benchmark data and industry best practices. Develop a new procedure with consistent hand-offs to IP-ENG-001 that addresses applicable regulations Step 3 – Using the IP-ENG-001 as the base document, modify ENG-001 or develop qualification requirements and mentoring guideline Can we use existing DEC structure? (SIEP dovetails with DEC) Graded approach This is an explanation of the main idea
Status Industry Team Formed Drafts Prepared
Licensees, EPRI, INPO, NEI Drafts Prepared Improvement Opportunity Document Cost Savings Procedure Standard qualifications Process Procedure Under Development Establish interface with Standard Design Process Pilot plants being identified Exelon, SNC and NextEra would perform a “full pilot” whereby IEE products using the new process will be produced This is an explanation of the main idea
Success Defined Evaluations shared through a “solution library”
Standardization efficiently solves obsolescence issues and facilitates performance and review of item equivalency evaluations Clear delineation between Item Equivalencies and Design Changes Cost savings for using a standard Item Equivalency process Proprietary information adequately controlled No consequential events attributed to replaced parts-safety and reliability not impacted This is an explanation of the main idea
Digital I&C Modernization Program #3 – MP3
Acceptance of Digital for Commercial Grade Dedication This is an explanation of the main idea
NRC Digital I&C Integrated Action Plan (IAP)
SECY and Commission direction: In early 2016 the NRC Commissioners asked NRC staff to work with industry to develop a strategy to modernize the digital instrumentation and control (I&C) regulatory framework. An increased collaborative effort since then has resulted in NRC creation of the “Integrated Action Plan to Modernize Digital Instrumentation and Controls Regulatory Infrastructure” (a.k.a. the “IAP”). This is an explanation of the main idea
This is an explanation of the main idea
NRC staff submit rev 0 to Commission as SECY May 25, 2016 consisting of four primary modernization plan (MP) components: MP1 = Protection Against Common Cause Failure (CCF) MP2 = Considering Digital Instrumentation & Controls in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 MP3 = Acceptance of Digital Equipment (in support of Commercial Grade Dedication) MP4 = Assessment for Modernization of the Instrument & Control Regulatory Infrastructure Rev.1 published March 31, NEI providing input since original issue Over-arching document provides macro plans and guides priorities NRC Steering Committee engaged to assist NRC teams working on these efforts. NEI coordinates digital I&C working group and steering committee, and has formed NEI/Industry teams for each MP initiative. Public meetings/drop-ins advance the MPs and keep the IAP current This is an explanation of the main idea
MP3 Objectives Few Options Exist:
Nuclear licensees do not have a wide variety of options when it comes to selecting digital equipment for safety related applications Providing more options will enable industry to reduce costs This is an explanation of the main idea
MP3 Background Most digital equipment used in nuclear safety related applications was not designed under a 10 CFR 50 Appendix B QA program so it must be evaluated and accepted for nuclear safety applications Many cases of commercial grade digital equipment acceptance are first-of-a-kind efforts, with uncertainties in duration, cost, and overall success Impeded by lack of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) engagement and/or information The small market often does not justify OEM resources necessary to support the acceptance process unique to the nuclear industry. Some industries address similar challenges by employing certification from an independent 3rd party to a particular Safety Integrity Level (SIL). This is an explanation of the main idea
MP3 Acceptance Guidelines for CGD
Reg. Guide 1.164, rev 0, Feb 2017 “Dedication of Commercial-Grade Items for use in Nuclear Power Plants” endorses… EPRI , Revision 1 of EPRI NP-5652 and TR , “Guideline for the Acceptance of Commercial-Grade Items in Nuclear Safety-Related Applications” Section 14.1 “Digital Equipment and Computer Programs Integral to Plant SSCs” For digital equipment one (or both) of the following apply: EPRI TR , “Generic Requirements Specification for Qualifying a Commercially Available PLC for safety-Related Applications in Nuclear Power Plants” EPRI TR , “Guideline on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial-Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications”. This is an explanation of the main idea
MP3 Basis for Improvement
Global Best Practices Exist: IEC 61508, “Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems”, contains requirements for ensuring both hardware and software are designed, implemented, operated, and maintained to provide the required SIL that industry suggests be leveraged There is NRC established regulatory precedent for this concept: In 2001SER issued on PLC-based platform that leveraged results of a third-party certification. In 2015 NRC endorsed NEI “GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF ACCREDITATION IN LIEU OF COMMERCIAL GRADE SURVEYS FOR PROCUREMENT OF LABORATORY CALIBRATION AND TEST SERVICES” This is an explanation of the main idea
MP3 Success Defined NRC acknowledges SIL Certification represents acceptable level of digital equipment basic quality – in particular, dependability: Desired outcome is that NRC Endorses a previously performed SIL certification that constitutes an acceptable demonstration of commercially available digital hardware and software basic quality Accepts as verification of certain dependability critical characteristics per NRC endorsed EPRI TR (Guideline on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial-Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications). Acceptance includes elements within the scope of an independent third-party SIL certification, and exclude elements not within such scope (e.g., application specific functionality and performance critical characteristics such as environmental compatibility and response time) Mechanism established for U.S. nuclear industry and NRC to establish and maintain ongoing confidence in the SIL certification process This is an explanation of the main idea
MP3 Benefits Anticipated benefits include, but are not limited to:
Acceptance of objective certification criteria for establishing the basic quality of commercially available DI&C equipment. Relieves NRC of burden associated with ongoing reviews of “out-of-the-box” digital I&C equipment Allows NRC to focus regulatory resources on the application of DI&C equipment to nuclear power plants Reduction of risk for both licensees and nuclear suppliers Increases safety and dependability Increases efficiency and cost savings for licensee or dedicator by eliminating need for commercial grade survey This is an explanation of the main idea
MP3 Next Steps Industry maintain dialogue with NRC regarding questions or provision of additional information EPRI to research and evaluate third-party process certification for digital equipment and publish results in April 2018 NEI will lead development of a guidance document for NRC endorsement for 3rd party certification to be drafted by the end of 2018. This is an explanation of the main idea
Conclusions The U.S. nuclear industry is facing economic challenges and regulatory and market uncertainty Industry recognizes the complexity of the challenges and the existential threat that they pose. Industry is engaged and developing strategic plans and actions to address the challenges on a variety of fronts Quality processes and principles will play a key role in resolution of a variety of challenges our industry faces This is an explanation of the main idea
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