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Birth Control, Pregnancy, and Childbirth: Managing Your Fertility

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1 Birth Control, Pregnancy, and Childbirth: Managing Your Fertility
6 Birth Control, Pregnancy, and Childbirth: Managing Your Fertility

2 Methods of Fertility Management
Contraception Prevents conception Perfect failure rate Typical use failure rate (See Table 6.1) Barrier methods

3 Table 6.1, part 1

4 Table 6.1, part 2

5 How to Use a Condom Figure 6.1

6 Methods of Fertility Management
Hormonal Methods Oral contraceptives Pills Depo-Provera Ortho-Evra Nuva Ring Lunelle and Norplant (currently off the market)

7 Methods of Fertility Management
Surgical Methods of Sterilization Female Tubal ligation Hysterectomy Male Vasectomy

8 Methods of Fertility Management
Other Methods of Contraception IUDs Progestasert ParaGuard Withdrawal Emergency contraceptive pills ECPs Emergency minipills Abstinence and “Outercourse”

9 The Fertility Cycle Figure 6.4

10 Fertility Awareness Methods
Cervical Mucus Method Body Temperature Method The Calendar Method

11 Contraceptive Research
New Barrier Methods Lea’s Shield Vaginal Sponge (Protectaid) FemCap Contraceptives for Men “Male Pill” Injectable Contraceptive Synthetic Testosterone

12 Table 6.2

13 Contraceptive Research
Implant Refinements Population Council – Single Rod Implant Delivery System Biodegradable Implants

14 Contraceptive Research
Injections and Vaccines For Women Oral or injectable vaccine Unisex Contraception New group of drugs as gonadotropins

15 Abortion History and Methods
Landmark case Roe vs. Wade 1973 What are the main arguments on both sides of this debate? Methods of Abortion 1) Vacuum aspiration – 1st trimester 2) Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) – 2nd trimester 3) Dilation and Curettage (D&C) – 2nd trimester

16 Vacuum Aspiration Abortion
Figure 6.5

17 Abortion History and Methods
Methods of Abortion (continued) 4) Prostaglandin or induction abortions – 2nd trimester 5) Hysterotomy – removal of the fetus surgically 6) Intact dilation and extraction (D&X) – late term abortion 7) Mifepristone (RU-486) – induces abortion by blocking progesterone used with Misoprostil (a Prostaglandin)

18 Planning a Pregnancy Emotional Health Maternal Health
Preconception care Smoking and drinking Caffeine X-rays Healthy weight

19 Planning a Pregnancy Paternal Health Klinefelter’s syndrome
Prader-Willi syndrome Financial Evaluation Contingency Planning

20 Pregnancy Prenatal Care 30% don’t receive adequate care
Choosing a Practitioner Ob-Gyn Family practitioner Midwife Alcohol and Drugs Birth defects Fetal alcohol syndrome

21 Pregnancy X-Rays Nutrition and Exercise
Normal weight gain is pounds in a normal weight woman Obese women can gain less, pounds recommended Underweight women recommended pounds

22 Pregnancy Other Factors Avoid toxic chemicals Avoid pesticides
Toxoplasmosis – cat feces, raw meat, can have harmful organisms

23 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Facts Woman menstruate for about 40 years After 35, birth defects do rise Down syndrome is NOT markedly increased with age, 80% are born to moms under 35 Pregnancy Test and Process Pregnancy tests measure human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) Fertilization

24 Fertilization Figure 6.6

25 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Pregnancy Testing HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin found in urine and blood) Early Signs of Pregnancy Breast tenderness Emotional upset Nausea Sleeplessness Vomiting

26 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
First Trimester Embryo Fetus – start of third month Second Trimester Placenta well established Notice changes in mother

27 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Third Trimester 6-9th month Greatest growth 85% of calcium and iron to fetus Pregnancy is 40 weeks gestation total Fourth Trimester Postpartum period – 6 weeks after the birth occurs

28 Amniocentesis Figure 6.7

29 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Prenatal Testing and Screening Amniocentesis – draws fluid from amniotic sac Ultrasound or sonography – uses high-frequency sound waves Fetoscopy – small incision and optical viewer Chorionic villus sampling – remove tissue from around fetal attachment to the mother

30 The Birthing Process Figure 6.8, part 1

31 The Birthing Process Figure 6.8, part 2

32 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Childbirth Choose a place – home or hospital The birth process Episiotomy A slight incision in perineum Some use pain-killers

33 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Perineum Area between vulva and anus for incision if needed Afterbirth Placenta delivery during last stage of birth

34 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Managing Labor: Nonmedical Approaches Birth Alternatives Lamaze Harris method Childbirth without fear Leboyer method Bradley method Water birth

35 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Breast-Feeding and Postpartum Period Colostrum Precedes milk Thick yellow substance Contains vital antibodies Breast milk provides perfect nutrition Postpartum Depression

36 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Complications Cesarean Section 26.1% in 2002 CDC hoped to reduce to 15% by 2000 but did not meet goal

37 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Complications (continued) Miscarriage 10% of pregnancy Failure of egg to divide correctly Ectopic pregnancy Genetic abnormalities Maternal illness Maternal hormonal imbalance

38 A Woman’s Reproductive Years
Complications (continued) Stillbirth Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

39 Infertility Facts Men and women affected equally
One in 6 people are infertile Causes in Women Endometriosis Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) Causes in Men Low sperm count Mumps virus Varicose veins above testes

40 Infertility Treatment 90% treatable 30-70% success
Expensive and time consuming Fertility drugs and side effects Alternative insemination In vitro fertilization Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)

41 Infertility Treatment (continued)
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) Embryo transfer (surgical and non-surgical types) Embryo freezing Embryo adoption

42 Infertility Options Beyond Treatment Surrogate motherhood Adoption
What are some important considerations with surrogate mothers? Which of these alternatives seem best to you and why?

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