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Bangladesh Coastal Flooding

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1 Bangladesh Coastal Flooding
John Lim ESS 315

2 Context Bangladesh has a ~150 million people population
Estimated 40% of the population live below the poverty line 25% of floods annually occur during the monsoon season 500 dollars lasts a year Area known to be most affected by global climate change in the planet Reference:

3 Causes of Bangladesh Coastal Flooding
Rising sea levels Most land is <12 meters in elevation Comprised of hundreds of fluvial systems (rivers, deltas) When the rivers flood, the whole country is inundated River floods occur approximately every year in Bangladesh Ex Flood “Inundated 32,000 sq. km, over 85,000 houses destroyed and almost 1 million damaged, approximately million acres of crops destroyed or partially damaged, estimated damage over $1 billion, 649 deaths Referenece:

4 Reference: http://www. livemint

5 Tropical Cyclones Occurs every three years
In 1970, ~500,000 deaths were caused by a tropical cyclone Generates waves up to 7 meters high Due to Bangladesh’s low elevation profile, these cyclone surge travel up to 30 miles inland Made cyclone shelters in attempts to lower deaths and injuries caused by frequent cyclones Referenece:

6 Possible Solutions Money New infrastructure
More accurate flooding predictions, fast evacuation Donations Reference:

7 Reference local-people-takes-D7YBRM.jpg

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