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Communicating & Sharing: The Social Web
Power Point Presentation to accompany Visualizing Technology, by Debra Geoghan. Chapter 8 Communicating & Sharing: The Social Web Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Objectives Compare different forms of synchronous online communication. Demonstrate how to use effectively. Discuss the roles of social media in today’s society. Locate user-generated content in the form of a blog or podcast. Discuss how wikis and other social media sites rely on the wisdom of the crowd. Explain the influence of social media on e-commerce. This chapter explains and discusses communicating and sharing on the Web. The chapter objectives are: Compare different forms of synchronous online communication. Demonstrate how to use effectively. Discuss the roles of social media in today’s society. Locate user-generated content in the form of a blog or podcast. Discuss how wikis and other social media sites rely on the wisdom of the crowd. Explain the influence of social media on e-commerce. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Talk to Me Compare different forms of synchronous online communication Define VoIP and how it works This objective compares different forms of synchronous online communications. It also defines VoIP and how it works. Chat Instant messaging Synchronous online communication VoIP Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Synchronous Communication IM | CHAT | VoIP
Synchronous communication: Communication that happens in real time, with two or more people online at the same time. Online synchronous communication tools let us communicate in real-time on the Web. Instant messaging (IM) Chat VoIP Synchronous communication is communication that happens in real time, with two or more people online at the same time. Instant messaging (IM), chat, and VoIP are examples of synchronous communication. <#>
Synchronous Communication IM | CHAT | VoIP
INSTANT MESSAGING Allows you to talk to one person at a time Most IM software supports group chats Instant messaging (IM) is a form of synchronous communication. IM allows you to talk to one person at a time. Most IM software supports group chats. When the IM session is complete, it will disappear. Client-based IMs systems include AIM and Google Talk. Trillian is a program that allows you to access all your separate accounts in one place (see the image above). <#>
Instant Messaging When someone is trying to communicate with you when you are online You are notified You can then accept or reject the communication You can also hold simultaneous individual conversations If you all want to talk together you can create custom IM chat rooms. Instant Messaging (IM) uses real-time text-based conversations, similar to chat rooms Users set up a list of contacts called a Buddy list. Contacts must be online to participate. IM software detects the presence of members who are online. Examples include: AOL Instant Messenger Yahoo Messenger
Instant Messaging IM sessions happen between buddies and disappear when they end, although some IM software will allow you to save the text of your conversation. There are Web-based IM tools, but many popular IM services, such as AIM or Google Talk, use client software that the user must install first. Modern cell phones also often have IM capabilities. Instant Messaging (IM) uses real-time text-based conversations, similar to chat rooms Users set up a list of contacts called a Buddy list. Contacts must be online to participate. IM software detects the presence of members who are online. Examples include: AOL Instant Messenger Yahoo Messenger
Synchronous Communication IM | CHAT | VoIP
Allows you to talk to multiple people at the same time in a chat room with others of common interest Can be moderated or unmoderated Web-based chats use sites like Chat Avenue and Talk City Client-based chats require you to install client software to access them Chat is another form of synchronous communication. Chat allows you to talk to multiple people at the same time in a chat room with others of common interest. The room can be moderated or unmoderated. There are Web-based and client-based chats. Web-based chats use sites like Chat Avenue and Talk City. Client-based chats require you to install client software to access them. <#>
Chat Rooms An area on the Web where many people come together to communicate online. The conversations occur in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room. A chat room is an area on the Web where many people come together to communicate online. The conversations are in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room. Chat rooms are sometimes theme-oriented and sometimes not. There is no chance for editing out outlandish or offensive opinions or language. People in chat rooms choose an identity and therefore are anonymous. General rules of etiquette (netiquette) include introducing yourself when you enter the room and specifically addressing the person you are talking to, refraining from swearing, name calling, and using explicit or prejudiced language. Users cannot repeatedly post the same text and shouldn’t type in all capital letters.
Chat Rooms You can find chat rooms that are geared toward common interests, such as travel or cooking, or more general chats for people that just want to talk. There are chats that are moderated, where a moderator screens all content, or unmoderated, where anything goes. There are many chat rooms that are adult in nature, and unfortunately, sexual predators often find their victims in such chat rooms. A chat room is an area on the Web where many people come together to communicate online. The conversations are in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room. Chat rooms are sometimes theme-oriented and sometimes not. There is no chance for editing out outlandish or offensive opinions or language. People in chat rooms choose an identity and therefore are anonymous. General rules of etiquette (netiquette) include introducing yourself when you enter the room and specifically addressing the person you are talking to, refraining from swearing, name calling, and using explicit or prejudiced language. Users cannot repeatedly post the same text and shouldn’t type in all capital letters.
Chat Rooms That said, it’s important to put safety first when using chat rooms, or any form of online communication for that matter. Focus on specific topics or interests. Identity protection Username Password A chat room is an area on the Web where many people come together to communicate online. The conversations are in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room. Chat rooms are sometimes theme-oriented and sometimes not. There is no chance for editing out outlandish or offensive opinions or language. People in chat rooms choose an identity and therefore are anonymous. General rules of etiquette (netiquette) include introducing yourself when you enter the room and specifically addressing the person you are talking to, refraining from swearing, name calling, and using explicit or prejudiced language. Users cannot repeatedly post the same text and shouldn’t type in all capital letters.
Chat Rooms Traditional chat rooms are text-based, persistent, and users come and go, often not knowing each other. You can find Web-based chat rooms using sites such as Chat Avenue or Talk City. Client-based chats require you to install client software in order to access them. Some instant messaging programs, such as Yahoo! Messenger. Allow you to join and create chat rooms. A chat room is an area on the Web where many people come together to communicate online. The conversations are in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room. Chat rooms are sometimes theme-oriented and sometimes not. There is no chance for editing out outlandish or offensive opinions or language. People in chat rooms choose an identity and therefore are anonymous. General rules of etiquette (netiquette) include introducing yourself when you enter the room and specifically addressing the person you are talking to, refraining from swearing, name calling, and using explicit or prejudiced language. Users cannot repeatedly post the same text and shouldn’t type in all capital letters.
Chat Rooms General rules of etiquette (Netiquette)
Obvious standards of behavior Introducing yourself when you enter a chat room Specifically address the person you are talking to Users are also expected to refrain from Swearing Name calling Using explicit or prejudiced language Harassing other participants Users cannot post the same text repeatedly with the intent to disrupt the chat (flooding). A chat room is an area on the Web where many people come together to communicate online. The conversations are in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room. Chat rooms are sometimes theme-oriented and sometimes not. There is no chance for editing out outlandish or offensive opinions or language. People in chat rooms choose an identity and therefore are anonymous. General rules of etiquette (netiquette) include introducing yourself when you enter the room and specifically addressing the person you are talking to, refraining from swearing, name calling, and using explicit or prejudiced language. Users cannot repeatedly post the same text and shouldn’t type in all capital letters.
Chat Rooms Vs IM When you use IM services, you have private conversations with people you know. With Chat Rooms, anyone who enters the chat room can take part in the conversation. Today, businesses are finding IM and chat to be useful tools for holding meetings and providing customer support. A chat room is an area on the Web where many people come together to communicate online. The conversations are in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room. Chat rooms are sometimes theme-oriented and sometimes not. There is no chance for editing out outlandish or offensive opinions or language. People in chat rooms choose an identity and therefore are anonymous. General rules of etiquette (netiquette) include introducing yourself when you enter the room and specifically addressing the person you are talking to, refraining from swearing, name calling, and using explicit or prejudiced language. Users cannot repeatedly post the same text and shouldn’t type in all capital letters.
Synchronous Communication IM | CHAT | VoIP
Voice over IP allows phone calls to be transmitted over the Internet instead of phone lines Skype allows you to place phone calls to other Skype users for free or to regular phones for a fee If you have a webcam you can video chat Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allows phone calls to be transmitted over the Internet instead of phone lines. Skype is a form of VoIP. Skype allows you to place phone calls to other Skype users for free or to regular phones for a fee. If you have a webcam you can video chat. <#>
Voice over Internet Protocol
VoIP – A form of voice-based Internet communication that turns a standard Internet connection into a means to place phone calls, including long distance phone calls Uses technology similar to to send voice data digitally VoIP turns the Internet into a means to place phone calls, including long distance. Uses a protocol similar to to send voice data. Voice is digitized as an alternative to the analog phone lines. Minimally Requires a microphone an Internet connection A VoIP provider Services differ Free services like Skype require a Skype account on both ends. Paid services like Vonage connect your regular phone to your computer through a special adapter. Cable and DSL providers are offering telephone service through their existing broadband account. WiFi IP phones allow calls through Internet hotspots and wireless networks.
Voice over Internet Protocol
Requires Speakers A microphone An Internet connection A VoIP provider Requires that both the person placing the call and the person receiving the call have its free software installed on their computers Lets you use your own telephone (instead of the speakers and microphone system) by connecting your phone to a special adapter that the company provides VoIP turns the Internet into a means to place phone calls, including long distance. Uses a protocol similar to to send voice data. Voice is digitized as an alternative to the analog phone lines. Minimally Requires a microphone an Internet connection A VoIP provider Services differ Free services like Skype require a Skype account on both ends. Paid services like Vonage connect your regular phone to your computer through a special adapter. Cable and DSL providers are offering telephone service through their existing broadband account. WiFi IP phones allow calls through Internet hotspots and wireless networks.
Voice over Internet Protocol
Services differ Free services require an account on both ends Paid services connect phone to computer Cable and DSL providers offer phone through broadband WiFi IP phones call through Internet hotspots and wireless networks VoIP turns the Internet into a means to place phone calls, including long distance. Uses a protocol similar to to send voice data. Voice is digitized as an alternative to the analog phone lines. Minimally Requires a microphone an Internet connection A VoIP provider Services differ Free services like Skype require a Skype account on both ends. Paid services like Vonage connect your regular phone to your computer through a special adapter. Cable and DSL providers are offering telephone service through their existing broadband account. WiFi IP phones allow calls through Internet hotspots and wireless networks.
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Use the Internet to research chat and IM safety rules for kids. Create a list of five rules you consider the most important when it comes to keeping kids safe. Use the Internet to research chat/IM safety rules for kids. Create a list of five rules you consider the most important when it comes to keeping kids safe. Answers may vary, but might include something like this: Kids’ Rules for Online Safety (for preteens) from I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number, or the name and location of my school without my parents’ permission. I will tell my parents right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable. I will never agree to get together with someone I “meet” online without first checking with my parents. If my parents agree to the meeting, I will be sure that it is in a public place and bring a parent along. I will never send a person my picture or anything else without first checking with my parents. I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I do I will tell my parents right away. *These rules are aimed mostly at preteens. It is now very common for teens to upload pictures and some information about themselves on social networking sites, however, caution is still necessary. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Leave a Message Define asynchronous online communication Define captcha and its purpose Demonstrate how to use effectively Discuss forums and discussion boards This objective compares different forms of asynchronous online communication. It also demonstrates effective use and defines captcha. Asynchronous online communication Captcha Forum Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Asynchronous Communication
Captcha (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart): A series of letters and numbers that are distorted in some way. An example is provided below. Purpose: To prevent automated software from creating online accounts. Captcha is an acronym for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. It is a series of letters and numbers that are distorted in some way that is relatively easy for humans to read. The purpose of captcha is to prevent automated systems from creating accounts. <#>
Asynchronous Communication
Asynchronous online communication: A form of communication that does not require the participants to be online at the same time. Forums and discussion boards Asynchronous online communication is a form of communication that does not require the participants to be online at the same time. Examples of asynchronous communication are and forums, also referred to as discussion boards. <#>
Asynchronous Communication E-MAIL
is a system of sending electronic messages using store-and-forward technology. An server holds your messages until you request them. is a system of sending electronic messages using store-and-forward technology. There are two ways to access your messages: using an client or reading it online via a Webmail interface. <#>
Asynchronous Communication E-MAIL
Thus, someone can send you an message even if you’re not online at the time. There are two ways to access your messages: Using an client on your computer Reading it online via a Webmail interface is a system of sending electronic messages using store-and-forward technology. There are two ways to access your messages: using an client or reading it online via a Webmail interface. <#>
E-mail E-mail software Client-based Web-based
Accessible only from the computer on which it is installed Web-based Accessible from any computer with Internet access has quickly caught on as the primary method of electronic communication because it’s fast and convenient and reduces the costs of postage and long-distance phone calls. Some accounts are client-based. These programs require a computer with the correct client. Client-based systems are normally tied to a local ISP and use that domain for an address. If a user changes ISPs, then the address changes. Web-based , on the other hand, finds the messages at a host site received by and stored on a mail server, and can be accessed from anywhere. A Web-based address will stay the same no matter what ISP is used. Free accounts such as Yahoo! or Hotmail use Web-based clients.
E-mail Electronic mail
A written message that is sent and received over the Internet. The messages can be formatted and enhanced with graphics as well as include other files as attachments. Has become the primary method of electronic communication because its fast and convenient and reduces the cost of postage and long-distance phone calls has quickly caught on as the primary method of electronic communication because it’s fast and convenient and reduces the costs of postage and long-distance phone calls. Some accounts are client-based. These programs require a computer with the correct client. Client-based systems are normally tied to a local ISP and use that domain for an address. If a user changes ISPs, then the address changes. Web-based , on the other hand, finds the messages at a host site received by and stored on a mail server, and can be accessed from anywhere. A Web-based address will stay the same no matter what ISP is used. Free accounts such as Yahoo! or Hotmail use Web-based clients.
E-mail What is needed A computer An Internet connection
An account has quickly caught on as the primary method of electronic communication because it’s fast and convenient and reduces the costs of postage and long-distance phone calls. Some accounts are client-based. These programs require a computer with the correct client. Client-based systems are normally tied to a local ISP and use that domain for an address. If a user changes ISPs, then the address changes. Web-based , on the other hand, finds the messages at a host site received by and stored on a mail server, and can be accessed from anywhere. A Web-based address will stay the same no matter what ISP is used. Free accounts such as Yahoo! or Hotmail use Web-based clients.
Asynchronous Communication E-MAIL
PROS CONS Access on PC, phone, or PDA, anywhere, anytime Can have multiple accounts Not secure Spam Have many accounts to manage There are advantages and disadvantages to . The pros are that you can access your mail on PCs, phones, and PDAs, just about anywhere. You can also have multiple accounts. There are also disadvantages to . The messages sent and received are not secure as they can be read by hackers. Also, your ISP might scan messages to target advertising, or an employer or school can read your s. There can also be a lot of junk mail or spam. Just as easy as it might be to create multiple accounts, it can also be just as difficult to manage these accounts. <#>
Asynchronous Communication E-MAIL
It makes sense to have multiple accounts. This allows you to keep your private, work, and school communication separate. Your ISP will usually provide you with at least one account. Your employer or school may provide you with another. is a system of sending electronic messages using store-and-forward technology. There are two ways to access your messages: using an client or reading it online via a Webmail interface. <#>
Asynchronous Communication E-MAIL
There are also many places where you can sign up for free accounts, such as Yahoo!, Google, and The advantage to using an account not tied to your ISP is that, if you change your ISP, you will not lose your in the process. is a system of sending electronic messages using store-and-forward technology. There are two ways to access your messages: using an client or reading it online via a Webmail interface. <#>
Is not private. s can be easily viewed by others, either by being printed out or forwarded. Because it is not encrypted, you should not use to send personal or sensitive information such as bank account numbers or Social Security numbers, which could lead to identity theft. Employers have access to sent from the workplace, so use caution when putting negative or controversial content in an . Even after you’ve deleted an , it doesn’t really vanish. Many ISPs and company servers archive , which can then be accessed or subpoenaed in the event of a lawsuit or investigation. has quickly caught on as the primary method of electronic communication because it’s fast and convenient and reduces the costs of postage and long-distance phone calls. Some accounts are client-based. These programs require a computer with the correct client. Client-based systems are normally tied to a local ISP and use that domain for an address. If a user changes ISPs, then the address changes. Web-based , on the other hand, finds the messages at a host site received by and stored on a mail server, and can be accessed from anywhere. A Web-based address will stay the same no matter what ISP is used. Free accounts such as Yahoo! or Hotmail use Web-based clients.
Asynchronous Communication Text Messaging
Using the Short Message Service (SMS), you can send brief electronic messages between mobile devices. Messages that include multimedia such as images or videos use the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). Most mobile devices include a built-in messaging app. is a system of sending electronic messages using store-and-forward technology. There are two ways to access your messages: using an client or reading it online via a Webmail interface. <#>
Asynchronous Communication FORUMS | DISCUSSION BOARDS
Forums, also known as discussion boards or message boards, were one of the first forms of social media. They’re conversations much like chat but are not in real time Many technology and product Websites include forums that can be used as a support system Forums are sometimes referred to as a community Great place to get help with a problem, ask advice, or just communicate with others with similar interests Most forums are moderated and require you to create an account Forums are also known as discussion boards or message boards. Forums were one of the first forms of social media. They are like chat, but differ because they are not in real time. Many technology and product Websites include forums. These forums can be used as a support or help system. Forums are sometimes referred to as a community. A community is a great place to get help with a problem, ask advice, or just communicate with others with similar interests. Most forums are moderated and require you to create an account. <#>
Asynchronous Communication FORUMS | DISCUSSION BOARDS
Participants post comments and questions, usually about a particular topic or problem, and other participants respond. Each conversation is called a thread, and the responses are posts. Forums are a great place to: Get help with problems; Ask for advice; Just communicate with folks with similar interests. Threads can be searched and read long after the initial conversation has ended. Forums are also known as discussion boards or message boards. Forums were one of the first forms of social media. They are like chat, but differ because they are not in real time. Many technology and product Websites include forums. These forums can be used as a support or help system. Forums are sometimes referred to as a community. A community is a great place to get help with a problem, ask advice, or just communicate with others with similar interests. Most forums are moderated and require you to create an account. <#>
Asynchronous Communication FORUMS | DISCUSSION BOARDS
Most forums are moderated and require you to create an account before you’re allowed to post. The advantage to using or a forum over chat or IM is that the conversations have a longer life span. You can save s indefinitely as long as you have the storage space, and forums can persist for years after a thread is started. These tools have become critical ways to communicate in all types of businesses. Forums are also known as discussion boards or message boards. Forums were one of the first forms of social media. They are like chat, but differ because they are not in real time. Many technology and product Websites include forums. These forums can be used as a support or help system. Forums are sometimes referred to as a community. A community is a great place to get help with a problem, ask advice, or just communicate with others with similar interests. Most forums are moderated and require you to create an account. <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Visit and click Forums. Select a destination that you have visited in the past. Read some of the threads. Select a thread that you would like to reply to. Do you agree with the replies posted? Would you find them helpful if you were deciding whether to visit this location? Visit and click Forums. Select a destination that you have visited in the past. Read some of the threads. Select a thread that you would like to reply to. Do you agree with the replies posted? Would you find them helpful if you were deciding whether to visit this location? Answers will vary, but might look something like this: I recently traveled to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and stayed at the all-inclusive Melia Caribe Tropical. I agreed with the posts that I read. The island is beautiful. The accommodations were fine, rooms clean, and staff friendly. The only complaint I had was with the food. The selection of fresh fruit for an island was very disappointing, and there were not many low-fat, low-calorie alternatives. It was hard to get reservations at the better restaurants, yet now I am aware of this for future all-inclusive hotels. I do think I would have stayed at a different place had I read the reviews at I will be sure to do so in the future. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
3 There’s a Place for Everyone … Examine the roles of social media and social network sites Explore social video, image, and music sites This objective examines the roles of social media. It also explores social video, image, and music sites. Avatar Digital footprint Folksonomy MMORPG Social media Social network Viral video Web 2.0 Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Social Media Social media is a collection of tools that enable users to create user-generated content, connect, network, and share, sometimes called Web 2.0 Social network sites Social, video, images, and music Social media is a collection of tools that enable users to create user-generated content, connect, network, and share. Social media is new technologies that have emerged and are sometimes referred to as Web 2.0. Categories of social media are social network sites and social, video, image, and music sites. <#>
Social Media Social network sites are online communities that combine many of the features of the other online tools: chat, IM, and . Facebook MySpace Linkedln Social network sites are online communities that combine many of the features of the other online tools: chat, IM, and . Facebook and MySpace are two popular social network sites. <#>
Social Media Social networks allow you to chat in real time and to post messages for all to see or to send a personal message similar to an . There are hundreds of social networking sites. Some focus on business, others are language- or location-specific, and still others are available where anything goes. Social network sites are online communities that combine many of the features of the other online tools: chat, IM, and . Facebook and MySpace are two popular social network sites. <#>
Digital Footprint Your digital footprint is all the information that someone could find out about you by searching the Web, including social network sites. Once something has been posted, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it. You need to develop your own brand and make sure what is publically viewable fits that brand. Your digital footprint is all the information that someone could find out about you by searching the Web. Once something has been posted, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it. You need to develop your own brand and make sure what is publically viewable fits that brand. <#>
Social Media FACEBOOK and MYSPACE, the first social network sites began in the late 1990s, and today, there are literally hundreds of them. MySpace was launched in 2003, and Facebook was launched in 2004 for Harvard students and in 2006 for the rest of us. Today, these two sites have hundreds of millions of users worldwide. Users create a profile that includes some personal information, pictures, and interests and then they connect with other users or friends. Social network sites are online communities that combine many of the features of the other online tools: chat, IM, and . Facebook and MySpace are two popular social network sites. <#>
Social Media If you have friends that tag you in their photos, even if your profile is private, you may be sharing more than you meant to. Be sure to use the security and privacy settings to keep your private life private, and consider creating a second public profile. Social network sites are online communities that combine many of the features of the other online tools: chat, IM, and . Facebook and MySpace are two popular social network sites. <#>
Social Media Business social networks are business-centered social networks designed for business connections LinkedIn Business social networks are business-centered social networks designed for business connections. LinkedIn is one business social network. <#>
Social Media Virtual worlds are cyber communities that allow you to interact with people in real time using an avatar or virtual body Second Life Webkinz MMORPG Virtual worlds are cyber communities that allow you to interact with people in real time using an avatar or virtual body. SecondLife, Webkinz, and MMOG are examples of popular virtual worlds. <#>
Social Sharing Social sharing sites, such as YouTube, Flickr,, and SoundCloud allow anyone to create and share media A key feature is the ability to tag items. Tagging makes the sharing even more social as users tag not only their creations but those of others, too Social sharing sites allow anyone to create and share media. A key feature is the ability to tag items, or folksonomy, which makes the sharing more social as users tag not only their creations but those of others, too. <#>
Social Sharing Video YouTube is the largest online video hosting site in the world. It’s also social in the sense that: You can subscribe to other user’s channels; Send messages; Recommend videos. Social sharing sites allow anyone to create and share media. A key feature is the ability to tag items, or folksonomy, which makes the sharing more social as users tag not only their creations but those of others, too. <#>
Social Sharing Video A viral video is one that becomes extremely popular because of recommendations and social sharing. There are other video sharing sites, including: CollegeHumor Vimeo TeacherTube Facebook and Flickr Social sharing sites allow anyone to create and share media. A key feature is the ability to tag items, or folksonomy, which makes the sharing more social as users tag not only their creations but those of others, too. <#>
Social Sharing Images Flickr is the largest image sharing site.
With a free account, you can post up to 1 terabyte of images – that’s more than 500,000 images. You can mark your images as private or make them public. You can adjust the copyright to allow others to use your images legally. Social sharing sites allow anyone to create and share media. A key feature is the ability to tag items, or folksonomy, which makes the sharing more social as users tag not only their creations but those of others, too. <#>
Social Sharing Images Flickr images can be tagged, allowing you to search for something that interests you. Other popular photo sharing sites include Picasa Web Albums, Google+, Photobucket, and Facebook. Social sharing sites allow anyone to create and share media. A key feature is the ability to tag items, or folksonomy, which makes the sharing more social as users tag not only their creations but those of others, too. <#>
Social Sharing Music There are lots of places on the Web to find music, but if you want a social experience, create an account on a site such as or Pandora. These sites recommend music to you based on what you listen to and what your friends are listening to. Social sharing sites allow anyone to create and share media. A key feature is the ability to tag items, or folksonomy, which makes the sharing more social as users tag not only their creations but those of others, too. <#>
Social Sharing Music With, you can browse users with similar music tastes and discover what they’re listening to. You can mark tracks as “loved”, which will help you get recommendations. The more you listen to and love tracks, the more recommendations you will get. Social sharing sites allow anyone to create and share media. A key feature is the ability to tag items, or folksonomy, which makes the sharing more social as users tag not only their creations but those of others, too. <#>
Social Sharing Music If you like to make and share your own music, you can use a website like to do just that. You can upload sound files that you have created and share them with the community. Users can follow their favorites and comment and share new finds. Artists can communicate directly with their fans. Musicians can collaborate with each other, even if they are many miles apart. Social sharing sites allow anyone to create and share media. A key feature is the ability to tag items, or folksonomy, which makes the sharing more social as users tag not only their creations but those of others, too. <#>
Social Sharing VIDEO IMAGES MUSIC YouTube TeacherTube CollegeHumor
Vimeo Hulu Flickr Picasa Photobucket Shutterfly Snapfish Pandora These sites allow you to subscribe, send messages, and make recommendations. A viral video is a video that becomes popular due to recommendations and social sharing. These sites can be made private or public. You can tag them and categorize them to find them easily. These sites recommend music based on what you listen to. There are many ways users can share content. Video sharing sites allow you to subscribe, send messages, and make recommendations. A viral video is a video that becomes popular due to recommendations and social sharing. Examples of video sharing sites include YouTube, TeacherTube, CollegeHumor, Vimeo, and Hulu. Image sharing sites can be made private or public and you can tag and categorize your images to find them easily. Examples of image sharing sites are Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket, Shutterfly, and Snapfish. Music sharing sites recommend music based on what you listen to. and Pandora are popular music sharing sites. <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Imagine that you’re a prospective employer. Search the Web and major social networks to see what you would find. Log out of your social networking sites to see how an outsider would view you. How is your brand? Would you hire yourself? Was it easy to find things that you would rather keep private? Imagine that you’re a prospective employer. Search the Web and major social networks to see what you would find. Log out of your social networking sites to see how an outsider would view you. How is your brand? Would you hire yourself? Was it easy to find things that you would rather keep private? Answers will vary, but they should discuss the brand that the student envisions. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Get Your Word Out Define user-generated content and how it relates to blogs, podcasts, and RSS Define blog, podcast, and RSS This objective defines user-generated content and how it relates to blogs, podcasts, and RSS. Blog Blogosphere Microblogging Podcast Podcast client RSS User-generated content Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
User-Generated Content
User-generated content is the content created not by professional writers and photographers, but by the rest of us. It includes the videos and photos we take and post online, but it also include what we write and say. User-generated content is the content created not by professional writers and photographers, but by users. It includes the videos and photos we take and post online, but it also includes what we write and say. <#>
Weblogs (blogs) Searchable Some are personal
Personal logs, or journal entries that are posted on the Web Available to the public Simple to create, read, and manage Entries listed on a single page with the most recent entry at the top Weblogs or blogs are a way for anyone to post their thoughts for public viewing. Of course, posting a blog doesn’t guarantee that anyone will read it. Blogging is easy and free. Reading blogs can be very interesting, as they plug into the unsolicited viewpoints of people who believe they have something to say. Searchable Some are personal Many are focused on a topic
User-Generated Content
blogs A weblog or blog, is an interactive online journal It’s a Web page that’s created with simple blog tools that anyone can set up and pretty much talk about whatever they like. A blog or weblog is an online journal. A vlog is a video blog. The difference between a Web page and a blog is that blogs can be interactive. Your readers can post comments about your blog posts. is a good place to search the blogosphere, which consists of all the blogs on the Web and connections among them. Microblogging sites like Twitter are a more social form of blogging. These posts are limited to 140 characters. Users can post frequent updates. These “tweets” can be public or private, and can be sent and received via cell phones, computers, or . <#>
User-Generated Content Blogs
Vlogs, video blogs, are video journals instead of text. Blogs can be interactive. Readers can post comments about your blog posts. is a good place to start to search the blogosphere, which consists of all the blogs on the Web and the connections among them. Many bloggers link to other related blogs. Two popular sites are Blogger and WordPress. Both of these sites allow you to create an account for free. A blog or weblog is an online journal. A vlog is a video blog. The difference between a Web page and a blog is that blogs can be interactive. Your readers can post comments about your blog posts. is a good place to search the blogosphere, which consists of all the blogs on the Web and connections among them. Microblogging sites like Twitter are a more social form of blogging. These posts are limited to 140 characters. Users can post frequent updates. These “tweets” can be public or private, and can be sent and received via cell phones, computers, or . <#>
User-Generated Content Blogs
Microblogging sites like Twitter and Tumblr are a more social form of blogging where posts are typically limited to a relatively small number of characters and users post updates frequently. Posts can be public or restricted to a group of users; sent from computers, cell phones, and text messages; and they can be received the same way. Twitter posts are called tweets, are limited to 140 characters, and answer the question: What are you doing? Instead of friends, Twitter users have followers. Unlike most social networks, you don’t have to ask tor permission to follow someone, although they can block you or create restricted accounts. A blog or weblog is an online journal. A vlog is a video blog. The difference between a Web page and a blog is that blogs can be interactive. Your readers can post comments about your blog posts. is a good place to search the blogosphere, which consists of all the blogs on the Web and connections among them. Microblogging sites like Twitter are a more social form of blogging. These posts are limited to 140 characters. Users can post frequent updates. These “tweets” can be public or private, and can be sent and received via cell phones, computers, or . <#>
User-Generated Content Blogs
With Tumblr, you can post anything from photos, text, and links to videos and music. You can even link your Tumblr account to your Twitter account so that your posts appear on both sites. A blog or weblog is an online journal. A vlog is a video blog. The difference between a Web page and a blog is that blogs can be interactive. Your readers can post comments about your blog posts. is a good place to search the blogosphere, which consists of all the blogs on the Web and connections among them. Microblogging sites like Twitter are a more social form of blogging. These posts are limited to 140 characters. Users can post frequent updates. These “tweets” can be public or private, and can be sent and received via cell phones, computers, or . <#>
User-Generated Content
A podcast is a digital media file of a prerecorded radio and TV-like show that is distributed on the Web podcost You can find and play podcasts using a podcast client or media player program, such as iTunes. Two good sites to find podcasts are and A podcast is a digital media file of a prerecorded radio and TV-like show that is distributed over the Web to be downloaded and watched or listened to on a computer or portable media player. You can find podcasts using a podcast client or media player program, such as iTunes or Winamp. Two good sites to find podcasts are and Podcasts allow time-shifting, which is listening on your own schedule, and location shifting, which is taking it with you. <#>
Podcasts A clip of audio or video content that is broadcast over the Internet using compressed audio and video files such as MP3s and MP4s. Radio shows Audio books and magazines Educational programs Video blog (vlog) – entries are video clips recorded digitally and playable on standard media player software. Podcasts use compressed audio and video files. Podcasts are distributed on the Internet using RSS technology. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology allows for constant, automatic updates of Web pages. Podcasts are found all over the Web. They require aggregator and media player software to watch or listen to them. Podcast creation is an easy process including attaching the RSS files.
Podcasts You must subscribe to be able to access the most current version of the online content which is delivered to your computer automatically so that you can listen to the content when you want Video blog (vlog) – entries are video clips recorded digitally and playable on standard media player software. Podcasts use compressed audio and video files. Podcasts are distributed on the Internet using RSS technology. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology allows for constant, automatic updates of Web pages. Podcasts are found all over the Web. They require aggregator and media player software to watch or listen to them. Podcast creation is an easy process including attaching the RSS files.
Podcasts You can listen to the content on your computer by using a media player RealPlayer Windows Media Player You can transfer the content from your computer to a portable device iPod Video blog (vlog) – entries are video clips recorded digitally and playable on standard media player software. Podcasts use compressed audio and video files. Podcasts are distributed on the Internet using RSS technology. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology allows for constant, automatic updates of Web pages. Podcasts are found all over the Web. They require aggregator and media player software to watch or listen to them. Podcast creation is an easy process including attaching the RSS files.
Podcasts Uses RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology
An XML-based format that allows frequent updates of content on the World Wide Web Requires “aggregator” software to gather podcasts Software programs that go out and grab the latest update of Web material according to your specifications Video blog (vlog) – entries are video clips recorded digitally and playable on standard media player software. Podcasts use compressed audio and video files. Podcasts are distributed on the Internet using RSS technology. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology allows for constant, automatic updates of Web pages. Podcasts are found all over the Web. They require aggregator and media player software to watch or listen to them. Podcast creation is an easy process including attaching the RSS files.
User-Generated Content
RSS RSS is Really Simple Syndication, a format used for distributing Web feeds that change frequently RSS saves you time by sending you updates on the sites to which you subscribe Blogs, podcasts, and news are examples of RSS feeds RSS is Really Simple Syndication, a format used for distributing Web feeds that change frequently. RSS saves you time by sending you updates on the sites to which you subscribe. Subscribing to the RSS feeds brings the information right to you. Blogs, podcasts, and news are examples of RSS feeds. <#>
Podcasts Can be found all over the Web
Most newspapers, TV news, and radio sites offer podcasts of their programming Some popular TV shows are available via Podcasts Some web sites allow you to download entire books so that they can be listened to anywhere Video blog (vlog) – entries are video clips recorded digitally and playable on standard media player software. Podcasts use compressed audio and video files. Podcasts are distributed on the Internet using RSS technology. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology allows for constant, automatic updates of Web pages. Podcasts are found all over the Web. They require aggregator and media player software to watch or listen to them. Podcast creation is an easy process including attaching the RSS files.
Podcasts Education Many schools are beginning to recognize this format as a means to supply students with course content updates Instructors are creating podcasts of their lectures Video blog (vlog) – entries are video clips recorded digitally and playable on standard media player software. Podcasts use compressed audio and video files. Podcasts are distributed on the Internet using RSS technology. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology allows for constant, automatic updates of Web pages. Podcasts are found all over the Web. They require aggregator and media player software to watch or listen to them. Podcast creation is an easy process including attaching the RSS files.
User-Generated Content
Content created by non-professional writers and photographers Includes Videos Photos Writings Recordings User-generated content is the content created not by professional writers and photographers, but by users. It includes the videos and photos we take and post online, but it also includes what we write and say. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
User-Generated Content Blogs
Weblog Interactive online journal Vlog Video blog Popular sites Blogger WordPress Blogosphere All the blogs on the Web and connections among them Search with Microblogging 140 characters or less Twitter A blog or weblog is an online journal. A vlog is a video blog. Your readers can post comments about your blog posts. is a good place to search the blogosphere, which consists of all the blogs on the Web and connections among them. Microblogging sites like Twitter are a more social form of blogging. These posts are limited to 140 characters. Users can post frequent updates. These “tweets” can be public or private, and can be sent and received via cell phones, computers, or . Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
User-Generated Content Podcasts
Digital media file Prerecorded radio- and TV-like show Distributed on the Web Allows Time shifting Location shifting Find using a podcast client or media player program iTunes Winamp Web sites A podcast is a digital media file of a prerecorded radio and TV-like show that is distributed over the Web to be downloaded and watched or listened to on a computer or portable media player. You can find podcasts using a podcast client or media player program, such as iTunes or Winamp. Two good sites to find podcasts are and Podcasts allow time-shifting, which is listening on your own schedule, and location shifting, which is taking it with you. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
User-Generated Content RSS
Really Simple Syndication Format used for distributing Web feeds that change frequently Saves you time Subscribe to sites Examples Blogs Podcasts News RSS is Really Simple Syndication, a format used for distributing Web feeds that change frequently. RSS saves you time by sending you updates on the sites to which you subscribe. Subscribing to the RSS feeds brings the information right to you. Blogs, podcasts, and news are examples of RSS feeds. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Search for a podcast about a topic that interests you. Find out as much as you can about the podcast and its creators. Listen to an episode and write a short summary of the contents. Did you enjoy it? Would you subscribe to it? Recommend it? Was this a good way to get this information? Explain your answers. Search for a podcast about a topic that interests you. Find out as much as you can about the podcast and its creators. Listen to an episode and write a short summary of the contents. Did you enjoy it? Would you subscribe to it? Recommend it? Was this a good way to get this information? Explain your answers. Answers will vary but should include several comments regarding the content, whether the student would subscribe, and an opinion about whether this is a good resource of information. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
5 The Wisdom of the Crowd Discuss how wikis and other social media sites rely on the wisdom of the crowd Define social bookmarking and news sites This objective discusses how wikis and other social media sites rely on the wisdom of the crowd. It also explores social bookmarking and news sites. Crowd sourcing Social bookmarking site Social news site Social review site Wiki Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Wisdom of the Crowd Crowdsourcing – Obtaining the collective opinion of a crowd of people rather than the individual opinion of an expert. Wisdom of the crowd is the idea of trusting the collective opinion of a crowd of people rather than an expert. Wikis and social review sites are types of social sites that are based on the wisdom of the crowd. <#>
Wikis and Social Review Sites
WIKIs are Websites that allow users to edit content, even if it was written by someone else Wikipedia: Most well-known. Social review sites are Websites where users review hotels, movies, games, books, and other products and services TripAdvisor eOpinions Yelp Wikis are Websites that allow users to edit content, even if it was written by someone else. Wikipedia is the most well-known wiki, yet it is not the most reliable source for academic research. Social review sites are Websites where users review hotels, movies, games, books, and other products and services. TripAdvisor, eOpinions, and Yelp are examples of social review sites. <#>
Wikis Wikis A Web site that allows users to change its content by adding, removing, or editing the content The content is updated continuously and kept accurate by the many expert eyes that view the content In late 2005, Wikipedia content was measured for accuracy in its scientific content and was found to be as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica Webcasts broadcast audio/visual files but are not updated. Webcasts use streaming media technology to facilitate the viewing and downloading process of large audio and video files. A Wiki is a type of Web site that allows anyone visiting the site to change its content by adding, removing, or editing the content. Wikis provide an excellent source for collaborative writing. Unlike blogs, however, wikis can be edited and therefore maintain a more “common” opinion rather than the direct expressed opinion of the initial individual writer.
Wikis Wikis Provide an excellent source for collaborative writing both in and out of the classroom Like blogs, wikis can be used to express thoughts and opinions about certain topics Unlike blogs, wikis can be edited and therefore maintain a more “common” opinion, rather than the direct expressed opinion of the initial individual writer Webcasts broadcast audio/visual files but are not updated. Webcasts use streaming media technology to facilitate the viewing and downloading process of large audio and video files. A Wiki is a type of Web site that allows anyone visiting the site to change its content by adding, removing, or editing the content. Wikis provide an excellent source for collaborative writing. Unlike blogs, however, wikis can be edited and therefore maintain a more “common” opinion rather than the direct expressed opinion of the initial individual writer.
Social Review Sites Social Review Sites (TripAdvisor, epinions, Yelp) let users review hotels, movies, games, books, and other products and services. Webcasts broadcast audio/visual files but are not updated. Webcasts use streaming media technology to facilitate the viewing and downloading process of large audio and video files. A Wiki is a type of Web site that allows anyone visiting the site to change its content by adding, removing, or editing the content. Wikis provide an excellent source for collaborative writing. Unlike blogs, however, wikis can be edited and therefore maintain a more “common” opinion rather than the direct expressed opinion of the initial individual writer.
Social Bookmarking and News
SOCIAL NEWS Social bookmarking sites allow you to save and share your bookmarks or favorites online. Delicious Stumbleupon Social news sites are online news sites that allow users to submit content they discover on the Web and put it in one place for others to see and discuss. Digg Slashdot Boudica Social bookmarking sites allow you to save and share your bookmarks or favorites online. Delicious is a social bookmarking service for storing, sharing, and discovering Web bookmarks. The Stumbleupon site helps you discover and share interesting Websites based on your interests. Social news sites are online news sites that allow users to submit content they discover on the Web and put it in one place for others to see and discuss. Digg is a social news Website. It does not publish original content, but rather allows others to submit their Web discoveries. Slashdot produces its own content, and accepts user submissions with a focus on technology topics. Boudica is social news site geared for women that works much like Digg. <#>
Social Bookmarking Social bookmarking sites allow you to save and share your bookmarks or favorites online. Delicious allows you to not only save and share your bookmarks online but to also search the bookmarks of others. StumbleUpon discovers websites based on your interests. When you sign up you indicate topics that interest you. Then, as you visit websites, you can click the StumbleUpon button to be taken to a similar site. Webcasts broadcast audio/visual files but are not updated. Webcasts use streaming media technology to facilitate the viewing and downloading process of large audio and video files. A Wiki is a type of Web site that allows anyone visiting the site to change its content by adding, removing, or editing the content. Wikis provide an excellent source for collaborative writing. Unlike blogs, however, wikis can be edited and therefore maintain a more “common” opinion rather than the direct expressed opinion of the initial individual writer.
Social Bookmarking Social News sites are different than traditional media news sites in that at least some of the content is submitted by users. It’s interactive in a way that traditional media isn’t. It’s like having millions of friends sharing their finds with you. Content that’s submitted more frequently or gets the most votes is promoted to the front page. Webcasts broadcast audio/visual files but are not updated. Webcasts use streaming media technology to facilitate the viewing and downloading process of large audio and video files. A Wiki is a type of Web site that allows anyone visiting the site to change its content by adding, removing, or editing the content. Wikis provide an excellent source for collaborative writing. Unlike blogs, however, wikis can be edited and therefore maintain a more “common” opinion rather than the direct expressed opinion of the initial individual writer.
Social Bookmarking Three of the most popular social news sites are reddit, Digg, and Slashdot. Digg doesn’t publish any content but allows the community to submit content they discover on the Web and puts it in one place for everyone to see and to discuss. Slashdot, which focuses primarily on technology topics, does produce its content but also accepts submissions from its readers. Reddit allows community members to submit content and to vote that content up or down, as well as discuss it. Reddit is organized into categories called subreddits. Slashdot, which focuses primarily on technology topics, produces some content but also accepts submissions from its readers. Whatever your interests, there’s probably a social news site for you. Webcasts broadcast audio/visual files but are not updated. Webcasts use streaming media technology to facilitate the viewing and downloading process of large audio and video files. A Wiki is a type of Web site that allows anyone visiting the site to change its content by adding, removing, or editing the content. Wikis provide an excellent source for collaborative writing. Unlike blogs, however, wikis can be edited and therefore maintain a more “common” opinion rather than the direct expressed opinion of the initial individual writer.
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Go to the Wikipedia article “Reliability of Wikipedia” at How does Wikipedia assure that the content is correct? What procedures are in place to remove or correct mistakes? How does Wikipedia compare to other online sources of information? Go to the Wikipedia article “Reliability of Wikipedia” at How does Wikipedia assure that the content is correct? What procedures are in place to remove or correct mistakes? How does Wikipedia compare to other online sources of information? Answers will vary, but should include the following: “Wikipedia policies and guidelines are developed by the community to describe best practice, clarify principles, resolve conflicts, and otherwise further our goal of creating a free, reliable encyclopedia. There is no need to read any policy or guideline pages before starting editing. However, it is worth reading the Five pillars page, which contains a summary of the most pertinent principles.” Five Pillars: Wikipedia is an encyclopedia. Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view. Wikipedia is free content that anyone can edit, modify, and distribute. Editors should interact with each other in a respectful and civil manner. Wikipedia does not have firm rules. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
6 Talk to Me Discuss the influence of social media on e-commerce Discuss the types of e-commerce Discuss credit card safety on the Web This objective discusses the influence of social media on e-commerce, the various types of e-commerce, and using credit cards safely on the Internet. E-commerce Social media marketing Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Social Media and E-Commerce
Businesses use social media sites to provide support and interaction to customers. Social media marketing (SMM): The practice of using social media sites to sell products and services E-commerce: Doing business on the Web; often broken into three categories B2B – Business to business B2C – Business to consumer C2C – Consumer to consumer Social media marketing (SMM) is the practice of using social media sites to sell products and services. E-commerce is business on the Web. It is broken into three categories: B2B (business to business), B2C (business to consumer), and C2C (consumer to consumer). <#>
Types of E-Commerce B2B B2C C2C
Business-to-business services are services that a business provides for another business. Examples: Google checkout service PayPal Business-to-consumer services are retailers selling goods and services online to consumers. B2C is the most familiar form of e-commerce; used in social media to help customers find out about products. Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce is a “global yard sale”; you can find, buy, sell, or trade almost anything. eBay Craigslist Business-to-business (B2B) services are services that a business provides for another business. Examples include Google checkout service and PayPal. Business-to-consumer (B2C) services are retailers selling goods and services online to consumers. This is the most familiar form of e-commerce. It is used in social media to help customers find out about products. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce is a “global yard sale,” where you can find, buy, sell, or trade just about anything. Examples of C2C include eBay and Craigslist. <#>
Conducting Business Over the Internet
E-Commerce: Business-to-consumer (B2C) Transactions that take place between businesses and consumers Purchases at online stores Business-to-business (B2B) Businesses buying and selling goods and services to other businesses B2B E-commerce E-commerce grows in importance everyday, with billions of dollars worth of transactions. In business-to-consumer or B2C transactions, such as, the end buyer purchases goods or services over the Internet. In business-to-business or B2B transactions, businesses sell to one another. In consumer-to-consumer C2C transactions, like, consumers sell to one another. Businesses hire security companies such as VeriSign to certify that their online transactions are secure. Thus, if the Web site displays the VeriSign seal, you can usually trust that the information you submit to the site is protected. Another indication that a Web site is secure is the appearance of a small icon of a closed padlock (IE) or key (Netscape) on the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Additionally, the beginning of the URL of the site will change from to the s standing for “secure.” Manufacturer Retailer Suppliers
Conducting Business Over the Internet
E-Commerce: Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Consumers selling to each other through online auction sites B2B E-commerce E-commerce grows in importance everyday, with billions of dollars worth of transactions. In business-to-consumer or B2C transactions, such as, the end buyer purchases goods or services over the Internet. In business-to-business or B2B transactions, businesses sell to one another. In consumer-to-consumer C2C transactions, like, consumers sell to one another. Businesses hire security companies such as VeriSign to certify that their online transactions are secure. Thus, if the Web site displays the VeriSign seal, you can usually trust that the information you submit to the site is protected. Another indication that a Web site is secure is the appearance of a small icon of a closed padlock (IE) or key (Netscape) on the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Additionally, the beginning of the URL of the site will change from to the s standing for “secure.” Manufacturer Retailer Suppliers
Conducting Business Over The Internet
Approximately $100 billion each year is spent on goods purchased over the Internet. 25% of all retail sales. As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a user’s life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detail.
E-Commerce Safeguards
When you buy something over the Web, you most likely use a credit card. The exchange of money is done directly between you and a bank. Because online shopping eliminates a sales clerk or other human intermediary from the transaction, it can actually be safer than the traditional retail transaction. As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a user’s life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detail.
E-Commerce Safeguards
Businesses still must have some form of security certification to give their customers a level of comfort. Businesses hire security companies to certify that their online transactions are secure VeriSign If the Web site displays the VeriSign seal, you can usually trust that the information you submit to the site is protected As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a user’s life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detail.
E-Commerce Safeguards
Another indication that a Web site is secure is: the appearance of a small icon of a closed padlock. The beginning of the URL of the site will change from to with the s standing for “secure socket layer” A protocol that encrypts information before it is sent across the Internet. As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a user’s life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detail.
E-Commerce Safeguards
To ensure that your online experience is a safe one: Shop at well-known, reputable sites When you place an order, print a copy of the order and make sure you receive a confirmation number. As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a user’s life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detail.
E-Commerce Safeguards
To ensure that your online experience is a safe one: Make sure the company has a phone number and street address in addition to a Web site. Avoid making online transactions when using public computers. Always pay by credit card not debit card. Check the return policy. As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a user’s life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detail.
Credit Card Safety E-commerce requires consumers to provide personal information, so consumers need to shop wisely Shop at well-known sites, or use third-party payment sites such as Google Checkout and PayPal to protect credit card information Make sure Website is secure E-commerce requires consumers to provide personal information, so consumers need to shop wisely. Consumers should shop at well-known sites, or use third-party payment sites such as Google Checkout and PayPal to protect credit card information. Users also need to make sure the Website is secure. To check if a site is secure, look at the browser address bar to see if the URL begins with HTTPS. If so, the site is using SSL security and is a secure site. Also look for a padlock icon. This also indicates a secure site. Clicking the padlock will open a security report about the site. <#>
Build A Brand When customers go looking for a company or service, they turn to the web. A successful organization in today’s digital world needs to have an online presence that includes both a traditional website and social media As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a user’s life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detail.
Build A Brand Unlike a Facebook profile, which is linked to a person, a Facebook Page is used to promote an organization, a product, or a service. A Page is public so it can be viewed by anyone, even those who are not logged in to Facebook The Facebook Page for this textbook can be found at As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a user’s life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detail.
Build A Brand Unlike Facebook, Twitter has only one type of account, and you do not have to create a personal account first. You can use Twitter to engage your customers and members even if you don’t use Twitter personally. Use hashtags to organize and make your tweets searchable, and respond to customers when they tweet you or retweet your messages. The Twitter account created for this book is As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a user’s life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detail.
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Visit What are two ways that Amazon uses social media marketing? Can you find any other ways? How is this experience different from shopping in a store? Visit What are two ways that Amazon uses social media marketing? Can you find any other ways? How is this experience different from shopping in a store? Answers will vary, but might be something like this: Amazon uses social media marketing by utilizing a “Checkout by Amazon” method, similar to Google Checkout. It also uses the shopping cart icon. I noticed that the ads on the page are searches I have made on other sites. I have also noticed that it remembers the last time I searched the site and the purchases I made and places them at the bottom of my current search. Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall <#>
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Visualizing Technology Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
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