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Chapter 10 Telemetry Downlink

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1 Chapter 10 Telemetry Downlink
Zodiac Data Systems

2 Presentation overview
Topics: Telemetry downlink methods today The new chapter 10 asynchronous packet downlink airborne method Chapter 10 telemetry downlink packet format Telemetry downlink filter possibilities The ground segment

3 Telemetry Downlink Methods Today
Most Telemetry today utilizes IRIG 106, Class I or II, Chapter 4 PCM stream formats Tedious job periodic sampling of asynchronous data and placing it into PCM Stream It can be challenging and requires extensive testing Repeated samples Often requires excess bandwidth to insure data is not missed

4 Current Airborne System Architectures
Recorders Recorders are typically used for capturing bus communications, video (HD/SD), high rate analog and output from FTI Encoders, buses (Total Data Capture). Recording standard is in IRIG106 Chapter 10 Format Encoders Typically capturing transducers and selected data from busses for insertion into Time Division Multiplexed PCM Data Streams Trend: Network output from Telemetry Encoders

5 Current Airborne System Architecture
Recorder Total Capture 1553 Video High Speed Analog Asynchronous Serial Ethernet Parallel/Discrete Chapter 10 Recording PCM IRIG Ch4 Encryptor Transmitter Antenna Time Division Muxed 1553 Video Low Speed Analog Parallel/Discrete Other Data Types Encoder Recorder used for Post mission all data analysis Encoder primarily used for Real Time TM Downlink, Analog sampling Duplicate Interfaces for Recorder and Encoder !

6 Chapter 10 Asynchronous Packet Downlink Airborne Scenario
Quick-look and real-time monitoring 1553 Video High Speed Analog Asynchronous Serial Ethernet Parallel/Discrete Recorder Chapter 10 Recording PCM or Ethernet Encoders Analog Discrete Encryptor Transmitter Antenna IRIG106 Ch10 packets inserted into a constant rate PCM Ch4 stream Duplicate interfaces not required !

7 Interface Module Creates Class II PCM stream with IRIG 106 Ch10 Packets
Quick-look and real-time monitoring Traditional Chapter 4 PCM TM downlink UDP Selected Ch10 packets from any recorder data types Transmitter Constant Bit Rate PCM Stream with self-correcting code (Ch10 TMDL) UDP data stream (e.g. IP cameras) or other Video sources Antenna

8 Multiplexing Packets into a Single Fixed Bit Rate PCM Steam
Ch10 Video Packet Ch 1 Ch Packet Ch 2 Fill Packet, Status Information Ch10 TMDL does not require any programming assignment of data in the Ch4 PCM stream typically required for Encoders

9 (IRIG106 Standard Class II)
TM Downlink Format First Header Pointer Header Frame Sync Word Frame Sync Word Fill Ch10 Packet Ch10 Packet Minor Frame (IRIG106 Standard Class II)

10 Low Latency Data Handling
Low Latency Packet mechanism helps inserting time critical data anywhere into the stream Latency can be kept below 20ms for critical data Typically 100 ms latency for non priority data Low Latency Data FS Pck #N FS Pck #N FS LL FS Pck #N Pck #N Transfer packets may overlap transfer frames

11 Protecting Structure Critical Elements
Frame headers, packet header data type and packet length are structural critical information Transmission errors in these fields could multiply error rate Extended Golay (24,12,8) coding: corrects 3 of 24 transmitted bits Additional Optional Error Correction In case of high error rate additional error correction technics can be used Recommended method: Reed-Solomon error correction defined by CCSDS (223 data bytes + 32 parity symbols) Allows to correct any 16 bytes in the 255 byte transmitted data + parity blocks Interleaving of up to 8 Reed Solomon Block helps handling burst errors (one burst error is spread up to 8 RS blocks)

12 Lower Rate TM Downlink Filtering for Specific Data Types
PCM (complete minor frames) MIL-STD-1553 (total bus) ARINC-429 (All labels) Ethernet (All messages) HD video (compressed) High bandwidth analog PCM (selected words) MIL-STD-1553 (selected messages) ARINC-429 (selected Labels) Ethernet (selected messages or data words) Video (SD compressed or rate decimated HD) Bandwidth limited analog Aircraft Data Sources: Ch10 TMDL PCM Down Link Stream:

13 PCM Filter Word Selection
Status display will show the new data rate

14 Video Bit Rate Decimation Multiple Rate Compression
HD High Bit Rate H.264 Video Ch10 Recording On-Board Video Camera HD Video Interface On Board High Rate Streaming Frame Rate Decimation and / or HD to SD conversion Packet Ch10 TMDL Interface Low Rate PCM TM Downlink

15 Downlink of Filtered 1553 Data
All 1553 Message Ch10 Recording MIL-1553 Interface Packet Ch 1 Packet Ch 1 Packet Ch 1 BC RT UDP Broadcast of All Bus Data (or Filtered, if selected so) Selected 1553 Message Packets Packet Ch10 TMDL Interface Filtered Ch 1 FilteredCh 1 Selected Messages Fixed Bit Rate PCM

16 Airborne Processing Channel Concept
PCM Stream Matrix Switch Filter 1 2 Filter 2 3 All Data 1 Recording 1 Recording 2 UDP 1 UDP 2 TM Down 1 TM Down 2 Destinations

17 Quick-look and real-time monitoring:
Generic Air and Ground Diagram Quick-look and real-time monitoring: Network Data (e.g. IP cameras) And other Video sources Other Network data processing Ch4 PCM Ch10 TMDL stream IRIG106 Ch10 UDP broadcast Antenna Ch4 PCM output PCMs from encoders Direct Video analysis

18 ZDS Ch10 TMDL Components

19 Ch10 TM Downlink Summary Totally compatible with TM encryptor, decryptor, transmitters, receivers, bit syncs Switching cost is low Ch10 Telemetry greatly simplify TM downlink process Minimal testing required to setup mission Ideal for HD recording and SD Video downlink Low latency is achievable

20 Thank you !

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