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Roosevelt Social Work Services

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1 Roosevelt Social Work Services
Linda Mirza, LSW

2 District 64 Social Work All district 64 schools have social workers on staff to support the social/emotional well-being of all students in general education and special education through group, individual, and consultative services. School social workers seek to promote a positive school culture that facilitates students’ academic and social and emotional learning and provides knowledge and access to school-based and community-based resources.

3 Social workers provide:
· Evidence-based social, emotional and behavioral education, and individual and group counseling services. · Consultation with parents and school personnel to promote a collaborative approach to encourage and support the success of the students. · Mobilizing school and community resources to enable the child to learn as effectively as possible in his or her educational program. · Assist with conducting functional behavioral assessments and the development of positive behavioral intervention strategies. · Implement multi-tiered programs and practices, monitor progress, evaluate service effectiveness.

4 Types of Social Work Services Provided at Roosevelt
Services to students: Provide crisis intervention Developing strategies and tools to support academic and social/emotional success Helping students develop appropriate social interaction skills: individually and in group setting Assisting students to increase self-awareness, social-awareness, self-management skills Teaching emotional regulation/coping strategies and problem-solving strategies Programs reinforced: Second Step, Zones of Regulation, Superflex teaching Social Thinking

5 Conflict Resolution/Problem-solving
Primary grades are developing problem-solving skills focus on identifying how you feel coming up with solutions to solve the problem and educating about the difference between tattling vs. telling Intermediate grades encourage students to talk it out and work together to come up with solutions. (class meetings to address concerns and help encourage students to help eachother out and overall classroom/school community) Stay calm and take turns talking without interrupting State how you feel “I” message and why (what the problem is) Think of possible solutions together Agree on a compromise If safety issue immediately report to an adult. Bullying vs. Conflict

6 SEL and Technology Apps/Games:
Breathe, Think, Do (younger problem solving/self-control) Touch and Learn (emotions) Avokiddo Emotions (emotions, play) Emotionary/ Go Noodle Zones of Regulation 1 & 2/ Social Express (social interaction skills) IF...the emotional IQ game (social/emotional skills) Stop, Breathe, & Think (mindfulness/meditation).....Go Zen website/videos

7 Thank you for having me! Questions/Comments

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