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Traditional Literature

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1 Traditional Literature

2 Types of traditional Literature
Folktale Fable Myths Epic and Legendary Heroes Bible

3 Definition All forms of narrative, written or oral, which have come to be handed down through the years. Seen to come from the people of culture rather than a specific person Exceptions: Aesop, Homer, and other ancient tellers or writers of tales Includes Folktales, Myths, Fables, Epic and Legendary Heroes, Bible as Literature

4 Origin Traditional Literature forms the foundation of understandings of life as expressed in modern literature Monogenesis Grimm Brothers theory Polygenesis Monogenesis: Inheritance from a single origin, Grimm theorized all these stories came from one prehistoric group called Aryans later Identified as Indo-Europeans by modern linguists. The group migrated they took their folklore with them (diffusion) Freud: view that all myths Polygenesis: multiple origins, Each story could have been an independent invention growing out of universal human desires and needs.

5 Value Teachers find it a valuable way to introducing world cultures and geographical regions Appeals to the children’s sense of justice and their moral judgment Kindle their imagination Helps them cope with their dreams and inner turmoil Our speech and language reflect many contributions Groundwork From their imagination comes people’s dreams or ideals; figures of speech from Aesop’s fables “sour grapes” “dog in the manager” boy who cried wolf”; words and phrase from myths narcissistic, cereal, labyrinth, siren etc; lays the groundwork for understanding all literature begin to build a framework for all literature

6 Folktales Defined as “all forms of narrative, written or oral, which have come to be handed down through the years.” Epics, Ballads, Legends, and Folk Songs as well as Myths and Fables

7 Types of Folktales Cumulative Tales Pourquoi Tales Beast Tales
There is an increasing repetition of the details building up to a quick climax Children loves these tales Pourquoi Tales Stories that explain Beast Tales Animals act and talk like human beings Talking animals appear in folktales in all cultures Wonder Tales or “Fairy Tales” Magic and the supernatural Creatures Involves Romance and Adventure Long Quest Tales Ends with … Part of the appeal Represents Glorious Fulfillment of human desires Realistic Tales Few Some Basis in Fact Children delight in the sound if the rhyming double names which are repeated over and over; “why”; certain animal traits, characteristics, human customs; Many Native American stories explain animal features, origin of certain natural features, how humans and their customs come to be; Favorite, Many African tales are “wise beast/foolish beast” ex rabbit outwits a lion; Many of these beast tales traveled to the United States with enslaved Africans, collected by Joel Chandler Harris in the late 1800s; Examples: Fish English, Scandinavian, German Bears, Wolves, Firebirds-Russian Spiders and rabbits African Monkeys and Bees Japan; Very few fairies and fairy godmothers, Wicked Witches, Demons, Monsters and Dragons; Complex Wonder Tales is which the hero or heroine triumphs against all odds to win the beautiful princess or handsome price; end with “ and they live happily ever after”; Appeal secure knowledge that no matter what happens love kindness and truth will prevail hate wickedness and evil will be punished

8 Folktales Pictures

9 Characteristics of Folktales
Plot Structures Characterization Style Themes Motifs Series of episodes maintains a quick flow of action, almost all folktale plots are success stories of one kind or another, repetition ( responses, chants, poems) basic element. 3 magic number, time and place established quickly, time pass quickly, setting is not specific, intro- presents conflict, characters, setting in a few sentences, w little desc. Goes to the heart capturing the int., conclusion follows the climax very quickly and includes few details Characterization: Characters shown in flat dimension symbolic either good or evil, Character Development seldom depicted, Beautiful girl- humble, virtous,patient, loving Stepmothers- ugly, cross, mean Hero- strong, virile brave kind symphatic Poor- kind generous long-suffering Rich- imperious hardhearted conniving dishonest Readers make their own picture in the head since there is little description Qualities, Special Strengths weakness is revealed quickly as it will be the conflict or lead to resolution Style: Should maintain the flavor of the country but present audience still be able to understand, Not written down but simplified for children, figurative language and imagery are employed by effective narrators, frequently imitate sounds, dialect is hard to understand for children unless the teacher practice reading the story, Main thing is maintain the atmosphere of the country and culture from which is originated and that it sounds like a tale told Theme: Main purpose tell an entertaining story yet they do present important themes, outlet for feelings, values of the culture expressed humility, kindness patience sympathy hard work courage are invariably rewarded reflect goals of people sometimes they are stated at the end explicitly, power of love, mercy, kindness Motifs: patterns, smallest part of a tale that can exist independently, seen in the recurring parade like the younger bro, wicked stepmother etc.,

10 Characteristics of Folk Literature Cont.
Examples of Motifs Magical Powers Transformations Magical Object Wishes Trickery Power of Naming Enchanted Sleep Frequently given to persons or animals, helpful companions who have magical talents, always aid heroes and heroines in obtaining their goals, Transformation of an animal into a person or vice versa is a part of many stories Essential aspects of many tales that also reflect other themes or motifs, often either heightens a good character’s courage and cleverness while Misuse = Disaster for bad character Granted then used foolishly anger greed Both animals and people trick their friends and neighbors; almost every culture has an animal trickster European wolf fox, Japan badger hare, ‘Indonesia tiny mouse deer, Africa Anansi the spider, Zomo the rabbit, Ijapa the tortoise, Coyote and raven Native American Do not derive from the same original source but share some many characters similarities or motifs in common Example Cinderella

11 Evaluating Folktales Is there some mention or citation of the original source for this tale? Is the plot simple and direct? Is the language lively and engaging and in keeping with the oral tradition? Does a theme emerge? What is the story’s message or moral? Do illustrations add to and extend the story? Are illustrations and details true to the culture represented? Does the story represent cultural norms, or is written to conform to Western mores?

12 Folktales of the World Every Culture has produced folklore
Provide Insight Help Children discover the universal qualities of humankind Pay Attention to the Following Slides will come in handy Insights Beliefs of these people. Values, jokes, lifestyles, histories

13 British Folktales First Folktales there most children hear in the United States Joseph Jacobs Examples “The Old Woman and Her Pig” “The Three Bears” “The Three Little Pigs” Some Of the British Folktales has a realism element Wonderfully Exotic Characters Region has developed fewer complicated wonder tales that abound in French and Russian folklore J.J folklorist collected many of them and deliberately adapted them for young children Basis in history Celtic mythology hobs and giants examples

14 German Folktales Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Household Stories Grimm Fairy Tales Enlivened by elves, dwarfs, and devils rather than fairies of other cultures Villain in the few beast stories is a wolf Some can be grim, dark, and forbidding “Hansel and Gretel” Plots are exciting, fast-moving, and a little frightening Evil beings hold the good beings until the magical enchantments is broken by love and kindness Famous for the Grimm Fairy Tales did not adapt their stories for children spent more then 12 yrs. collecting the tales first published in 1812 as the first volume of Household Stories That was the dreams and wishes of the common folk when they recorded the their tales Best Known is the little redcap

15 Scandinavian Folktales
Most are from one single Norwegian collection titled East o’the Sun and West o’the Moon “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” Reflect the harsh elements of the northern climate Animal helpmates assist heroes in overcoming giants or wicked trolls Heroes Evil Spell Characterized by many trolls, magical objects, and enchantments Often humorous, exciting, fast-moving Gathered by Peter Christian Asbjornsen and Jorgan Moe in the early 1840s Human beings who are held by evil spell

16 French Folktales Earliest to be recorded and most sophisticated and adult Charles Perrault Little book with no name Was it written by Perrault or son Pierre Has an elegant style of the “literary tale” “Sleeping Beauty” Best Known French wonder tale “Beauty and the Beast” Usually tales of the rich not poor Most have all the trappings of traditional fairy tale Were the rage in the court society of Louis XIV Published a little volume of fairy tales in 1697 debate whether or not Perrault or his son Pierre wrote it Fairy Godmothers, stepsisters, handsome princes

17 Russian Folktales Feature universal patterns of tasks and trials, tricks, and transformations Often longer and complicated than other countries Same characters appear in different guises and one story will often braid into another “The Tale of the Firebird” Involve several sets of tasks Baba Yaga Ivan

18 Jewish Folktales Has poignancy, wit, and ironic humor unmatched in any other folklore Many been persevered by the writing of Isaac Bashevis Singer “Zlateh the Goat” based on his own childhood memories and tradition Isaac Bashevis Singer retained the flavor of both oral tradition and the Yiddish origin

19 Folktales from the Middle East
Birthplace of many of our Western stories, but these tales are not as well know in the United States. Arabian Nights “Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp” Hodja Stories Indicative of a rich source on which children’s literature has yet to draw fully from. Provide stories for generations Religious teacher

20 Folktales from Asia Examples: “Yen-Shen” – China
“Momotaro or the Story of a Peach” - Japan “The Brave Little Parrot” – India Familiar Theme: Caring for others above oneself Japanese Folktales contain: Miniature people Oni (monster) Theme of gentleness toward animals and other people Value of hard work Respect for elderly Familiar Character: Rabbit Jataka (birth) stories found in India Later Beast Tales were drawn to form the Panchatantra Yen Shen based on one of the oldest variants of Cinderella Often portrayed as clever trickster who might be petty and vain They tell of the previous reincarnations of the Buddha known to be existed as early as 5th Century A.D. Moralistic or Religious in nature Stories that were instruct young princes in morality

21 Folktales from Africa Storytelling is a highly developed art
Aural cadence not found in other stories of the world Come oral tradition and frequently written in the storyteller’s voice Style Short sentences Frequent use of parallel constructions Repetition Dialogue Example of Africa Literature “Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears” Particularly in West Africa

22 Africa Continued Many may be described as
Being about personified animals Pourquoi stories Play on words is a favored form of humor Will present a dilemma and then the storyteller will invite the audience will try to guess the conclusion Oral tradition has ben maintained Children will learn something new Anansi the spider About dreams, wishes, hopes, humor and despair of other people

23 Folktales of Canada and the United States
Examples of Folktales: “Johnny Appleseed” Folktales that came over with the immigrants that took on an unmistakable flavor Indigenous to the place are Native American Folktales Also tall tales that developed from the pioneer spirit

24 America Folktales Continued
It can be sorted into four categories: 1. Native American, Eskimo, and Inuit tales that were originally there. 2. Tales that came from other countries, primarily from West Africa, and were changed in the process to form the basis of African American folktales 3. Tales that came primarily from Europe and were modified into new variants 4. Tall tales, legends, and other Americana that developed here Authors continue to Americanize European folktales African American Folktales: Slaves who came over here who added layers to beast tales to add a new meaning about the relationship between the slaves and their masters (Uncle Remus) Tall Tales Contain a glorious mixture of the humor, bravado, and pioneer spirit needed to tame the wilderness Exaggerated Tales Heroes: Johnny Appleseed and John Henry Johnny Appleseed lived to serve others with his apples John Henry African American who swung his hammer in a contest against a steam drill on the building of the Trans, Cont. Railroad and won

25 Native American Folktales
Example: “They Dance in the Sky” Many Native Americans tales can be categorized as myths as they include creation myths and sacred legends When originally told there were loosely planned not highly structured as European fairy tales Storytelling is ceremonial importance in various tribal groups Nature myths or pourquoi stories Contain a trickster Heroes can be found in many stories Survival themes are constant Explain how animals came to Earth or why they have certain characteristics Trickster who mediates between the sky world and earth example Great plains trickster coyote

26 Folktales from Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America
Example of Mexico Folktale “The Legend of the Poinsettia” Example of Caribbean Folktale “Cendrillon: A Caribbean Cinderella” Have roots in many cultures that has inhabited this vast region African Caribbean tradition has contributed many stories to the Mainland African Americans There is a couple Mexican folktales has a connection to Catholicism Pourquoi stories are common in Central and South America Water is a common motif in South American folktales.

27 Fables Usually associated with Aesop
The first written fables appeared in Greek Literature two centuries before Aesop’s birth and in India and Egypt before Greece Other sources were the Jataka tales Panchatantra These two have moralistic verses intersperse throughout Jean De La Fontaine who is a third source Greek slave who is supposed to have been born in Asia Minor about 600 B.C Jataka tales animal stories that told of the previous births of the Buddha Panchatantra written for purpose of instructing the young princes of India French poet wrote his fables in verse form but he drew largely on 17th century collection of Aesope’ Fables

28 Characteristics of Fables
Brief, didactic tales in which animals, or occasionally the elements, speak as human beings Example is the well-known race between the hare and the tortoise Humans do appear in a few fables like “The Boy who cried Wolf” Impersonal characters with no lively personalities Animals represent aspects of human nature Seldom have more than three characters Plot based on a single incident Meant to instruct Either contain an implicit or an explicit moral Appear to be simple but they are complex as they convey an abstract idea in relatively few words Examples: Lion kingliness fox cunning sheep innocence and simplicity

29 Editions Younger children might appreciate some fables but can not be able to extract a moral until about 2nd or 3rd grade Older children would like it as they can compare treatments of several of these fables.

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