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AGENDA Daily quiz, lesson starter quiz Cancer- what is it?!?!

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1 AGENDA Daily quiz, lesson starter quiz Cancer- what is it?!?!

2 If you do not mind sharing,
Raise your hand if you know someone who had cancer Raise your hand if this person is still fighting cancer Raise your hand if this person passed away Raise your hand if this person survived

3 So, what exactly is cancer?
Cancer is a group of cells that divide far too often and far too quickly FLASHBACK TO CELL THEORY: “All cells come from previous cells”

4 Why are we talking about it today?
We know what cells are AND we have learned about how they divide!

5 Cancer= uncontrolled mitosis!!!
Uncontrolled growth of body cells (somatic cells)

6 The Cell Cycle Cancer cells Normal Cell Always in mitosis! Interphase

7 Okay, so then what’s a tumor?
A tumor is a GROUP of those rapidly dividing cells.

8 There are different kinds of tumors
Benign: Does not grow in an uncontrolled way Does not spread to other parts of the body Is survivable: doesn’t restrict blood flow, etc. Malignant Cannot control its growth Does not stop when it hits surrounding tissue

9 There are over 100 types of cancer.
SHOCKING STATISTIC!= Melanoma (skin cancer) actually accounts for 90% of the cancer cases in the US The rays of the sun/tanning beds mess up your DNA and cause your cells to go through uncontrolled mitosis!

10 What are the types and who gets them?

11 Oral Cancer

12 Extreme Case of Thyroid Cancer



15 Lung Cancer

16 How do you get cancer? Some cancer is genetic (get screened early and often!) Eating habits Tobacco Environmental factors (chemicals present in the air you breathe or water you drink) Presence of other illnesses like HIV or HPV

17 How do people die from cancer?
The cancer cells will metastasize (spread into your blood stream) Your blood stream goes all throughout your body Once a malignant (cancerous) cell enters your blood, it can go anywhere in your body and start reproducing abnormally This will cause new tumors to grow at different locations in the body

18 How do you treat cancer? You want to treat it early
BEFORE THE CANCER CELLS METASTASIZE Screening and early detection is key!

19 How can you screen? Depends on the cancer:
Cervical cancer= annual pap smear Colon cancer= colonoscopy Breast cancer= monthly self exam Prostate cancer= annual physical It is important to go to the doctor if you are ever worried you might have cancer because early detection is KEY!

20 Chemotherapy Major treatment for cancer Kills ALL rapidly-diving cells
Therefore, kills GOOD and BAD cells Works best on newer tumors

21 What are some other treatments?
Radiation – use of UV light to kill the rapidly dividing cells Surgery to remove the tumor of rapidly dividing cells


READ THE ARTICLE! ANSWER THE QUESTIONS! LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS. While reading: think of what you would do! Ethics= moral philosophy

24 In your folder RAR Gradesheet
HW: Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO OWLS! BE GOOD AT THE FOOTBALL GAME 

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