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Sustainability @ Zwin Natuurcentrum Christine Broux – Business Development Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability @ Zwin Natuurcentrum Christine Broux – Business Development Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability @ Zwin Natuurcentrum
Christine Broux – Business Development Manager

2 Splendid nature reserve at Belgian coast; international bird airport

3 Zwin birds park – old infrastructure, time for change

4 Balancing the “3P’s” at Zwin
By respectfully commercialising nature ..we can further maintain & enhance nature..& create even more magnificent experiences Planet Provide high qualitative nature education and function as a stakeholder platform to make scientific knowledge accessible in an attractive way Ensure Sustainable exploitation of nature’s capital More Nature People ZNC Profit More Experience Economically Viable Development of a unique touristic attraction based on enhanced nature experience

5 ..full integration of sustainability into our core mission
Mission = to Inspire the large public around nature in a modern & attractive way #1: Development of a unique touristic attraction based on enhanced nature experience #2: Provide high qualitative nature education and function as a stakeholder platform to make scientific knowledge accessible in an attractive way #3: Ensure Sustainable exploitation of nature’s capital

6 Sneak preview – New Zwin Nature Centre
Vision statement: A one-sentence statement describing the clear and inspirational long-term desired change resulting from an organisation’s work Max 10 à 15 woorden Vragen die helpen een visie te formuleren: Wat moet er veranderd worden? Wat zijn de grote uitdagingen? Hoe kan succes worden gedefinieerd Wat is de “dream end-state”

7 From mission to actions – some examples
Careful routing of walks & biomonitoring Building – Aiming for BREEAM Excellent Restaurant exploitation – Maximize local products Modal shift – Sensibilisation & Solutions 25% is local!

8 Get inspired by nature at its best…
visit us in 2016!

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