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Chemistry 213 Practical Spectroscopy

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1 Chemistry 213 Practical Spectroscopy
Dave Berg Elliott 314 A course in determining structure by spectroscopic methods

2 SPECTROSCOPY Different types of spectroscopy afford different information about molecules and their structure: INFRARED – what types of functional groups? NMR – what types of H’s, C’s, P’s, F’s......? - how many, what are they connected to? MASS SPEC – what is molecular weight and formula? UV-VIS – how many double bonds?

3 For example: 1H NMR can tell us what kinds
of environments each proton is in:

4 Same technique can also be used in medicine: MRI (NMR of water 1H signals)

5 p. 1 Spectrum Intensity of emr emr = electromagnetic radiation

6 electromagnetic radiation emr
p. 1 electromagnetic radiation emr c = λ n c = speed of light = x 108 ms-1 l = wavelength in meters ( 1 nm = 10-9 m = 10 Å) ν = frequency in s-1 ( 1 Hz = 1 cycle / second = 1 s-1)

7 If l = 1m, then n = 3 x 108 / 1 = 3 x 108 Hz = 300 MHz
p. 2 c = ln l = c/n n = c/l If l = 1m, then n = 3 x 108 / 1 = 3 x 108 Hz = 300 MHz If l = 10-8m, then n = 3 x 1016 Hz UV Visible light: from about 4 to 7 x 10-7 m OR nm

8 ENERGY of Radiation: λ E = h ν = h c
p. 3 ENERGY of Radiation: E = h ν = h c λ where E = energy of a single photon (in Joules ) h = Planck’s constant = x Js E = N h ν = N h c l where E = energy of a mole of photons (in Joules per mole) N = Avogadro’s number = x 1023

9 ENERGY of Radiation: E = h ν = h c E = N h ν = N h c λ λ
p. 3 E = h ν = h c E = N h ν = N h c λ λ single photon mole of photons h = Planck’s constant = x Js N = Avogadro’s number = x 1023 mol-1 For visible light, l = 5 x 10-7 m E = x Js x 3 x 108 ms-1 5 x 10-7 m = 4 x Joules E = 4 x J x x 1023 = 2.4 x 105 J/mol = 240 kJ/mol For uv light, l = 200nm = 2 x 10-7 m E = 599 kJ/mole

10 Common terminology varies with region of the spectrum:

11 l n NMR MRI - UV/vis IR or Raman 60-600 MHz 1 cm 30 GHz 400-4000 cm-1
p. 5 Type of Energy Region Process l n Instrument Nuclear Magnetism radiowave flip the nuclear magnetic spin 0.2 – 2 m MHz NMR MRI Rotational microwave rotation of molecule 1 cm 30 GHz - Vibrational infrared internal vibrations bond stretch/bends m cm-1 IR or Raman Electronic Vis/UV energy change of valence electrons nm UV/vis electronic nuclear X-ray g-ray core electrons nuclear change 1 Angstrom 0.1 nm X-ray diff.

12 only frequency n can cause this excitation
p. 5 Absorbing energy causes changes dependent on the wavelength: e.g. UV or visible light promotes an ELECTRONIC TRANSITION from the ground state E0 to an excited state E1 only frequency n can cause this excitation - Planck – energy is quantized

13 p. 6 INFRARED l = 10 mm = 10 x 10-6 m so n = c/l = (3 x 108)/(1 x 10-5) = 3 x 1013 Hz Kind of awkward numbers, so we use a convenient stand in for the frequency instead: WAVENUMBER = 1/l where l is in cm = 10,000/l where l is in m so for = 10 mm = 1 x 10-3 cm, WN = 1000 cm-1 so the unit of cm-1 is a frequency

14 Typical IR spectrum: l runs from 2.5 to 15 mm
WN runs from 4000 to 600 cm-1 Note: scale is non-linear

15 E = Nhc/l = Nhc x WN but remember then c = 3 x 1010 cm/sec
p. 6 SHORT WAVELENGTH LONG WAVELENGTH HIGH FREQUENCY LOW FREQUENCY HIGH ENERGY LOW ENERGY E = Nhc/l = Nhc x WN but remember then c = 3 x 1010 cm/sec 36 kJ/mol (or 9 kcal/mol) 12 kJ/mol (or 3 kcal/mol)

16 HIGH ENERGY LOW ENERGY C-H stretch C=O stretch C-H bend
p. 6 HIGH ENERGY LOW ENERGY C-H stretch C=O stretch C-H bend lighter elements heavier elements Bond Stretching Bond Bending

17 For IR peaks to be strong (be seen) the bond dipole must change
during the vibration + - bond stretch C===O charges move apart, dipole C=O

18 GREENHOUSE GASES so N2, O2, Ar do not give IR spectra (no dipole) p. 7
- + +

19 p. 7 CO2 H2O

20 p. 7 H2O CO2 CH4

21 Fine structure = ROTATIONS can only be seen clearly in simple

p. 9 QUANTIZATION and SELECTION RULES Molecules are limited to specific energy levels E3 Excited States E2 E1 E0 Ground State True whether electronic, vibrational, rotational, spin

23 Molecular Energy Levels: electronic (S), vibrational (v) and rotational (J)
p. 9 E N R G Y

24 only n causes absorption
A Transition only n causes absorption Need to know: What jumps are possible? What levels are populated?

25 1] No selection rules, i.e. all jumps possible
In this example only the ground state is populated Absorption of light frequency n2 will cause jump from Eo to E2

26 Only ground state populated
2] The IR CASE Only ground state populated Selection rule = jump of + or – 1 allowed, Dn = ± 1 Only one line, frequency n1

27 3] The Microwave (Rotational Spectra) case
Most energy levels populated Selection rule is Dn = ± 1 Relative positions depend upon energy level spacings and in microwave these spacings are not all the same

28 Populations The BOLTZMANN Equation DE = Eupper – Elower J mole-1
R = JK-1mole-1 T = temp in Kelvin NOTE: If E in J per molecule, use k = R/N = x JK-1 What happens if DE is really small OR really large?

29 p. 11 Rotational (microwave) spectra, DE small, l = 0.1 m DE = Nhc/l = (6.022 x 1023) x (6.626 x 10-34) x (3 x 108) 0.1 = 1.2 J mol-1 NU ----- NL = e -(1.2/(8.3 x 300)) = ~1 so both levels almost equally populated so in IR, vibrational lines not very sharp because lots of similar energy rotational levels, which give lots of similar energy lines (refer to p. 7 and slide 19)

30 p. 12 Vibrational (IR) spectra, DE larger, 1/l = 1700 cm-1 DE = Nhc/l = (6.022 x 1023)x(6.626 x 10-34)x(3 x 1010)x1700 = 20,350 J mol-1 NU ----- NL = e -(20,350/(8.3 x 300)) = so only lower level is populated so in IR, n = 1013 to 1014 so NU/NL = 0.20 to 10-7

31 ASSIGNMENT 1 Transition Spectra DE (kJ/mol) NU/NL at 300K rotation
microwave 0.025 0.99 vibration IR 25 5 x 10-5 electronic UV-vis 250 10-44 What happens when T increases? ASSIGNMENT 1

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