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How the Greenhouse Effect Works/Feedback factors

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1 How the Greenhouse Effect Works/Feedback factors
Chapter 3—Parts 3&4 How the Greenhouse Effect Works/Feedback factors

2 Climate feedbacks The greenhouse effect itself can be calculated quite accurately Example: Doubled CO2 The direct temperature effect of doubled CO2 (with no feedbacks) is to increase surface temperature by ~1.2oC In the language of Daisyworld (and Earth 2) T0 = 1.2oC

3 Climate feedbacks For doubled CO2: T0 = 1.2oC
But the predicted equilibrium response from climate models is 2oC < Teq < 5oC Hence, in the models at least, there are positive feedbacks that tend to amplify the forcing by CO2. What are these?

4 Climate feedbacks Water vapor feedback Ice/snow albedo feedback
Cloud feedback

5 Water vapor feedback (+)  Positive feedback loop Surface temperature
Atmospheric H2O (+) Greenhouse effect  Positive feedback loop

6 Snow/ice albedo feedback
Surface temperature Snow and ice cover (+) Planetary albedo  Another positive feedback loop

7 What about clouds? Some reflection Cirrus clouds (Thin)
10 km Cirrus clouds (Thin) More reflection Altitude Cumulus/stratus clouds (Thicker)

8 What about clouds? Cirrus clouds High and cold Altitude
10 km Cirrus clouds High and cold Tc4 Altitude Cumulus/stratus clouds Tw4 Low and warm Tw4 Ts4 Tc Temperature Tw Ts

9 What about clouds? Cumulus and stratus clouds Cirrus clouds
Low and warm Small greenhouse effect Big effect on albedo These clouds cool the climate Cirrus clouds High and cold Large greenhouse effect Smaller effect on albedo  These clouds warm the climate

10 Cloud feedback Most models predict that cloudiness should increase as the climate warms If low clouds increase the most, then the feedback will be negative If high clouds increase the most, then the feedback will be positive The balance of evidence suggests that cloud feedback is negative. However, this is highly uncertain, as clouds are sub-grid-scale in size and are therefore difficult to model.

11 Short-wavelength effect of clouds

12 Long-wavelength effect of clouds

13 Net Cloud Radiative Forcing
Net Cloud Radiative Forcing

14 Now, let’s go back and look at some fundamental properties of greenhouse gases 

15 Composition of the Atmosphere
Air is composed of a mixture of gases: Gas concentration (%) ppm N2 78 O2 21 Ar 0.9 H2O variable CO CH N2O O to 0.01 (stratosphere-surface)

16 Composition of the Atmosphere
Air is composed of a mixture of gases: Gas concentration (%) N2 78 O2 21 Ar 0.9 H2O variable CO ppm CH N2O O to 0.01 (stratosphere-surface) greenhouse gases

17 Greenhouse Gases

18 Water Methane

19 N2 O2 N  N O = O Non-greenhouse Gases
What distinguishes these gases from greenhouse gases?

20 N  N O = O Non-greenhouse Gases Answer: Symmetry!
(Technically speaking, greenhouse gases have a dipole moment whereas N2 and O2 don’t)

21 O H H Oxygen has an unfilled outer shell
(−) O H H (+) Oxygen has an unfilled outer shell of electrons (6 out of 8), so it wants to attract additional electrons. It gets them from the hydrogen atoms.

22 Molecules with an uneven distribution of electrons are especially good absorbers and emitters.
These molecules are called dipoles.

23 Molecules with an uneven distribution of electrons are especially good absorbers and emitters.
These molecules are called dipoles. Water H O H oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen

24 Molecules with an uneven distribution of electrons are especially good absorbers and emitters.
These molecules are called dipoles. Water Electron-poor region H O H oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen Electron-rich region

25 Molecules with an uneven distribution of electrons are especially good absorbers and emitters.
These molecules are called dipoles. Water Electron-poor region: Partial positive charge H O H oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen Electron-rich region: Partial negative charge

26 Vibration Molecules absorb energy from radiation.
The energy increases the movement of the molecules. The molecules rotate and vibrate. stretching bending Vibration

27 Approximate absorption regions
H2O O3 CO2 H2O Radiant energy Sun Earth 0.1 1.0 10 15 100  (m)

28 Thermal IR Spectrum for Earth
H2O pure rotation H2O vibration/rotation CO2 (15 m) (6.3 m) O3 (9.6 m) Note that wavelength increases towards the left in this diagram.. Ref.: K.-N. Liou, Radiation and Cloud Physics Processes in the Atmosphere (1992)

29 Distribution of Gases in the Atmosphere
Most gases are well mixed and distributed evenly throughout the lowermost 100 km of the atmosphere. Examples: O2, N2, Ar, CO2, freons Gases with short lifetimes are not well-mixed. Example: O3

30 Structure of the Atmosphere
Pressure = force per unit area (exerted by a gas or liquid on a surface) At sea level, P = 1 atmosphere = bar (or 1013 mbar) Pressure decreases away from the Earth’s surface. The air becomes “thin” at high elevations.

31 The Barometric Law Pressure declines exponentially with altitude
Thus, it forms a (nearly) straight line when plotted on a log scale 

32 100 80 Altitude (km) 60 40 20 Pressure (mbar)

33 100 80 Pressure decreases away from the Earth’s surface. Altitude (km) 60 40 20 Pressure (mbar)

34 100 80 Altitude (km) 60 40 20 ( oC) Temperature (K)

35 100 80 Altitude (km) 60 40 20 Temperature decreases Temperature (K)

36 100 80 Altitude (km) 60 40 20 Troposphere 0-10 km Temperature decreases Temperature (K)

37 100 80 Altitude (km) 60 Temperature increases 40 20 Troposphere 0-10 km Temperature (K)

38 100 80 Altitude (km) 60 Temperature increases Stratosphere 10-50 km 40 20 Troposphere 0-10 km Temperature (K)

39 100 80 Mesosphere 50-90 km Temperature decreases 60 Stratosphere 10-50 km 40 20 Troposphere 0-10 km Temperature (K)

40 Temperature increases
oC Thermosphere 90 + km 100 Temperature increases 80 Mesosphere 50-90 km 60 Stratosphere 10-50 km 40 20 Troposphere 0-10 km Temperature (K)

41 Troposphere heated by convection turbulent, mixed contains all weather (wind, rain, clouds, etc.) water is important in this region Stratosphere not well mixed, or “stratified” cold at base, warmer in upper region ozone present ozone heats upper region by absorbing uv radiation

42 Stratosphere 10-50 km Troposphere 0-10 km
oC 100 80 60 ozone Stratosphere 10-50 km 40 20 water Troposphere 0-10 km Temperature (K)

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