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Physical Education in Hob Moor Primary

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1 Physical Education in Hob Moor Primary
An overview of what P.E looks like in Hob Moor Primary.

2 P.E Planning and delivery.
Class teachers from Y1-Y6 teach their own class for one lesson a week. In EYFS children have physical activity through Forest Schools and free flow play. In KS1 and KS2 the P.E specialist (First Steps) teaches one lesson a week to each class to cover PPA time. KS1 and KS2 teachers use LCP programme of study which aims to raise standards in P.E. First Steps create their own planning which they share with teachers to ensure they do not cover the same areas of the curriculum. The schemes are progressive and avoid repetition. The schemes give the children a wide range of opportunities and develops their skills appropriately for their age. Every class is taught each area of the P.E National Curriculum throughout the year.

3 P.E Lessons. P.E lessons are usually one hour long.
We use the gym or the hall depending on the activity and availability. During the warmer weather we can use our lovely outside facilities. Children change into their kit. Lessons often include.. Sharing the focus, warm up games, stretching, skill practise, development, game or performance situation, cool down, sharing what we have learned, thinking about progression for the next lesson.

4 Summer Term When the weather and conditions allow, we love to go outside for out P.E lessons.

5 Swimming Lower Key Stage Two participate in swimming lessons at Energise swimming pool. Each pupil has a weekly lesson for one and a half terms. There are two qualified swimming teachers delivering the sessions and pupils are supported by their teachers and teaching assistants in a 1:1 ratio. The programme teaches everything from basic water confidence to swimming unaided for 50 metres. Children are awarded badges at each level and there are opportunities to gain a badge every half term.

6 Specialist Coaches We often have specialist coaches in school to inspire the children and further develop their skills. York Knights have been into school and are always keen to come into school and offer a range of activities. During sports week we get many specialist coaches in. This really encourages pupils to participate in sport. We have had, Freddy Fit, Yoga Teacher, Zumba teacher, Multi Skills, Basket ball coach, Football Coach, Yorkshire County Cricket Club, Locos Rugby, Acorn Rugby and many more!

7 Standards in EYFS What are standards like in the subject? % of children at age related, below and above - remember more vulnerable groups (monitor data; look at work) In year N 11% are working towards the expected level for P.E. In year N % are at the expected level for P.E. In year N % are working above the expected level for P.E. In year R % are working towards the expected level for P.E. In year R % are at the expected level for P.E. In year R % are working above the expected level for P.E.

8 Standards in KS1 What are standards like in the subject? % of children at age related, below and above - remember more vulnerable groups (monitor data; look at work) In year % are working towards the expected level for P.E. In year % are at the expected level for P.E. In year % are working above the expected level for P.E. In year % are working towards the expected level for P.E. In year % are at the expected level for P.E. In year % are working above the expected level for P.E.

9 Standards in KS2 What are standards like in the subject? % of children at age related, below and above - remember more vulnerable groups (monitor data; look at work) In year 3 7% are working towards the expected level for P.E. In year 3 72% are at the expected level for P.E. In year 3 21% are working above the expected level for P.E. In year % are working towards the expected level for P.E. In year % are at the expected level for P.E. In year % are working above the expected level for P.E. In year 5 13% are working towards the expected level for P.E. In year 5 59% are at the expected level for P.E. In year % are working above the expected level for P.E. In year % are working towards the expected level for P.E. In year % are at the expected level for P.E. In year % are working above the expected level for P.E.

10 Maths and English in KS1 and KS2
What are the standards of English and Maths in the subject? The children in Key Stage One and Two use their language skills in every lesson to discuss what they plan to do, share ideas, share tactics, communicate with team members. The children also use their language skills to self and peer-assess in many lessons. The children often have visual instructions or prompts they need to read. Children use rulers, metre sticks and trundle wheels, as well as non-standard measures to measure distances jumped and thrown in Athletics activities. Children also use stopwatches to measure speed. We have used map reading skills in orienteering and problem solving activities are used within orienteering. Some problems are Maths based and some are English based.

11 Staff Audit All classes are now receiving 2+ hours of P.E per week.
All teachers use the LCP scheme of work but teachers adapt where necessary to suit their children. Many staff feel the scheme is boring and doesn’t inspire the children without adaptation. All staff said they enjoy teaching P.E. Main barriers to teaching P.E are: use of the hall before and after lunch, behaviour, children forgetting/looking for kit. Several staff members said although they felt confident teaching most areas of P.E they weren’t so confident with assessing P.E. Staff have had further training in gymnastics and dance. Staff would like further training in: tag rugby, football, swimming and OAA. Some staff felt a new more up to date scheme of work would benefit the delivery and progression of P.E lessons.

12 Progression: knowledge and skills

13 Progression, Knowledge and Skills.

14 Social, moral, spiritual and cultural
What is children’s Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development like? (audit ‘coverage’) PE at Hob Moor encourages children who have poor social skills to build on them by working with other children on a regular basis through physical activity. Children are set Team building activities to help them develop their skills of listening and working with others to solve a problem. Through PE sessions and Team sports, we are helping the children to develop their awareness of working with other children and how important that can be, not only at school but in society as well.

15 Summary Main strengths:
Children are accessing at least two hours of PE a week. First Step offer high quality PE teaching, allowing the children to access parts of the curriculum other staff don’t feel confident in teaching. School is offering lots of clubs and other opportunities through outreach. Children are engaged regularly with PE lunch time clubs and after school clubs. Areas to develop: Children often forget kit – Spare kits are rare to find. Look at investing in some new spare kit. Resources – Staff feel as though there are lots of resources but key things are missing. Such as bean bags, balls and other equipment. Engage with other companies to come and deliver training to up skill the staff. PE leader to observe teaching to create a picture of what PE looks like in school.

16 Subject improvement plan
Key areas for development to inform a subject improvement plan An indication of what might be done to address weaknesses in the short, medium and long term

17 Clubs. We offer a range of sports in a fun environment.
Mr Unwin/Mr Stevens/Mr Donkin run an afterschool football club. They train on Tuesdays after school, and have regular matches against other schools. Mr Unwin/Mr Bishop/Acorn Rugby currently run an after school tag rugby club on Thursdays. After a half term of training, the children will have the opportunity to take part in a tag rugby tournament against others schools, at the Acorn Rugby ground. First steps run a sports club every Thursday and Friday lunchtime. First steps run a sports club every Thursday and Friday after school. Andy Kehoe runs a football/rugby club, during Thursday and Friday lunchtimes. Each day during lunchtime, alternative teachers/TAs run a football game. The children do not have to pay for these activities.

18 Competitions/Events. We now take part in local tournaments and events in our area. The school partnership sends details of any events to me and I can then arrange taking teams to the local events. Parents support has been fantastic at these events. The parents can see their child perform/take part in an event where they are representing their school and it is fantastic to see how proud they are.

19 Inclusion PE sessions with partner classes.
Federated Activities. Lunch time PE clubs. Inclusion PE sessions with partner classes. Wheel chair dancing. Sports Week. Bike to school.

20 Future targets for Hob Moor Primary KS2.
Children having suitable kit for every lesson. Directing talented/enthusiastic children to local clubs. Having enough equipment for each activity. Encouraging participation in extra curricular clubs/activities. Recognising and sharing sporting achievement in and out of school.

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