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Angèle Reinders & Karst Geurs

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1 Angèle Reinders & Karst Geurs
Solar powered e-bikes monitoring and analysis of a sustainable mobility system Angèle Reinders & Karst Geurs ARISE & Centre for Transport Studies Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente & Living Smart Campus Workshop, 8 december 2016, University of Twente

2 Our project Aims: Method:
To collect and analyze data to understand the use patterns of e-bikes and their potential benefits as part of a sustainable mobility system Comparison of three different forms of e-bike charging: Solar charging at the work place, at home and during a trip Utilize UT campus as living lab and promote sustainable mobility at UT Method: a pilot among UT staff with 20 e-bikes and 5 solar e-bikes; equipped with sensors install a charging station at UT and 10 home charging kits

3 Project planning We have started already with arranging 5 S-bikes, and ordering of components for 20 sensor kits as well as 10 home charging kits In May we will have everything up and running, first tests will have started, as well as user surveys, and the first analysis of data Planning of our project

4 Involvement of external stakeholders
Prof. dr. Srinivasan Keshav, Department of Computer Science, WISE, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, Dr. ir. Pauline van den Berg, Urban Science and Systems, TU Eindhoven, Eindhoven, We are already collaborating since two years with Keshav and Pauline Keshav has an e-bike project running at UofW, called WeBike. We will share data, comparing Canadian and Dutch experiences. Keshav was also already at UT in 2016, see: Pauline is the coordinator of the 3TU solar bike project (TUE-UT project)

5 What we need for realization
A solar charging station will be constructed early 2017 with financial support of Facility Management of UT. Under guidance of Henk Hobbelink 10 PV charging kits for use at home, supported by CTIT 20 monitoring equipments for e-bikes (for e-bikes owned by UT staff), supported by CTIT production cost of 5 solar bikes, supported by CTIT. These solar powered e-bikes will be delivered also early 2017. postdoctoral researcher (full time for whole 2017) submitted in October 2016 to an internal call from the Science Based Engineering (SBE) Institute at CTW (max budget 70kE). The result of this call will be available in December 2016. If this SBE proposal won’t be funded, the research will still be realized, albeit less ambitious, by thesis projects of students of engineering studies at CTW thesis projects.

6 Promotion Arise symposium, January 19, UT
Creation of “news moments”: opening of solar station; start of field work with solar bikes, etc. UT internal media (UT news, CTW newsletter, etc.) News paper articles Conferences and symposia (e.g. VeloCity June 13-16, Nijmegen and IEEE PVSC-44 June 26-30, Washington DC) A big, visible advertisement at the solar charging station Etc…

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