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Scientific and research work of the finance and credit department of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific and research work of the finance and credit department of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific and research work of the finance and credit department of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

2 The department of finance and credit history
Department of Finance of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University was organized in 1992 and provides training for the direction of "Finance and Credit" of full-time and part-time study. Heads of the Department of Finance and Credit: – Ohrimovskyy G.V. - the deputy mayor for the executive work - Head of Chernivtsi Finance Department - held the position of head of the Department of Finance in combination. Chervatyuk M.V. - Candidate of Economics, assistant professor of finance and credit. Prokopets Ye.D. - Head of Financial Management of the Chernivtsi City Council, assistant professor of finance and credit. In the mentioned period acted as head of the department of finance and credit. Since Nikiforov P. O. - Doctor of Economics, professor, head of department of finance and credit , Dean of the Economic faculty. Department of Finance and Credit of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University offers students a system of knowledge that will allow them to efficiently grasp the depth of the economic and especially financial, science and skillfully apply their knowledge in their future practice. Today the Department staff includes 21 people of the faculty, Among them - 2 Doctors of Economic Sciences, 16 - Candidates of Economic Sciences (9 of which are - associate professors).

3 The department of finance and credit teaching staff structure , 2017

4 Department of finance and credit scope of the research
- Theory and methodology of organization and functioning of public and corporate finance - The organization and regulation of currency, banking and non-banking financial systems - The problems of fiscal and monetary policies - The problems of financial markets functioning

5 Scientific and research work of department
In effectively is executed the scientific and research topic of department "Theory and Practice of financial support of economic growth in Ukraine". State registration number № 0111U Scientific adviser - Doctor of Economics, professor, head of department of finance and credit Nikiforov Petro Opanasovych. The given state budget theme were performing 22 staff workers. Among them - 2 Doctors of Economic Sciences, 10 - Candidates of Economic Sciences (10 of which are associate professors), 9 assistants. For is approved general scientific research topic of department: "The relationship of fiscal and monetary policy under current conditions". State registration number № 0116U Scientific adviser - Doctor of Economics, professor, head of department of finance and credit Nikiforov Petro Opanasovych. The given state budget theme performs 21 staff workers. Among them - 2 Doctors of Economic Sciences, 15 - Candidates of Economic Sciences (9 of which are - associate professors), 4 assistants.

6 The results of research activity of the department during 2010-2015
Scientific and research topic of department: "Theory and Practice of financial support of economic growth in Ukraine". The theoretical and methodological approaches to the financial support of economic growth in the current economic conditions are investigated. Financial potential of economic growth in the national economy are defined. State, dynamics and prospects for expanding sources of business financial support are analyzed. The ways of improving the financial support efficiency of economic growth in Ukraine are proposed. Publications: - collective monograph; - 3 individual monograph; - more than 160 articles, abstracts and presentations at scientific conferences; - 1 doctor and 9 PhD theses.

7 Scientific and research topic of department for 2016-2020
"The relationship of fiscal and monetary policy under current conditions". The supervisor: Doctor of Economics, full professor Nikiforov Petro Opanasovych. The terms: The aim of research: scientific substantiation and working out practical recommendations on ways to improve the relationship of fiscal and monetary policy under current conditions. Short description and expected results. Theoretical, methodological and practical basis of investigation of fiscal and monetary policy relationship in the transformation processes in Ukraine will be determined. State, dynamics and prospects of financial markets development under current conditions considering the national economy competitiveness will be analyzed. Institutional basis of monetary and fiscal relations in Ukraine will be regarded. As a result, the ways to strengthen the relationship of fiscal and monetary policies in the economic development strategy will be suggested.

8 Scientific activities of department
- Lecturers of the department participated in the drafting of Strategy of Chernivtsi region on the period till On the 18th of June 2015the draft of Strategy of Chernivtsi region on the period till 2020 was approved at the session of Chernivtsi Regional Council (Decision of the 31st session of Chernivtsi Regional Council from 18th of June 2015 ). - On the 21st-23rd of November 2016 by the lecturers of the department of finance and credit of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University was held Bukovina regional competition "Marathon of business ideas", which was attended by over 100 participants. - On the 24th of November 2016 by the lecturers of the department of finance and credit of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University was held Bukovina forum entitled "Financial support of small business". - On the 16th of October 2015 by the department of finance and credit of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University was held public lecture of deputy head of the NBU Sologub Dmytro Romanovych on "Problems of monetary policy in Ukraine in modern conditions". - On the 15th of October 2015 by the department of finance and credit of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University was held a round table on "Features of fiscal decentralization in Ukraine and Chernivtsi region".

9 International Activity of Department
- within the project "Ukraine-Norway" is carried out training of the Armed Forces of Ukraine retired members and their families, as well as participants of the ATO on specialty "Organization and management of business activities". Participation in the project took professor Nikiforov P. O., associate Bak N.A., Tkach Ye.V, Harabara V.M. and assistants Tkach S.V. Coordinator of the project is associate Hreshko R.I. - Professor Nikiforov P. A. during the 2005, , lectured at the Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship at the Ostrowiec Swietokrzyskie (Republic of Poland). - Tkachuk I.J. coordinates the cooperation of economic faculty with European partners by the teaching the course of "European integration» (Jean Monnet project).

10 Other forms of scientific activity
- Head of department professor Nikiforov P. O. is an active member of specialized scientific council D of Ternopyl National Economic University on specialty Money, finance and credit and is Head of specialized academic council K of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University on specialty economic theory and history of economic thought; - professor Shvets N.R, is a member of the specialized scientific council D of the University of banking on specialty Money, finance and credit and of specialized academic council K of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University on specialty economic theory and the history of economic thought; - Head of department professor Nikiforov P. O. is the chairman of the editorial board of scientific journal of Chernivtsi National University; - profesor Shvets N.R, is an external reviewer of the journal of Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute and a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Science Review“; - assistant of department Zhebchuk R.L. is the chairman the Scientific Society of students and young scientists of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, member of the Supervisory Board branch of "National Student Union".

11 Plan of further research of the department

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