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Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility ( ICM)

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1 Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility ( ICM)
Jordan Nov. 2016

2 Outline International Credit Mobility (ICM): definition and eligible activities/participants Individual mobility scheme: preparation, implementation, follow-up Financial Management Recommendations for HEI


4 International Credit Mobility (ICM): What is it?
Learning mobility of students and staff (KA1) International opening of Erasmus to Partner Countries Over 135,000 grants over 6 years (over in 2015) Students & staff (for learning & teaching & training) Programme Country HEIs apply to their National Agencies

5 International Credit Mobility(ICM): Types and duration
Student mobility All levels of HE (short cycle, Bachelor, Master, PhD) All disciplines From 3 to 12 months Max. 12 months per student per study cycle Staff mobility Different purposes, all staff (not only academic) From 5 days to 2 months (excl. travel days)

6 Who can benefit? Students
Regulations: Students must be registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognized degree or other recognized tertiary level qualification (up to and including PhD). The first year of studies must be completed at the sending institution (this does not apply to Master or PhD students).

7 Who can benefit? Staff Regulations:
Erasmus+ provides the following opportunities for teaching and non-teaching staff employed in a HEI: teaching visits to partner institutions (workshops, master classes, examining visits, etc.) training visits (job shadowing, continuous professional development activities) A teaching activity has to comprise minimum 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay). 




11 First Call 2015 Closed at noon on 4th March 2015.
Each of the 33 Programme-Country National Agencies (NAs) offered opportunities for mobility with Partner Countries grouped into 10 distinct budget envelopes. Detailed analysis of applications received showed that demand for funding was reasonably high if the data were combined for all 33 NAs. However, at the level of each individual NA the picture is more mixed. Not all NAs were able to use the entirety of each of their budget envelopes.

12 First call, 2nd round With the evaluation of the first round of applications, NAs were in a position to forecast their remaining budgets in each envelope. Having examined the different possible scenarios to maximize budget utilization, NAs organized a second round of applications for the 2015 call. Deadline set for 24 September 2015 NEO Jordan publicized this additional round in our information session of ICM meeting at MOHE. Also, information at our website and social media.


14 International Credit Mobility (KA107) 2015 Selection Results for First Call (2 Rounds)

15 International Credit Mobility (KA107) 2015 Selection Results for South-Mediterranean
Partner Country Projects Participants Algeria 33 365 Egypt 65 723 Israel 144 1,645 Jordan 50 517 Lebanon 51 408 Libya 4 21 Morocco 95 1,189 Palestine 42 325 Syria 5 35 Tunisia 639 Total: 540 5,867

16 Incoming (to EU) Outgoing (from EU) Learner Staff Algeria 311 54 216
Incoming (to EU) Outgoing (from EU) Learner Staff Algeria 311 54 216 149 Egypt 567 156 355 368 Israel 1,176 469 838 807 Jordan 403 114 306 211 Lebanon 316 92 212 196 Libya 21 16 5 Morocco 906 283 725 464 Palestine 272 53 170 155 Syria 35 24 11 Tunisia 525 436 203 Total participants: 4,532 1,335 3,298 2,569


18 International Credit Mobility (KA107) 2015 Selection Results for Jordan
Incoming (to EU) Outgoing (from EU) Total Learner 258 48 306 Staff 145 66 211 403 114 517

19 Belgium 3 18 Bulgaria 1 Cyprus 4 9 Czech Republic 8 Finland 6 France
Programme Country Projects Participants Belgium 3 18 Bulgaria 1 Cyprus 4 9 Czech Republic 8 Finland 6 France Germany 127 Greece 24 Italy 33 Latvia Lithuania 2 25 Poland 23 Portugal 20 Romania Slovenia 13 Spain 44 Sweden Turkey 91 United Kingdom 16 Total: 50 517

20 Projects at Public Jordanian Universities

21 Projects at Private Jordanian Universities

22 Second call 2016 Closed at noon on 2 February 2016.
Each of the 33 Programme-Country National Agencies (NAs) offered opportunities for mobility with Partner Countries grouped into 11 distinct budget envelopes. With 21% of the funds, the South-Med region benefits from the largest budget envelope.



25 Share of Awarded Grant in %
2016 (1st round) 2015


27 TOTAL 2017 27,326,823 Envelope Name ENI SOUTH AT 557,210 BE 681,308 BG
440,064 CY 111,218 CZ 707,970 DE 3,509,719 DK 367,128 EE 227,633 EL 591,090 ES 2,792,930 FI 489,401 FR 2,841,501 HR 318,118 HU 605,485 IE 361,318 IS 79,257 IT 2,635,949 LI 19,981 LT 364,535 LU 69,112 LV 292,329 MK 10,882 MT 64,988 NL 890,898 NO 334,878 PL 1,928,472 PT 730,757 RO 1,035,113 SE 529,176 SI 259,983 SK 403,243 TR 851,460 UK 2,223,720 TOTAL ,326,823


29 Main phases of the mobility scheme
preparation implementation follow-up


31 Understanding the contractual documents
The beneficiary grant agreement The inter-institutional agreement Learning and mobility agreements The participant grant agreement Erasmus Student Charter


33 Preparation: Define tasks
Inter-institutional Agreement (IIA) Sending Organization Receiving Organization Promote and raise awareness Inform locally Select the candidates in line with IIA Prepare logistics and support for incoming individuals Provide support in preparation of the individual mobility (visa, administrative question, insurance, etc.) Welcome and monitor the activities

34 Preparation: Individual Grant Agreement
Grant agreement contains specific provisions related to: Duration of the scholarship, Financial support that the students will receive, Payment arrangements, Insurance requirements during the mobility Participants' report Other general conditions

35 Preparation: Individual Grant Agreement
for students Learning Agreement for studies Learning Agreement for traineeship Grant agreement + for staff Mobility Agreement for teaching Mobility Agreement for training

36 Preparation: Learning/Mobility Agreement
Grant agreement for students Grant agreement for staff Learning Agreement for Mobility Agreement for Studies Traineeship Teaching Training List of courses with ECTS (or equivalent) targeted learning outcomes formal recognition knowledge skills competences expected to be acquired (compulsory/ voluntary? any ECTS?) overall objectives activities and added value foreseen expected outcomes and impact Learning Agreement and Mobility Agreement must be agreed and signed by the individual, sending and receiving organisations BEFORE departure

37 Implementation (for Students): before Mobility
Institutional call for applications: Office for International Relations (OIR) of the sending institution can organize annual information event to raise students’ awareness of exchange possibilities, application process and necessary documentation. Evaluation process and result of application given to student and OIR Student mobility application package compiled and sent to receiving institution Finalization of the Learning Agreement Grant agreement signed by student and Prog. C. institution Providing the Erasmus Student Charter to the outgoing students

38 Selecting and sending participants
Sending institution is responsible for selecting participants and providing them with all necessary support including pre-departure preparation, monitoring during mobility, and formally recognizing the mobility period. Selection criteria for participants are defined by sending HEI, in agreement with receiving institution. First criterion should be academic merit, but with equivalent academic level, preference should be assigned to students from less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Information on the mobility opportunities available and the selection procedure should be made public. The selection of participants, as well as the procedure for awarding them a grant, must be fair, transparent and documented, and should be made available to all parties involved in the selection process.

39 Implementation: during Mobility
Exceptional changes to the proposed mobility programme (Learning Agreement) Confirmation of study period Grant agreement signed by student Monitoring

40 Implementation: Follow-up after Mobility
Recognition documents submitted to the home institution Report to ECAS - Mobility Tool Evaluation EU Survey

41 Implementation (for Staff): before Mobility
Call for applications/selection Internal application for teacher exchange Internal decision on selection results Agreement between home and host institution Mobility Agreement for teaching/training approved by the home and host institutions Grant agreement signed by the staff and the Prog. C. institution

42 Implementation (for Staff ): Follow-up
Confirmation of teaching/training signed by the host institution Report to ECAS - Mobility Tool Evaluation

43 Financial Management

44 Travel and Subsistence
Outgoing students from programme countries: 650 € per month Incoming students to programme countries: € per month depending on destination Travel allowance along fixed distance bands Additional support for persons with ‘special needs’

45 Travel and Subsistence
Staff to Programme C – 160 € per day Staff from Programme C € per day (up to the 14th day of activity, afterwards 70% of the stipulated amount) Travel allowances along fixed distance bands Additional support for persons with ‘special needs’

46 International Credit Mobility
Funding Rules Individual support for students Individual support for staff  Incoming: €850, €800, €750 Outgoing: €650 Receiving Country Per Diem DK, IE, NL, SE, UK 160 BE, BG, CZ, EL, FR, IT, CY, LU, HU, AT, PL, RO, FI, IS, LI, NO, TR 140 DE, ES, LV, MT, PO, SK, FYROM 120 EE, HR, LT, SI 100 Partner Countries Group 1 higher living costs DK, IE, FR, IT, AT, FI, SE, UK, LI, NO Group 2 medium living costs BE, CZ, DE, EL, ES, HR, CY, LU, NL, PO, SI, IS, TR Group 3 lower living costs BG, EE, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, RO, SK FYROM

47 International Credit Mobility
Funding Rules Top-up for travel costs Travel distances (km) Amount € / participant 180 275 360 530 820 ≥8000 1100

48 Recommendations for HEI

49 Main messages to Partner Countries HEIs
Work with non-traditional partners in Europe Nordic countries, Ireland/UK, Netherlands, Eastern Europe Be involved in the drafting of the application by the European university (see quality questions in application form) Negotiate your Inter-institutional Agreement carefully Language requirements, student support , Organisational support…

50 'Do's and don'ts' for applicants
FAQs for students & staff In addition to the Programme Guide, we have produced a series of guidelines to help you understand the action. FAQs for HEIs Quick Ref Guide for Partner HEIs Programme Guide

51 Useful resources Erasmus+ Homepage:
FAQs for Higher Education Institutions: FAQs for Students & Staff: FAQs on the Inter-institutional Agreement: Quality Framework:

52 Useful resources Erasmus+ documents and templates: Erasmus+ Programme Guide: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education: Erasmus+ Student Charter: ECTS User's Guide:


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