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Hoover urges voluntary help for the crisis The President’s Emergency Commission for Employment (PECE) The President’s Organization for Unemployment.

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4 Hoover urges voluntary help for the crisis
The President’s Emergency Commission for Employment (PECE) The President’s Organization for Unemployment Relief (POUR) PECE and POUR helped coordinate voluntary unemployment relief National Credit Corporation gets healthy banks to give advice to banks in trouble.

5 1932: The Reconstruction Finance Corporation
A government fund to help banks and other financial institutions in trouble 2 billion dollars to spend Hoover OKs 700 million in public works

6 1930-1931: at least 400,000 people of Mexican background “repatriated” to Mexico
Right: Mexican-American family in Montana about to be deported Although Federal records insist the repatriations were “voluntary,” the government engaged in deceptive practices to get Mexican immigrants to leave And many deportees were born in the United States

7 Limits of private charity: Community chests and state relief funds cannot provide even short term public relief James Michael Curley, aka , “Boss Curley” provides public relief largely by demanding contributions from city workers 1932: 750,000 people living on relief in New York City Dallas, Texas: Work relief workers paid in food

8 The Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930 (or the Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930)
Set trade tariffs to highest level in history Set off a wave of retaliatory measures in Europe U.S. lost considerable access to foreign measures and the Depression intensified as a result Representatives Hawley and Smoot (or Smoot and Hawley)

9 Eugene Debs in the Atlanta Penetentiary
Communist Party in the 1920s V.I. Lenin, 1905, invents the concept of the vanguard

10 1930s CP writers and artists: above: Langston Hughes in the Soviet Union; right: Lillian Hellman; center: Diego Rivera; Clifford Odets; Mike Gold; Dalton Trumbo; top: Mark Blitzstein rehearsing his Cradle Will Rock

11 Communist led unemployed council in Washington state; right, magazine of the Trade Union Unity League

12 The CP organized cannery workers throughout Southern California; right: Luisa Moreno and Dorothy Healey

13 The Scottsboro Boys

14 Samuel Leibowitz, defender of the Scottsboro Boys; right: Victoria Price and Ruby Bates

15 “River Rouge” and the Bonus Army March, 1932
The Bonus Army marchers, 1932 Thugs of Harry Bennett, Ford’s chief of security, roughing up union reps on the River Rouge bridge gate

16 Right: A “Hooverville” in Seattle

17 Franklin Roosevelt: “A second class intellect” and “a first class temperament.” --Oliver Wendell Holmes Eleanor Roosevelt

18 Election of 1932 FDR: 22,829,777 (57.4%) Herbert Hoover: 15,761,254 (39.7%) Norman Thomas (Socialist Party): 884,885 (2.2)% William Z. Foster (Communist): 0.2%


20 FDR: Private and Public
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

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