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Chapter 23 The Great War.

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1 Chapter 23 The Great War


3 King George and Tsar Nicolas

4 “impartial in thought as well as deed”

5 Why neutral? Use position as moral, neutral country to bring a peace agreement $ as neutral you can trade with everybody


7 Why does Wilson ignore British violation of neutral rights?
*pro British *Small trade with Germany *Growing trade with GB & France

8 United States Trade with Nations at War
(millions of dollars) Nation Great Britain ,527 France Italy Germany less than 1


10 Lusitania


12 May 7, 1915 1198 killed 128 Americans Sank in 18 minutes


14 National Defense Act 1916 *raise army 90,000 to 223,000 *National guard to 440,000 Naval Defense Act 1916 $500 million

15 Election of 1916 Woodrow Wilson Charles Evans Hughes

16 Wilson: “He kept us out of war”

17 “Peace without victory”
January 1917 Wilson to Congress “Peace without victory”

18 January 31,1917 – Germany unrestricted submarine warfare
February 25,1917 – Zimmerman Telegram March – Czar overthrown

19 April 2,1917 Wilson asks for War declaration
373 to 50 House 82 to 6 Senate

20 Cost of War: $32 billion How to pay: “Liberty Bonds” New Taxes $23 billion $10 billion

21 Council of National Defense
Sets up boards to organize different areas of war effort War Industry Board-Bernard Baruch

22 Selective Service Act May 1917 2.8 million men drafted

23 General John J. Pershing

24 A.E.F. leaves for France

25 Register on line for the AP Test February 20 – March17
Lafayette we are here

26 Alvin York


28 American Action The Battle of Chateau-Thierry & Belleau-Wood- June 6-26, Stops last German offensive- Marines take highest casualties- 1,811 dead

29 Argonne Americans take St. Mihiel 7,000 causalities
Attack Argonne on September 26, 1918 Open with a barrage from 3, 928 guns 1 Million Americans fight 120,000 Casualties Big reason for the armistice

30 Meuse-Argonne


32 November 1918 *German Army at state of collapse *German Navy mutinies *Kaiser abdicates *Socialist revolts in German cities *November 11, 1918 war ends

33 Peace Movement & Government *Espionage Act *Sabotage Act *Sedition Act
1500 arrested Targets: Socialist, German-Amer.

34 Schenck v. United States
*Schenck sent circulars to draftees *Oliver Wendell Holmes: “the most stringent protection of free speech would not a man in falsely shouting fire in theater. . .”

35 14 POINTS * 8 border adjustments *5 general principles free seas no secret treaties reduce arms free trade impartial mediator

36 League of Nations

37 Problems: *England/France must have compensation
*Wilson makes 1918 elections a vote on his leadership *Wilson won’t take any Republicans with him

38 Peace Conference at Versailles

39 Big Four

40 Big Four *David Lloyd George – England *Georges Clemenceau – France *Vittorio Orlando – Italy *Woodrow Wilson - US Germany not invited!!!

41 Treaty of Versailles *no freedom of seas *no self-determination *Reparations $56 billion *War guilt clause *German colonies in trusteeship *League of Nations

42 Senate problems with treaty:
*Want to modify so US not required to jump into all international problems *make sure League not a challenge to Monroe Doctrine

43 Senator Henry Cabot Lodge

44 Wilson goes on Tour 9/3/1919- Embarks on a 8,000 mile tour 35 speeches in 22 days Wilson has a stroke in Pueblo, Col 10/2/1919


46 Senate led by Republican Henry Cabot Lodge defeat Treaty
Nov 19, yea 55 nays March 20, 1920 Final Rejection 35 yeas 49 nays Signed separate Peace w/ Germany in 1921

47 Post-war Problems *Economic: boom to inflation to recession strikes Seattle ship workers Steel workers

48 Boston Police Strike “there is no right to strike against the public safety by anyone, anywhere, any time”

49 *Race –lynching increases 70 in 1919
*Race riots Chicago 15 Whites 23 Blacks Nationwide 120 deaths

50 United Negro Improvement Association
Marcus Garvey United Negro Improvement Association

51 Back to Africa Movement

52 American Communist Party
*RED SCARE American Communist Party Sacco and Vanzetti


54 Election of 1920

55 Republicans: Warren G. Harding Return to Normalcy

56 Florence Harding

57 Democrats

58 Franklin D. Roosevelt James Cox


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