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UDL and approach for today’s Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "UDL and approach for today’s Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 UDL and approach for today’s Classroom
Neil O’Sullivan MSc Learning Technologies Innovative together Ltd.

2 Objectives of Workshop
What is Universal Design for Learning all about? We’ll examine examples of Universal Design for Learning A creative session where participants will identify UDL teacher competencies and practices. Participants will gain: | A knowledge of the Principles of Universal Design | Learn about Universal Design tools and resources | Strategies to apply UDL to any lesson or learning experience | Implementing Universal Design for Learning Best Practice examples | Producing accessible course materials

3 What is UDL? UDL is the practice of embedding flexible strategies into the curriculum during the planning process so that All students can access a variety of learning solutions. (

4 UDL is about removing barriers & anticipating needs

5 UDL has been practiced in some form in the US for over 20 years. CAST
UDL has been practiced in some form in the US for over 20 years. in the 1990s. Technology now makes it easier to implement.

6 Classroom demographics and new knowledge have set the stage for UDL today
Change in classroom make up Greater understanding of the brain and how we learn Realisation that one size does not fit all

7 In today’s Classroom we can harness the power of modern technologies to provide the flexibility needed to adjust to learner differences more easily.

8 UDL strategies for instruction are included at the start.
More efficient in the long run Benefit more students More acceptable to students.


10 The Recognition Network
Teachers provide Students have Flexible ways of presenting lesson content Options for how they receive the content

11 The Strategic Network Teachers provide Students have
Flexible methods of expression and assessment Choices for how they demonstrate their learning

12 The Affective Network Teachers provide Students have
Flexible options for student engagement Choices which will engage student interest

13 UDL Framework & Checkpoints

14 Teaching Activities Recognition Network: building knowledge
Materials Assessments Recognition Network: building knowledge Strategic Network: building skills Affective Network: character building

15 Multiple means of Presentation
Knowledge building Goal Hyperlinks Video Close captions Enlarged, coloured text Audio support Text to speech Speech to text Multimedia and presentation tools like Prezi, PPT Movie maker etc. etc. Hyper links to background information Quick access to definitions, Send files, video, simulations, images, illustrations

16 Multiple means of engagement
Attitude Building Goal Audio, Visual / Hands on Multimedia projects Web quests Project Based Learning Cooperative Learning

17 Multiple means of expression
Skill Building Goal Graphic outlining tools Mind-maps Graphic organisers Keyboard & spelling supports Video Podcasts Presentations tools Photo collages Graphics Tools

18 Oliver Wendell Holmes said:
“A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension” The Padlet: Workshop form:


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