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Reformation Dr. Andy Mansfield.

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Presentation on theme: "Reformation Dr. Andy Mansfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reformation Dr. Andy Mansfield

2 A Time of Fear Political: (eg. ‘Great Schism’ (1378 – 1417))
The Ottoman Empire: aggression & slavery State Disunity World not in decay Expanding Knowledge Humanism & Erasmus Empty Fifth Lateran Council (1512 – 17)

3 St. Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430)
Original Sin: The Fall St. Paul: Human worthlessness Christ’s sacrifice for Elect (Grace) Predestination – God’s arbitrary salvation & unchangeable will C12/ C13 - Nominalists

4 Origen & Erasmus All saved at the Last Judgement (incl. Devil)
Platonic Soul: corrupt flesh, uncorrupted spirit Erasmus followed Greek speaking Origen Origen (c. 184 – c. 253)

5 Luther’s Developing Theology
Augustinian Influence: The Psalms – focus on Christ and Scripture Romans 1:17 – trapped by sin & the Elect Righteousness – Christ’s sacrifice allows salvation Gift of Faith (grace) = God’s mercy & anger

6 Church Corruption Sacrosanctis (1515) Indulgences:
Wrong doing - restitution Christ’s sacrifice & Fall Virgin & Saints in Heaven = ‘treasury of merit’ (Pope) Unigenitus (1343) Pope Leo X ( )

7 Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses (1517)
31 October Nature of Repentance Christians should follow their head “through penalties, deaths, hells”. (2) Followers should be “more confident of entering heaven through tribulations rather than a false assurance of peace [indulgences]”.

8 (1) Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
- Pope not God’s representative: ‘Antichrist’ - Clergy self-interested and separate from laity. (2) The Babylonian Captivity of the Church Mass not a sacrifice - Clergy not special (3) The Freedom of a Christian Predestination: good works are natural to saved

9 Diet of Worms (1521) Luther Convicted Attracts followers
The Emperor’s Wars Success of Lutheranism Charles V ( )

10 Huldrych Zwingli ( ) Admirer of Erasmus – Christianity improves society Spirit & God Zwingli’s Sausage Zurich: Massacred (1531)

11 German Peasants’ Revolts
Divergent Reform : Popular Revolt & Peasants’ War (Thomas Müntzer) ‘Two Kingdoms Theory’ – temporal & spiritual realms Diet of Augsburg (1530) – Philip Melanchthon

12 Reformation in England
Hatred of Luther King’s Divorce – upset Pope Act of Supremacy (1534) Tyndale’s Bible & Continent

13 Jean Calvin (1509 - 64) The Institutes (1536):
True wisdom is knowledge of God or of ourselves Inner examination reveals human shame – need God’s grace Politics: ‘true Catholics’ Structured Church Protestant Divisions: Calvin & Bucer


15 Counter-Reformation Council of Trent (1545-1563)
Reform of the Catholic Church (Sacraments, Abuses, Training & Orders/ Jesuits) Phillip II of Spain Index of Forbidden Books (1563) End of C16: 1/3 returned to Church of Rome

16 Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) Peace of Augsburg (1555)
Politics & Religion More dead than WW1 as a percentage of population Westphalia Peace: politics (nations) over religion


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