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Interprofessional Geriatrics Organization (IGO)

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Presentation on theme: "Interprofessional Geriatrics Organization (IGO)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interprofessional Geriatrics Organization (IGO)
September 7, 2016

2 Welcome to IGO! Please drop off your $10 dues in front with our treasurer Help yourself to a plate of chinese and grab a seat! Sign-in sheet will be passed around, please include the following: NetID Program and year (Eg. OT1, PT2, P3) Please correct the spelling of your name if incorrect If your name is not present, please include on bottom of page 2

3 The IGO mission Statement
The Interprofessional Geriatric Organization is designed to promote awareness and understanding of geriatric issues within Creighton University and the community. The purpose of the IGO is to encourage interest among students to work in various disciplines concerned with the care of older adults as well as to provide students the opportunity to enhance their education through service, the presentation of new research literature through guest speakers, and community programs for older adults. So basically, IGO allows for OT, PT, and Pharmacy students to come together, listen to guest speakers while enjoying delicious lunch, participate in volunteer/service events, and provides various learning opportunities throughout the year

4 Meet the Exec Board

5 President – Katrin Volkmer, OTS
Hometown: Plainfield, IL Undergraduate: Biology at University of St. Francis Joining IGO: I have huge love for the geriatric population. Being a part of IGO has given me a way to learn about this practice area from our speakers, and interact in a meaningful, tangible way through all of our volunteer events.

6 VP of Pharmacy – Caitlynn Lassek
Hometown: Springfield, NE Undergraduate: Biology and Asian Studies at Creighton University Joining IGO: I've worked in geriatric pharmacy for 5 ½ years and I absolutely love it! IGO gives me the opportunity to share my love with others. It also gives me the opportunity to learn so much from our speakers and volunteer opportunities.

7 VP of Occupational Therapy – Adrianne Kashale, OTS
Hometown: Sioux Falls, SD Undergraduate: University of Sioux Falls – Exercise Science Joining IGO: I love working with the geriatric population! It's a love that comes from interactions with my grandmother. During the times we spent together I enjoy getting to hear about her life stories. This organization will give you a wonderful opportunity to interact with the geriatric population and I believe to also hear other wonderful life stories from incredible people!

8 VP of Physical Therapy – Laura nelson, PTS
Hometown: Ardmore, Oklahoma Undergraduate: St. Olaf University – Northfield, MN Joining IGO: I love having the opportunity to interact with the geriatric population. I’ve learned so much from the speakers and am able to apply it to my fieldwork this fall!

9 Secretary – Chayla Heller, OTS
Hometown: Vinton, Iowa Undergraduate: University of Northern Iowa – Biology Joining IGO: I love interacting with the geriatric population and hearing their life stories – IGO provides many opportunities to do this! I also have a strong interest in neurorehabilitation, which links to several conditions commonly seen in the older adult population – Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, etc.

10 Treasurer – saraH Bush Hometown: Clinton, MO Undergraduate: University of Missouri- Kansas City- Biology B.S. and Chemistry B.A. Joining IGO: Working with the elderly rocks! It is awesome that we have an organization that gives us the opportunities to work with this great patient population.

11 Faculty Mentors Dr. Andrea Thinnes (OT) Dr. Lisa Black (PT)

12 Future Meetings

13 MEeting Dates: October 10 – Alzheimer’s and Palliative Care
October 31 – Caregiver Education and Support December 5 – Holiday Meeting Combined with Neuro!

14 Volunteer Opportunities

15 Walker Fitting Beginning in January at CHI Immanuel Medical Center
More Info to come!

16 BINGO Royale Oaks Third Wednesday of the Month (Tentative)
Treats provided Always a fun time!

17 Senior Prom When: Saturday, December 3rd Time: 6:30 pm
Where: New Cassel Retirement Center More Info to come!

18 Alzheimer’s Walk When: Sunday, September 25th
Time: Registration at 10:30am Walk at 12pm (2 miles) Location: Midtown Crossing - Turner Park Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68131 More info at: Nebraska?pg=entry&fr_id=9162 Fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association Omaha – September 25 Council Bluffs – October 1 We have had a team in the past – interest?

19 Fundraisers

20 REminders

21 REminders Next meeting: Monday, October 10th in BIC G11
DEADLINE TO PAY $10 DUES! Sign-up for volunteer opportunities (Coming your way via soon!) Let us know if you have any ideas, suggestions or questions.

22 We’re looking forward to a great year!!

23 And now… Jena Munson, Recreation Therapist from Immanuel
Dr. Linda Gabriel, Occupational therapist, Creighton Faculty

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